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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ink_Drops
Full Name: Syed M. Aslam
User since: 17/Jul/2009
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Protestors demand to withdraw cooperation, support to US in its war against terror


Karachi: Protestors demanded Pakistani government to withdraw all cooperation and support to US against its s0-called war on terror including closure of transit facility for the supply of arms, ammunition and food to US troops in Afghanistan and usage of air bases till US frees Pakistani-born and US-educated Dr Afia Siddiqui. Speakers addressing a protest demonstration organized by Tanzeem-e-Islami outside Karachi Press Club Saturday strongly condemned the 86-year sentencing of 38-year old Dr Afia Siddiqui in what they called trumped up cases for assaulting Us soldiers in Afghanistan. They also accused the present Pakistan Peoples Party-lead government, politicians and parliamentarins to sell Dr Afia Siddiqui many a times and the former government of General Pervez Musharraf for Dr Afia along with her three small children in 2003.


Addressing a rally Shujauddin Shaikh, a leader of Tanzeem-e-Islami, strongly criticized the government, relevant ministers and the establishment for their utter failure to defend the 'daughter of Pakistan Afia' in a case fabricated to justify inhumane torture and excesses committed to Dr Siddiqui whose detention was only accpeted by US authorities after British journalist and convert to Islam Mariam Ridley revealed that she was 'Prisoner 560' at Bagram US Base in Afghanistan. He said that instead of protecting its people the government is deeply involved in corruption. Aamir Khan and Engineer Naveed Ahmed and others also addressed the protestors.


Dr Afia's sentencing Thursday night (Pakistan time) has sparked widespread protests across Pakistan and on Friday students belonging to Islami Jamiat-e-Tulba clashed with police in Karachi, the economic engine of Pakistan, when they tried to march towards US Consulate. Police managed to stop the stone-pelting advance just short of the US consulate after resorting to aerial firing, use of tear gas and over a dozen arrests. In Peshawar protestors torched an effigy of US President Barack Obama and police battled out protestors trying to reach US Embassy in Islamabad. The protests continued Friday as the government announced to sign agreements with the US for the repatriation of Dr Afia Siddiqui.


A press release issued by Tanzeem-e-Islami carrying the message of its Chief afiz Akif Saeed termed Afia's sentencing 'a slap on the face of the entire Muslim Ummat' adding that Pakistani rulers equally share the burden of guilt in the grave injustice done to Afia. "Former president Pervez Musharraf sold Afia to America while the present rulers also proved their total slavishness. Pakistan should withdraw all cooperation and support with the US and withdraw from so-called war against terror. Those who could unashamedly sacrifice a daughter of the nation to ensure their rule are also capable of sell the sovereignty of the country. Our survival depends on Islam without which there is no raison d'etre for Pakistan."

 Reply:   Protestors demand to withdraw cooperation, support to US in its war against
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (7/Oct/2010)

And what support has Pakistan been providing USA for billions of dollars of Charity that Pakistan has received for doing it?
Here is the list:
1. Pakistan never arrested Taliban fleeing back to Pakistan after their defeat. ISI Officers only arrested JehaaDis and a lot of innocent people to collect Bounties that USA was paying for their arrests to make money.
2. Pak Army secretly re-organized Taliban under a Colonel, built Camps for them, recruited more Taliban, put them on its Payroll, trained more of them for Sneak Attack Terrorism, armed them and started infiltrating back in to Afghanistan by the end of 2003 to kill Americans.
3. Pak Army gave Waziristan to Taliban to operate against USA and told USA it can not control that region.
4. Pak Army objected on increase of Troops in Afghanistan and when USA did not listen, started sending more Taliban in to Afghanistan.
5. Pak Army caused attacks on NATO Warehouses in Pakistan and arranged attacks on NATO Convoys.
6. Pakistan kept protesting against Drone Attacks in the Waziristan because she does not want her Mercenaries, the Taliban attacked.
7. Pak Army said, it could not reduce Troops on Indian Border but it had all the Troops it wanted in Waziristan to protect Taliban and in fact had start firing Warning Shots are US Commandos, when they haed tried to land to take care of Taliban.
8. Now Pakistan is protesting on killing by American of 3 Soldiers, who were firing at a US Helicopter.
9. Pak Army has been sending in even her own Commandos to kill Americans and Troops of about 50 other nations of NATO in Afghanistan.

This is no co-operation. This is backstabbing and the world is aghast, why Obama is tolerating all this and not listening to his own Troops on the ground, when Pakistan is actually at war with USA.
 Reply:   Turkman is fascist and ex Muslim
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (7/Oct/2010)

Turkman is fascist and if you may read his remarks on websites than there is no doubt that he is working against Muslims and particularly against Muslims and Islam.

He is Munafiq and kicked out from many web sites under fear that he is spying or working as mole. Cautiously answer to his discussions because there are many ex Muslims or Munafiqs that have been hired by agencies to spy on Muslims.

He is not believer and he is almost Murtid. Don't mind because he is naive, pray for him.

 Reply:   Protestors demand to withdraw cooperation, support to US in its war against
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (5/Oct/2010)

But what would happen if USA stops intervening for Pakistan's existence and lets India solve the problem once for all? .
But what happens if USA imposes UN Sanctions on Pakistan just like against Iraq and Afghanistan before? .

Was it a good picture in Taliban rule of Afghanistan and Saddam's rule of Iraq? Go ahead Keyani do it, what are you waiting for?
Do these people know, Pakistan never had a positive Balance of Trade since her inception because always more have been imported than exported?
Do they know Pakistan have been living off US Charity of Aid since 1953 and Loans since 1955 and can not survive with Foreign Charity?

 Reply:   Protestors demand to withdraw cooperation, support to US
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (28/Sep/2010)

But by destroying NATO Warehouses, blowing up NATO Convoys and infiltrating back Taliban back in to Afghanistan was not really any Support of Co-operation with USA. What do you want Army to do next, attack US Troops in Afghanistan, when Army Commandos are already doing that disguised as Taliban? Wouldn't open war against USA cause the end of Pakistan?
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