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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
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Repercussions of Osama Bin Laden Killing

By Lt Col Zaheerul Hassan (R)

Highly sensitive intelligence operation of mid night 1st and 2nd May 2011 brought an end to the former CIA agent and leader of Al-Qaida “Osama bin Laden”. Sharp 40 minutes targeted operation successfully culminated on hitting of famous character (Osama) of Global War on Terror (GWOT) who was present in a compound house located in Abbottabad (a hill station north of Islamabad).

 According to Obama, the operation was conducted with the assistance of Pakistan and all necessary details of the operation have been shared with his counterpart. He  added that all relevant details of the operation have also  been tied up and exchanged between the respective military and intelligence set up of both the countries too. In this regard, U.S. Foreign Sectary of State has also acknowledged the support in the conduct of under discussion operation in addition to the sacrifices and co-operation of Pakistani security forces and intelligentsia in GWOT. But at the same time CIA Chief Leon Panetta gave an extremely irresponsible statement and tried to undermine the Pakistani intelligence and security forces capabilities. In this context, he said either Pakistan was involved in hiding Osama or lacked ability to trace al-Qaida leader in Abbottabad.  In his first interview since commanding the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, Panetta told to “TIME” that U.S. officials feared that Pakistan could have undermined the operation by leaking word to its targets.

Panetta probably forgotten that the sole super power (U.S.) and its highly equipped nefarious intelligence agencies including CIA despite knowing the activities of al-Qaida network, failed to stop the occurrence of  9/11 and kill Osama since 1999 to 2010. Thus, the CIA Chief’ statement is a mere try to damage the   already tense relations between Washington and Islamabad. His statement after Osama’s killing   reflect that either he lacks vision in understanding the sensitivity of the issue or having some ill motives of his covert operation against Pakistan i.e. (1) to implement the hot pursuit policy of Obama while carrying out independent operation in Waziristan and other parts of the country, (2) to capture Pakistan strategic assets (nuclear installations) under the garb of protecting the installations from al-Qaida network. Actually,  American intelligence Chief do not probably able to comprehend that major of  fall out of bin Laden killing would be faced by Pakistan. In this regard Therik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and al-Qaida leadership have threatened that political, civilian and military would be targeted in response to the killing of their spiritual leader.

Number of speculations and quires are emerging after this operation like: (1) Whether the operation was conducted only by U.S. commandos? (2) Why Osama have not been traced out earlier  since he was residing in highly  sensitive area of Abbottabad?(3) What could be the reasons of supporting U.S. in elimination of Osama (4) Will U.S. pack up from Afghanistan now ? (5) Can U.S. afford the continuity of war further with such depleting economy? (6) Has GWOT achieved its complete objectives after killing Osama (7) Are Pakistani strategic assets are safe and sound? (8) Will U.S. and her ally India stop blame game against Pakistan and its security agencies? (9) Why CIA was unable to hit Osama till 2005 in Afghanistan? (10) Is U.S. going to use Osama’s elimination as escape goat from Afghanistan? (11) Why U.S. cheated Islamabad despite receiving basic information from Pakistani Intelligentsia about Osama presence in Abbottabad?

According to the media reports number of residents of the Bilal Town, Abbottabad revealed that the operation was conducted with the help of Pakistani security and intelligence agencies. The inhabitants of the area of operation have also confirmed that troops participating in the operation were fluently speaking Pashto (official provincial language).

On May 5, 2011 Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani chaired a meeting 138th Corps Commanders Conference. In addition to the military to military relation between U.S and Pakistan, the conference deliberated the presence and killing of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. The respective authorities have also admitted their shortfalls in this operation. The conference has highlighted that the achievements of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), against Al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates in Pakistan, have no parallel. The participants of the conference were briefed that around 100 top level Al Qaeda leaders / operators were killed / arrested by ISI, with or without support of CIA. However, in the case of Osama Bin Laden, while the CIA developed intelligence based on initial information provided by ISI, it did not share further development of intelligence on the case with ISI, contrary to the existing practice between the two services.  At this occasion General Kayani assured that that any similar action, violating the sovereignty of Pakistan, will warrant a review on the level of military / intelligence cooperation with the United States. The Corps Commanders were informed about the decision to reduce the strength of US military personnel in Pakistan to the minimum essential. In response to Indian Interior Minister Statement, the conference made it clear that any "misadventure" by the Indian military will be responded to very strongly.
 The conferences ruled out the possibility of similar hostile action against our strategic assets and reaffirmed that, unlike an undefended civilian compound, our strategic assets are well protected and an elaborate defensive mechanism is in place.

