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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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US-NATO war of Colonial Aggression-3





Change of Russian policy or another pure gimmick?



The anti-US veto of Russia and China to support Syrian sovereignty came as a rude shock for the politicians and strategists alike in USA and Europe. They all have taken the rejection of US sponsored resolution on notorious UNSC as another Sept-11, rather worse than that.


After all, Sept-11 was a mere domestic hoax engineered to have deadly global reaction in support of NATO aggression and loot.  Whereas, Russia voluntarily supported the NATO for advancing its own interests, now the Russo-Chinese veto seems to suggest an unexpected turn in the chain of events. Earlier also, Russia threatened to use its veto to support sovereign Iraq, but fearing defeat at the UNSC, the Bushdom’s state terrorist gang invaded Iraq bypassing UNSC. Russia just kept silent and eventually betrayed Saddam Hussein. USA expected the history to repeat itself in the case of Syria as well, but the CIA calculations have clearly misfired. .  


US-Israel terror twins target both Iran and Syria essentially to coerce them go for American terror goods and fund US lobbyists sumptuously.


Since the Saudi led Arab League is under the direct control of Washington and opposed to Shii’a nations like Iran and Syria, the awkward situation thus created by all concerned terrifies both Iran and Syria. That is exactly what the USA has long sought with its plan for ensuring energy security.    


As an ally of Iran, Syria is unchanged as an independent minded country. It broadly remains the cradle of the Pan Arab ideal of Ba’athism, standing alone, since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime.  And the loyalties remain with Russia in preference to unilaterally terror USA.




The Russian-Chinese joint veto of a UN resolution paving the way for intervention in Syria has provoked a furious reaction from the United States and its imperialist allies. The twin veto at the UN on actions against Syria has been condemned by the US, varyingly, as: “Disgusting”, ‘shameful”, “deplorable”, “a travesty.” That is quite comprehensible.  In recent times, Russia never used its veto blocking the US illegal interests.


Especially, soon after the USA could twist at will the Russian arms to support its “noflyzone” fascism over sovereign Libya, the twin veto has badly shaken US image. Frenchi Foreign terror minister Alan Juppe declared the double veto a “moral stain” on the UN.


No such “moral stains” were heard when the US delegation repeatedly vetoed resolutions denouncing aggression by its principal ally in the region, Israel, as it waged wars against defenseless populations in Lebanon, Gaza and the West Bank, killing thousands of civilians. Nor were the Zionist crimes against humanity or NATO-UNSC joint crimes against innocent people in Libya or Iraq or Pakistan or Afghanistan “disgusting”, ‘shameful”, “deplorable”, “a travesty”.  Israeli crimes are


The outrage heard from Washington and the capitals in Western Europe is over the failure of Moscow and Beijing to line up behind US imperialism’s strategy for re-organizing the world in its own interest and that of the financial elite. The “principles” underlying the US fascist initiative stand in complete contradiction to international law and they imply that major UK-US led imperialist powers have the right to intervene and depose the governments of former colonial countries they deem guilty of violating human rights.


The Kremlin, upon playing for the USA second fiddle for years,  is trying to come out of US shadow following its admission towards Moscow's key foreign policy goal for years WTO and the veto a US resolution against Syria  is the first step  to duly demonstrate its willingness for multi-polar world . 



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