"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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Wake up Muslims, come out and act against this incident to full capacity and just not let this end at $1000 fine only. If we do not get justice in this racist country let's go to international court and open the veil from the face of self made champion of human rights.Particular appeal to the lawyers to put their efforts to bring to maximum punishment to culprits inclusive of administration of school, Remember,Holy Prophet Peace Be upon Him and His progeny said, those who wake up and do not think about the matters of Muslims is not a Muslim--"Anis Sayani" <say_anis@yahoo.>        
School assault ignored: Sources
Jefferys administrators were allegedly told of sex offence in washroom but didn't report it
Jun 30, 2007 04:30 AM

Staff Reporters
The principal and two vice-principals at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate didn't notify police after being told a 14-year-old female student was sexually assaulted in a school washroom, sources have told the Star.
A teacher told administrators about the alleged assault, in which a young teen was forced to perform oral sex on a male while another stood guard outside the door last October, sources say.
But that teacher was told there was "no evidence" to support the claim and did not pursue further action, it is alleged.
The female student, who is Muslim, did not receive "“ nor was she offered "“ any counselling and the two male students remained at the school, said several sources.
She was "apparently chosen because (Muslims) are less likely to report it, because of their strict parents" and cultural taboos, said a source, who added: "It's a series of sexual assaults that have happened at the school in which no action, or little action, was taken to protect the victim."
The three administrators were put on "home assignment" on Wednesday after the allegations emerged during an inquiry into conditions at the school following the May shooting death of Grade 9 student Jordan Manners.
It is not clear if they will return to work in the fall, although they continue to be paid.
Principal Charis Newton-Thompson could not be reached for comment last night, nor could vice-principal Stan Gordon.
Vice-principal Silvio Tallevi, who retires this year, refused to comment when contacted by the Star.
Last October's sexual assault was not the first against a Muslim girl at Jefferys.
Earlier in 2006, a Muslim girl was knocked down in the hallway and "ridden from behind like a horse" by a male student, said two Jefferys teachers.
"It's a huge possibility" that Muslim females would be targeted for sex assaults, said Zubeda Vahed, former chair of the Federation of Muslim Women, who at one time was the Peel school board's race relations co-ordinator.
"But let's put it in context. The general population also has women who are not going to report it, because they are so traumatized.
" If you extrapolate into the Muslim community ... they are not going to report it.
"The taboo is not Islam "“ because within Islam sexual abuse is punishable by death "“ but by a cultural perspective, " she said.
"... It could be fear, terror, shaming "“ everything women feel in a sexual assault, but (expanded)."
If approached by their daughters, which would be rare, many new Muslim immigrants would lack information on Canadian assault laws and wouldn't know whom to contact, even if the parents spoke English, said Atulya Sharman, a community legal worker for the South Asia Legal Clinic.
Their goal, he added, is to immerse themselves and blend in, not to stick out and cause trouble.
"Predators will seek out the most vulnerable victims possible," said Det. Peter Duncan, whose police division oversees Jefferys and other Jane-Finch schools.
Information about October's sexual assault was relayed to Falconer on Wednesday during interviews with members of the school community.
He reported it immediately to the Toronto District School Board's director of education. The board's lawyer then notified police, who are now investigating.
The assault is not believed to be linked to Manners' murder.
Teacher Bruce Miles, head of special education at Jefferys and who was also Manners' homeroom teacher, said he was approached by a female student last October and was told that "her friend" had been forced into a bathroom to perform oral sex by others students at the school.
Miles said he urged the female to go to the office and call police.
"Once they go to the office, we assume it's looked after," Miles said.
Police have refused to divulge any details about the case, but said there is a current investigation into an alleged assault at the school that was never reported to police.
"Whatever it is that is now being investigated was not reported to police at the time," said Duncan.
Police were at the school yesterday and are believed to have interviewed the victim.
Administrators are compelled "“ by Toronto school board policies "“ to report any cases of physical and sexual assault to police, and those violating such policies are subject to disciplinary action.
Officials who fail to report an assault on a minor to police violate the Child and Family Services Act and could be fined up to $1,000.
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