According to the credible sources, ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha personally delivers threat to CIA Islamabad station Chief Mark Carlton: "We will declare we are out of your war on terror and ask you to move all your assets out of from Pakistan, CIA is penetrating Pakistan government".

Moreover, Obama has openly announced that very categorically that the operation would have not been possible without the assistance of Pakistan. The residents of the targeted area have also revealed that ambulance and military troops have cordoned the compound during the operation. Thus, it is evident from the above discussion that intelligence about Osama was provided by Pakistan but final operation was carried out unilaterally by the U.S. In this regard the western media’s propaganda regarding unawareness about Osama’s whereabouts in Pakistan is totally baseless However, the unilateral U.S. action violating Pakistani sovereignty has greatly added to the heightened sense of anti- Americanism feelings in Pakistan which has eroded the sense of camaraderie that is essential for conducting a joint counter terrorism campaign against al Qaeda. The episode has further exacerbated the sense of mistrust which is primarily an outcome of such tirades emanating from the US side.  Pakistan reserves the right to disengage from US if latter continues to behave the same way.

 Apart from material loses; Pakistan has lost over 30,000 lives in war against terror and suicidal attacks. In 2007, Pakistani renowned leader Benazir Bhutto has also been attacked and murdered Rawalpindi. Terik-e-Taliban of Pakistan (TTP) has claimed the murder of former Prime Minister. TTP also arrogated its connections with al-Qaida and supported her cause against Afghanistan and Pakistan. Moreover, U.S., India, Israel, Iran and various Arab states are playing their games while using Pakistani territory. Thus under this adverse security environment Pakistani masses including security and  intelligentsia have  done wonder but on the other hand U.S. and her allies had  paying their share far below than Pakistani contribution in GWOT. 

It is mentionable here that Pakistan is a fifth responsible nuclear power and very much capable to guard and protect her nuclear assets. Her forces has shown its full commitments in elimination of terrorism from the country and never compromised with terrorists. However, she is interested in permanent nature of peace in Afghanistan since instability and adverse security situation directly affect Pakistan. It is true that Osama killing will prove a turning point in the global "war on terrorism" that has been waged since 9/11. His killing has provided a chance to U.S. for implementation of her Extrication Plan from Afghanistan. She should issue time frame of her final departure instead planning some others misadventures. For this purpose she should negotiate with Taliban, Pakistan and Afghanistan for restoring peace prior to her final departure from this region. Moreover, U.S. rolling back will assist in reviving her depleting economy. At the same, European countries and America must realize that at this stage Pakistan should not be left alone to face the repercussions of Osama’s killing.  Pakistan should be provided finical and technical assistance to fight extremists’ elements who would try to cash Osama’ killing. They would be more stronger than earlier in case Pakistan would be left alone  to fight foreign sponsored war. India should be asked to resolve burning issue of Kashmir under UN Resolutions, since it has been observed that unsettlement of Kashmir issue is directly adding in promotion of extremism in Pakistan. The major actors of GWOT should remember, Osama’s death should not be taken as final success and killing of complete al-Qaida leadership. The ideology of al-Qaida is still prevailing in the masses and would prove fatal and irreversible incase mistrust between Washington and Islamabad keep on growing further. American leadership should realize that any such type of violation would be responded promptly by Pakistan. Pakistani political leadership should come out and take firm stand in the issue of Osama’s killing. The leadership prepares the nation to live without USAID and stand up to defend Pakistan sovereignty. U.S. should be asked to stop drone attacks. I think that political leadership should tasked Pakistan Air Force to hit the drone and any hostile air craft crossing our frontiers.

 Reply:   Repercussions of Osama Bin Laden Killing
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (8/May/2011)

Never mind repercussions for USA. Think, what can Pak Army do if USA decides to take care of the Mother of Al Qaeda, Taliban and Haqqani Group, ... Pak Army and decides to Daisy Bomb it to Stone Age.
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