"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: invite2truth
Full Name: Abdullah
User since: 31/May/2008
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Should our Ulema & Preachers/Imams still support Taleban & Al-Qaeda i.e.those people who force others to follow their crooked/deviant way of Islam and kill innocent people; here are two articles published in "Arabnews" of 4th & 5th July 2008 where the Imams /Khatibs /Ulema /Preachers of Saudi Arania have totally rejected these terrorist.
Friday 4 July 2008 (29 Jumada al-Thani 1429)



Al-Qaeda threat is serious: Al-Asheikh

Arab News â€"



JEDDAH: The grand mufti of Saudi Arabia yesterday urged citizens and residents to take the Al-Qaeda threat seriously and join hands with the Kingdom's security forces in defeating the group.


“The finding of weapons and dangerous explosives to carry out subversive acts and destroy economic installations... should not be taken lightly, said Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh.


The statement follows news last week of the arrest of 701 Al-Qaeda militants in the last six months for allegedly plotting to carry out terrorist attacks on oil facilities and other vital installations.


Al-Asheikh called on young Saudis not to be enticed by militants. He further demanded coordinated action from Saudis and residents to uncover members of the group.


In a nine-point statement, the mufti said the criminal acts planned by the militants would not come from the mind of a true believer, adding that these militants were acting as tools in the hands of the enemies of Islam and Saudi Arabia. Al-Asheikh, who is the Kingdom's highest religious authority, said Islam does not allow the killing of innocent people. He also cautioned Muslim youth against deviant ideologies whose proponents want to undermine the Kingdom's security.


“You should be aware that these militants, who claim to work for the cause of Islam and defend Muslims, actually hide their vested interests and vicious objectives, he said.


Al-Asheikh warned Saudis and residents against providing protection and refuge to militants.



Saturday 5 July 2008 (01 Rajab 1429)



Imams, preachers urged to help fight extremism

Arab News â€"



RIYADH: Minister of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance Saleh Al-Asheikh lauded the efforts made by the Ministry of Interior to round up deviants and terror suspects.


-The discovery of terror plots and pre-emptive strikes on militants by the Interior Ministry have succeeded in protecting people's lives and properties. The ministry's action nipped in the bud terrorists' plan to create chaos," Al-Asheikh said in a statement commenting on the arrest of hundreds of Al-Qaeda cadres during the past several months who were plotting terror attacks on oil faci-lities and other vital installations.


The minister also emphasized the need for the society and religious establishments to join the fight against terrorism. He said not just the Kingdom but several other Muslim countries, were facing the problem.


-Some of our young people have taken to branding people, including religious leaders as heretics, the minister said. “Their negative propaganda and undue criticism of religious leaders should be countered effectively. We should also protect our young people from the reach of the proponents of deviant ideologies before they are influenced by them. The minister underlined the role of the society in countering extremism.


-The first responsibility lies with the family and then the imams at mosques, he said. "It is the duty of the imams and preachers to revive the role of mosques in protecting the youth from deviant ideologies. The mosques should take up the task of neutralizing the extremist ideologies. Extremism is, undoubtedly, far removed from the teachings of Islam, he said.


-The imams can protect the young people from being influenced by evil ideologies, and the preachers should take steps to guide them. The preachers should inform their parents, relatives and religious scholars about them so that they can be saved from the clutches of extremists. Our young people should love their Lord and obey Him and follow the Prophet (peace be upon him). They should adhere to the constructive social norms. The minister also cited the examples of the early Muslims who kept themselves aloof from extremist tendencies and movements.


The grand mufti had on Thursday urged citizens and residents to take the Al-Qaeda threat seriously and join hands with the Kingdom's security forces in defeating the group.

 Reply:   Mullah Omar Had A Choice in 20
Replied by(invite2truth) Replied on (5/Jul/2008)

Mullah Omar Had A Choice in 2001 to Avoid War but he was not smart enough to avoid the Devil (USA) Attack. Moreover the policies of these stupid Mullas were such that literally the world Non-Muslim world started to hate them. That is why when US attacked brutally on the poor unarmed villager with 1000Lbs bombs the whole village of innocent people was wiped out and on one in the free "civilized" world said anything about it.

 Reply:   I agree with all point raised
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (5/Jul/2008)

I agree with all point raised regarding Al-Qaeda and Afghanistan jihad, but as far as Talibaan are the current fight of Afghanistan is concerned, it is neither started by Talibaan nor can be ended by them.
From the Talibaan point of view, they are fighting the same way they fought against Russia, means against the oppressor.
Fight in Iraq, Philistine and Afghanistan were imposed on them and they have only ONE option to fight as the other option to surrender is not an option to accept.
 Reply:   Osama Was On Side Of The West-
Replied by(invite2truth) Replied on (5/Jul/2008)
Since Osama Fought for the liberation of Afghanistan against the Soviet What made him Change Sides
Since Osama Fought for the liberation of Afghanistan against the Soviet What made him Change Sides as went against his own Masters (The CIA). (He has been trapped same as Saddam Hussain)
The Fact is Americans or The Soviets always look for their interest first. Americans wanted to teach the Soviets a lesson so they supported the Mujahid (Freedom fighter) of Afghanistan (in the eighties).
After the Collaspe of Communism in Russia Islam seems the next big challange to the US/West. Since than they are planning & executing one crime after another against the Muslims and if we Muslims play stupid & don't know how to deal with these threats smartly than we have situations like 1st Gulf war (1990-1991): attack on WTC 9/11 (2001) (very smartly planned & executed by the Jews) than attack on afghanistan (2001) and attack on Iraq (2003). Now if we continue to play stupid the enemies of Islam will futher suppress the Muslims.
In short what the Foolish Talebans & AL-Qaeda are doing is in fact serving the interest of USA/West.

 Reply:   Osama and Saudi government has
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (5/Jul/2008)

O sama and Saudi government has old rift and that s why Grand mufti and other government officials including Imam-e-Kaaba are against them.
It doesn't mean i am in favor/against them, but to confront Alqaeda the Saudi line is not authentic one because they are re biased against them as they were/are threat to their lifetime kingdom
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