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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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Kashmir Solution needs 3rd party Intervention

By Zaheerul Hassan 

Dal Khalsa appeal To Sikhs: display solidarity with Kasmiri Muslims on 26 July 2013 

protest on 19-07-2013 bu waseem (1)Kashmir problem emerged just after the partition when in back dated a Hindu Dogra  ruler Mehraja Heri Singh against the Kashmir population has shown his will of annexing Kashmir with India. It is well known fact that ma jority of the population including Sikh, Christians and even Hindus were against the annexation of Kashmir with India. However, India entered the forces and captured the area against the wishes of the Kashmiri and since then conflict has become the burning regional issue between two nuclear neighbours. The Issue could not be resolved due to Indian stubbornness attitude. It would not wrong in saying that Kashmir valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder due to occupied forced brutality against the locals which include Sikhs, Christians and Kashmiris.  The deployed occupied force keeps on doing acts of nonsense against the innocent people and their religion, norms and customs.

 On 18 July 2013, some members of the Border Security Forces (BSF) have desecrated Islam's holy book “Quran” and beaten up an imam. As a result hundreds of people protested outside a BSF camp, agents opened fire, killing four and wounding 42. The valley of Jammu and Kashmir after violence broke out in the district of Ramban following the burning of a copy of the Qur'an and the beating of an imam in Dadam.  Indian soldiers till now have martyred 15-16 and wounded around 60 Muslim citizens of Kashmir.

Therefore, Kashmiri community has decided to raise voice and show solidarity with the innocent martyred and wounded of Ramban through valley wide   protests on 26 July 2013. In this regard Dal Khalsa also appealed to Sikhs to display solidarity with Kasmiri Muslims on 26 July 2013. Meanwhile Senior Akali Dal leader from Punjab, Simranjit Singh Mann, on 23 July 2013 also stated that Kashmir issue could not be resolved without the intervention of any third country.

“Indo-Pak dialogue on Kashmir issue has proved always futile and in future too it would be a futile exercise. Pakistan has no objection over the intervention of third party but it is India which is reluctant as India has occupied Kashmir forcibly,” Mann told reporters during a press conference here. He said India was acting like an Ostrich, closing its eyes and is not ready to accept reality. “It is a harsh reality that Kashmiri people want freedom from India and India is ruling over this piece of land by military might,” he said adding that India has let loose a reign of terror in Kashmir and it is following the policies which it had followed in Punjab.

Coming down heavily on Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for ‘failing on every front,’ Mann said, “This man is shedding crocodile tears after every killing in Kashmir. The luminaries, intelligentsia and the Court should take a stand and oust him from the chair.”

“It were the political leaders who helped India invoke AFSPA in Jammu and Kashmir and now it is they who could persuade India to revoke it. It is pity these politicians follow appeasing policy and every time bend their heads before New Delhi,” he said.

Holding Army responsible for Chattisingh Pora carnage, Mann said that Government of India shielded the culprits “even after it was proved that Indian Army massacred innocent Sikhs.” “India could go to any extent to meet its interests. Massacre was done to defame Kashmir freedom struggle but the world knows that the struggle of Kashmiri people is just,” he said.
He said incidents like Gool, Markundal, Chattisingh Pora would continue to occur till India is present in Kashmir. “It is irony that Buddhists are being given every facility and funds and status but Sikhs in Kashmir are not being granted minority status,” he said.

Anyhow, the Dal Khalsa has called upon J&K Sikhs to join hands with Kashmiri Muslims in observing Unity Day on July 26.

In a statement issued to press, Dal Khalsa chief Harchranjit Singh Dhami on Tuesday urged Hurriyat (G) Chairman, Syed Ali Geelani, to extend his appeal for unity to other minorities especially Sikhs residing in J&K as they too were at the receiving end.

Pertinently, Geelani has asked the people to observe July 26, Friday, as Day of Unity between Muslim population of Jammu and Kashmir provinces and in the memory of those killed in Gool.

“At this critical juncture Sikhs should lend support to Kashmiris against New Delhi’s aggression,” the statement said.

He alleged that New Delhi has always played divisive role pitting one section of people against another. “India has copied British divide and rule policy in Jammu and Kashmir.”

Strongly condemning the recent phase of “State repression” on Kashmiris, he said, “It is ironic that the Indian civil society and western powers were witnessing human rights abuses committed by the Indian forces as a mute spectator.”

“The killings and detentions of young Kashmiris have become order of the day and the State CM Omar Abdullah is being used as a tool to suppress the aspirations of the people,” he added. 

However according to international media   Indian Army is on the top in global crimes list  due to its insolvent in  bribery, sexual harassment, war crimes, killing, injuring and raping  of innocent Kashmiris, Sikhs, Maoists, Christians and Gujrati Muslims. The settlement of the Kashmir is need of the time since it is the main bone of contention between two nuclear Asian States. Four wars between Indo-Pak are already the biggest discredit to the regional peace. Therefore, without the interference or mediation of third party Kashmir solution is not possible. The global community should exert pressure to India for the peaceful settlement of the issue under the UN resolutions.    

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