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User Name: nadiakhaan
Full Name: Nadia Khan
User since: 10/Jan/2009
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Altaf Hussain views about Benazir Bhutto

By Nadia Khan


Be it after 1988 elections when PPP or IJI needed MQM national assembly votes to form govt or after successive elections for formation of federal govts, MQM (A) became the key bargainers’ group in forming such governments. Contrary to past, during Sharif brothers’ disqualification crisis, no major politician consulted Altaf Hussain to play a mediating role. In fact ANP & JUI (F) leaders met with President and offered their services to negotiate with PML (N). This feeling of being ‘sidelined or ignored’ from the national politics has crippled Altaf Hussain and he has started delivering statements to notify his presence also.


Unfortunately the current crisis, that crippled the whole country especially Punjab beyond the imaginations of President Zardari, appeared a test case for patriotic & democratic forces. Even the close allies of President such as Fazlur Rahman and the ANP chief, Asfandyar Wali has criticised the ‘political verdict’ by saying that “political leaders can’t be barred from politics through PCO judges, they have to face people’s court…!”


But MQM and its founder, Altaf Hussain has taken the situation a moment to settle the past enmities with Punjab and Nawaz Sharif. He has called for a party meeting both in Karachi and London. The out come was a “sermon-like speech” against Nawaz Sharif putting petrol on fire and salting the wounds of N league. Few ingredients are as:


  1. Nawaz should remember 92 Army action & 98 Governor Rule in Sind
  2. Nawaz Sharif is using abusive language against President
  3. Nawaz Sharif is asking Punjab Civil Bureaucracy to avoid listening Salman Taseer orders, a step towards ‘civil disobedience’ movement


The ‘funniest’ action from MQM came on yesterday when they rallied in favour of late Benazir Bhutto at Karachi chanting slogans in her favour.


This reminds me all the editions of daily Percham (sample copy available at India Office library London) under the editorship of Amir Liaquat Hussain, now the dissident of Altaf Group, who used to write most abusive language against any woman in Pakistan history – against the then prime minister Benazir Bhutto as per the wishes of MQM. Even few editorials confirm the words “b**ch”, “pro***tute” for Benazir.


This reminds me the war of words between Altaf Hussain and Benazir (e g another Mujeeb is born vs another Indra Gandhi is born) when interior minister Naseer ullah Baber had broken the backbone of MQM terrorists in Karachi upon the orders of PPP-led federal govt.


This reminds me the speech of Altaf Hussain on 30th Dec 1989 in which he became the first ever politician who titled the then prime minister husband as “Mr Ten Percent.” Later, he became the first ever London-based, Karachi-supported politician, who has nominated Asif Zardari for Pakistan’s highest post – President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan! An Urdu saying, “Chorr ka Bhai Gira Kat” means ‘the brother of a thief is a pick-pocket’ is probably coined for this moment.


This reminds me the incident of 12th May when Karachi was set on fire; almost 52 people have died. To confirm the involvement of Peoples Party workers in killing, MQM has made a video to muhajir audience showing the involvement of Sherry Rehman, current information minister, Naved Qamar and PPP workers holding guns and firing.


How volatile memory of PPP workers and Karachi citizens is!

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