"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Javed_Ch
Full Name: Javed Ch
User since: 5/Oct/2007
No Of voices: 865
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 Reply:   Load of Non Sense
Replied by(Jawwadkhan) Replied on (9/May/2011)

Is he such a naive and simpleton or there is some thing else? The two "sufficient evidence" which he is referring is nothing but old crap. Osama bin laden could have been dead for many years and this operation could be a crucial part of exit strategy from Afghanistan.My question about this naive notion is that why Mr.Javed Chohdry thinks that international politics is run by infallible,honest and angelic people? The second "evidence" is a disgusting one. some one said and he believed. and who said that? An officer from disgusting,shameless and diabolical army. The army which is ever ready to do any thing imaginable or unimaginable for the sake of dollars. My question is why "innocent", "patriotic" and "honest" journalist like Mr.Javed Chohdri is allowed to take an interview or take a pictures of the family of Osama Bin Laden? Why there is absolutely no part in covering of this event by free Pakistani media? What we have here....unilateral flow of information... "some kids through the ball and get 50/Rs..." "Osama's daughter saw American soldiers dragging her fathers dead body....." who are telling you these things? Why not Mr.Javed Chohry pick a camera team and uncover the whole story? This is nothing but a load after load of non sense..
 Reply:   چلو بھئی اب سب مان لو، مرنے والے اسامہ تھا
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (8/May/2011)

چلو بھئی اب سب مان لو، مرنے والے اسامہ تھا، کیونکہ سب سے باخبر شخص نے تصدیق کردی ھے۔ شرم آنی چاہیئے امرہکی پےرول پر پلنے والے صحافیوں کو۔
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