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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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Signs of Independence - Burning Kashmir

By Zaheerul Hassan


In massive anti-India and pro-liberation demonstrates 15 peoples have been killed in the last three days in Indian Occupied Kashmir. According to  Voice of America (VOA) and other media networks reported that since Sunday authorities in Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir (IOK) have imposed a curfew a day after demonstrators burned buildings in protests against New Delhi’s rule. Troops started patrolling in the streets of Kashmir’s summer capital Srinagar. The curfew has also been extended to seven other districts. The roads have been barricaded with steel and barbed-wire barricades to block off public squares. In fact bleeding and burning Kashmir are signs of independence and Kashmir youth have strong believe that success is not far away.


It is notable here that just in last three months 90 innocent protesters have been killed by the occupied Indian Forces.  Most of the demonstrators were young innocent Kashmiries. The protestors were participating in rally those were demanding their rights of self determination. As usually Indian government has accused the region’s main separatist leader, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, of instigating the people. Yasin Malik the chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front also joined Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in leading the really. Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Srinagar on Eid Day. The protestors were holding up banners those read "Go India go back home no more compromise at all we want freedom".   The Kashmiris also hoisted Pakistani flags atop of Clock Tower, situated in the centre of the Sprawling Square. Hundreds of Thousands of people had converged at Eidgah and other places of worship including Hazratbal and TRC Ground in the city and offered prayers.


 Jammu and Kashmir Police have registered a case against Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, chairman of the moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference, over burning of government properties by a mob during a protest rally and asking motivating individuals against India. An FIR was registered against the Mirwaiz at Shaheed Gunj police station in Srinagar city under sections 121, 121-A, 153, 153-A, 336 and 446 of the Ranbir Penal Code (RPC). Mirwaiz can be given sentences of death and life imprisonment according to the reveled sections of PRC. Indian government is trying to suppress the independence movement through barbarism, brutality, raping of women and killing of innocent Kashmiries. New Delhi still reluctant to admit that anti-India sentiment runs deep in the Muslim-majority region. Groups of Kashmiri separatists have fought for decades to win independence from India or a merger with Muslim-majority Pakistan.  


The movement for independence started when on October 27th India forcefully landed her forces against the wishes of Kashmiri population and proved to be a darkest chapter in the history of South Asia. The population is still protesting against the autocratic and tyrannical rule of the Dogra Maharaja despite bearing losses of their loves one. On this day the Indian security forces are committed in human rights violations in IOK. The troops are involved in
extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and rape.


The action of the Indian army led to an international cry and the Kashmir issue was taken to the Untied Nations Security Council, which established a special commission, namely the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan, with the mandate to independently investigate the matter and help the contending parties reach a negotiated settlement. The deliberations of the commission resulted in two resolutions, passed by the Security Council on August 13, 1948 and January 15, 1949 respectively, which called for a free, fair and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices to enable the people of Kashmir to determine whether they would like to join Pakistan or India. This was followed by commitments on the part of the Indian leadership to allow the Kashmiris to determine their own destiny. In a statement to the Indian parliament on February 12, 1951, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said, “We had given our pledge to the people of Kashmir and subsequently to the United Nations. We stood by it and we stand by it today. Let the people of Kashmir decide.”  He also promised to resolve the problem just after during Indo-China War but as usually dined later on.


Unfortunately, despite this pledge to the international community and the promise to the people of Kashmir to hold the plebiscite, India continues to defy the world by denying Kashmiris their inalienable right to determine their own destiny. In fact, in the past two decades tens of thousands of Kashmiri men, women, and children have been martyred by the Indian occupying forces. Thousands more have been incarcerated, tortured, and maimed, and places of worship and cultural heritage have been destroyed. These massive violations of the fundamental human rights of the people of Kashmir have been fully documented by reputable.


The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) of Indian government is meeting on September 13, 2010 to decide on the partial withdrawal of special law which gives sweeping powers to the security forces in Jammu Kashmir during anti insurgency operation. Jammu &Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah also demanded that security forces authorities should be diluted but BJP and extremists Hindu never like to reduce the tension. They want to deal the Kashmiri nation with the gun and stern hands and also believe in continuation of existing brutal policies. 


Anyhow, number of times leaders of Indo- Pak and Kashmir sat together for solving the Kashmir problem but somehow due to Indian mall intentions they were failed to reach on plausible solution. Earlier, Minister Manmohan Singh has been thrashed out by Indian media, parliamentarians and Intelligence agencies. The latest talks between Foreign ministers of India and Pakistan have been sabotaged by a sectary of interior minister. Kashmirie leaders have now seriously thinking to again go for armed struggle because of Indian negative attitude towards the solution. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq very rightly describe in a meting that people have lost faith, and the constituency of peace is shrinking day by day.” “Go Back India” has become the common slogan and one can see it carved into wooden doors, painted on the streets and written in careful block letters on the walls. Indian government attempts to bring demographic change while converting Muslim majority into minority but terribly failed once in 2008, thousands protested the transfer of 100 acres (40 hectares) of land to a Hindu shrine.  On September 13, 2010 while talking to an electronic channel, he strongly condemned on going brutality and asked Indian government of immediate stoppage of barbarism against Kashmiri.  Global community should force India to resolve the issue according to the desire of Kashmir under UNO Resolution. The solution of Kashmir will also help in establishment of regional peace.


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