"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Marital rape – Afghan Ayatollahs- Western reaction – Taliban marriage Bureau

By: Earthman, International Professor

Ayatollah Mohseni of Afghanistan has defended new law recently introduced by Hamid Karazai Government in Afghanistan and says that the law which represents 10% of Shia’s of Afghanistan has been misinterpreted.

Generally new law is directly related to a particular sect, and mainly it is opposed by modern liberals or in particular condemned by Western countries. In our opinion it was duty of Pakistani clergy to either defend or reject the laws with necessary references for the education of peoples. But clergy is mum because those don’t want to be included in black list of West or Iranian Govt. Surprisingly not a single liberal fascist, NGO or stipend holders of west in Pakistan have bothered to open their mouth in this respect also.

It is sensitive issue which could spark anger by rejecting or favoring in any respect, however its political and social impact could be discussed. Generally Fiqh or Sharia laws are complicated issue and require wisdom and education to understand true meanings of guiding source of respective sect.

During the Mush era Kashmala Tariq was used to exploit hidden marital affairs and was pioneer in helping children’s of our nation to verbally memorize words like – Zina. Later private TV channels door to door publicized same adult materials. Finally it was approved by so called conservative parliamentarians including many Makhdoom’s, Sahibzadgan’s, Pizada’s and Moulvi Sahiban with the banner of Women Protection Bill, under wide publicized propaganda against barbaric, wild and sexually impatient majority of Pakistani men.

In Afghanistan, Northern alliance is composed of Iranian backed Ayotullah’s and Hujjatullah’s, most population of their followers reside at Hazarajat, Baiman or Mazar Shariff areas. Who are considered to be most anti-Taliban and speculated to be pro-West. One of their representatives is Vice President in Karazai Government.

Last week round 100 women mostly from Hazara tribe were brought in highly secured buses to protest against controversial law. Wide coverage to protesters was given by Western media and TV networks except Pakistani media, many reports were published around the world with reference to Associated Press and Reuters.  According to reports crowd of locals circled protested women threw stones and used bad words like whores etc.

Question is that Afghanistan is a Sunni dominated country and what was the need to introduce a law which has nothing to do with Sunnis and passed by majority Sunny parliamentarians? And the situation where peoples insulted those protesting women by using harsh words or threw stones never happened in Pakistan. Media who declared it Taliban’s Law is also funny, because we have seen no report that Taliban ever used bad language in front of women in Afghanistan. If same women bashing would have happened in Pakistan then a propaganda campaign was eminent with the lame accusations against Wahabi, Deobandi, Lashkar e Jhangvi or Saudi Arabia etc.

According to above Ayatollah, matter is entirely dependent on yes by women in marital affairs, and he said that new clause ensures men’s needs met within marriage, and Islam prohibits them seeking satisfaction from other sources. In case women say no, men have the right not to feed them. He blamed Taliban that those had introduced more harsh restrictions for women (it is wrong statement because Taliban never touched in side home marital affairs).

He further said that they also want to strike down the provisions that say women can leave their homes without husband’s permission. In case women want more freedom it must be included in their marriage contract. Mr. Mohsani also said that when men venture outside, they see lot of other women with makeup; it (new law) encourages men to have more interest with its wife.

Western countries have titled it as Marital Rape. Beside above law there are more funny quotes about marital and extra marital affairs like Ahmad Faraz once said that marriage is a new form of prostitution. Major and known celebrities of Pakistan are mostly single mother, divorced, widow or bachelor.

Coming to recent Afghan law, both parties either Ayotullah group or Westerner group already have so many provisions to commit extra marital affairs, some have religious shelter or state laws permits affairs other than marriage, in some cases those have been protected and considered equal to marriage. In some countries peoples don’t know meanings of adultery and on other side adultery is a crime and considered to be shame for entire family that in some cases ends with honor killings.

In some countries common law marriage or simply living with each other is also recognized to husband and wife status. Christian laws on other hand even restrict on divorce.

Illiterate and backward Christians have for more harsh customs, such as in some African states religion plus local culture made more restrictions. Shia’s also have such laws of temporary marriage which those never hide, protected by religion in many shapes, which starts from one minute to longer periods; there is no requirement of witnesses or protection for women, born children’s have no right to claim property of his biological father. It is called Mutta, and a man can keep unlimited women under same religious laws.

According to records last emperor of Oudh when surrendered to British forces, he requested conquerors to let 70 or 72 of his Mumtoa mistresses to accompany him. Moreover it is also based on racial hierarchy traditions, founded on racial supremacy and tribal mentality. Even marrying out of racial framework for a woman is considered as dishonor to their racial supremacies, and their books are full of such texts. There Mutta is named as Nikkah.

Above all references are well on record and part of their faith which those never denied. Additionally those poses them liberal moderate in front of western world. During some secularists conferences adaption of Mutta was suggested on wide scale in Muslim society to stop them from Jihadist views.

Whereas Khomeini himself addressed to university students for adaptation of Mutta, to avoid spread of licentiousness. Two ever lone books on sexology published in Pakistan have backing of Iranian embassy in Pakistan. Majority of liberals, socialists, and show business persons belongs to same sect.

In all above scenario what was the urgent need for Afghani Ayatollahs to protect extra sexual desires of Afghan men, and now their women are seeking signatures of Sunni parliamentarians to repeal above mentioned clause. Najam Sethi being religious expert could comment on this issue whether it is a conspiracy of Wahabi’s, Taliban, Deobandi, Ahle Hadis, Lashkar e Jhangvi or Al Qaeda?

Shuba-e-Aroosat or marriage bureau established by Taliban:

As reported in press Taliban have announced that those are not against adult love affairs and established a phone centre for those girls who wants lovers of their choice, boys are also allowed to adopt same procedure. Dozens of marriages have been conducted and round three hundred are in pipe line.

Large numbers of lovers are thinking to contact same marriage bureau, according to process on receipt of any registration, Taliban contacts the homes of both parties and arrange legal procedures of marriage.

It is a great opportunity for descendents born in Mummy Daddy culture, Bollywood lovers club, runaway brides and those teens who want to marry to their choice. It is speculated that some groups will start criticizing their move because their entire business is dependent on run away brides, harsh social behavior of families against love marriages, Cultural problems and illiteracy. So surely it would be counted as a kick on their stomachs.    

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