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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Is not CIA-Mossad also assisting Indian cricketism? -By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

As the enlightened world knows, the RAW and IB and other related intelligence agencies play the role to maintain the full control of Hindus inside and outside India over Muslims and others.  In order to keep the image of India as the so-called secular democratic state and to showcase its importance to its “insignificant” neighbors, India employs all sorts of gimmicks including nuclelairsm, cricketism and terrorism. None doubts if Indian intelligence outfits canvas for the Indian team victory every where by using all resources at their command and “clinch the issues” at the appropriate time without the general global public knowing or even guessing any thing about the “fantastic victory” Indian teams score against strong teams.  Money plays it role as usual.


One of the major foreign policy concerns of Hindu India is to tell the world that it has been s truly democratic and secular nation, but also a victim of Islamic terrorism and thereby hiding the real face of Hindu India.  Controlled and assisted by the intelligence and industrialists, the sports are expected to give an essential facelift to India as a “good-natured” and “gentlemanly” nation, but in effect it is terror state infested by hypocrisy and arrogance. But the crucial issue here is the role of CIAS-Mossad in making India not only a strong military-cum-terror nation, but also a country of “trained” cricket lords, making a lot of cash, including black money.



CIA’s overwhelming capabilities to control the human activities around the world is not disputed any where, not even in USA . It is certain these mischievous official terror agencies have been sharing intelligence with Indian outfits even on cricket issue by exporting information to India about what the opponents are planning against the forthcoming matches.


In today's era of strategic partnership to target a third nation or a block of nations, the mutual engagements are made in packages and booty and benefits are shared by some formula. US-led terror wars in the name of counter-terrorism have churned out quite a lot of benefits for all anti-Islamic nations to share and fire.. It is not just weapons and systems India corners form USA ad Israel and the likes, but support for every thing it does inside and outside India in every field. The communication line is very effective and agencies are at work every where to arrange for Indian help. In sports, the CIA-Mossad hidden hand in Indian overtones and victories. Cricket is not played by both USA and Israel but UIK is the founder of the game to keep the former colonies sin h good humor and it comes to I the rescue of an ally in demand. UK does it for USA and Israel , where the both USA and Israel are unable to do anything.


In India democracy there is no difference between state owned media and private ones because basically they all are anti-Muslims, anti-Kashmiris, anti-Pakistan and anti-Bangladesh and everything is anti, including west-anti, except India which they trumpet as ‘greatest nation(!) India remains a small minded terror infested nation not knowing now how to convince the world that it is  not a state terrorist and only an affected nation, like the USA and Israel. The Indian fanatic portals like sify and rediff, for instance,( in fact there is no single newspaper or net portal which is neutral in democratic India) consider their main task as degrading and insulting Muslims around the region as a major government policy, while, at the same time, upholding every thing that India and Hindus do. For India media lords, democracy means only praise of Hindus and Hindutva and defaming Islam and painting Muslims as the worst type of terrorists the world has ever seen.   India media lavishly play with Pakistan ’s image, prestige and honor, but Pakistanis, still hoping for applause form Hindus, have not yet objected to Indian schemas. Indians shamelessly have been doing the same for decades now. USA does not even question the nasty behavior of Indians and their media.


India remains a small minded terror infested nation not knowing now how to convince the world that it is  not a state terrorist and only an affected nation, like the USA and Israel. The Indian fanatic portals like sify and rediff, for instance, blasted news of Australia thrashing Pakistan in second and third ODIs while not only they did not know that the first ODI was won by Pakistan rather comfortably, but, worse, they did not show that Rajasthan thrashed the Delhi devils badly in 18 IPL drama played out in alien South Africa. After all Rajasthan is not inside Pakistan . Indian media outfits are soured over the fact the Hyderabad Challengers are leading. Indian nasty media have created the illusion, apart form projecting Pakistan and other Islamic neighbors as uncivilized terrorists and threats, that only Mumbai Delhi are the real Indian teams a and all other teams are bogus and illegitimate and hence they support these two teams while degrading the rest as they do with Kashmir is, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis and Lankans, Nepalis, etc.


In the ongoing match there is competition between the foreigners and Indians in “offering” fours and sixes to their favorites.  On 28 April, as Delhi was badly crushed by Rajasthan, media got a few words from their favorite cricketers. Some of the devastating comments made by the Indian cricketers and blasted by Indian media outfits are damaging to the cricket as a competitive sport.  

Graeme Smith batted responsibly; Yusuf Pathan really played great cricket; Yusuf Pathan was in good form today and even one of our better bowlers Vettori was hit ; When a batsmen is in such a mood you can't do anything, and so on. These comments exposes the hidden matches and the adjustments mad eon the grounds, even when there is no proper or formal match-fixing between  and among nations whose teams play.   Both Sachuin and Virender Sehwag of Delhi devils squad have scored just single-digit runs in the recent matches sand as such India cannot make them the greats. Shah Rukh Khan is annoyed that Ponting ditched his team. RK will fry the traitor Ponting for ditching the team.


The way the Indian media outfits blast the image of Sachiin Tenduulkar is atrocious indeed. The media don’t even know no batsman can score any good runs without the support of his fellow batsman and the bowlers of the opponents. For years, Indians, especially the Congress partly, has been popped up Sachiin as if he is only cricketer the world has. Most of the 100s and 50s, if not all, have been gifted by the team mates and opponents at their own costs.



Terror India is hiding behind people like Sachuin whom the state agencies and non-state ones promoted with all care and connections abroad. This kind of media hypes shields the Indian state from getting exposed too much to the world for its state terrorism in India and Jammu Kashmir and fraud activities. Ill-focused on Pakistan , India takes pride in its media mischief against that nation. Existence of Pakistan despite the Indian terrorism attempts other divisive strategies to destabilize that Islamic nation keeps India in good stead and it take US help in achieving every thing it wants in its neighborhoods.


India is a nation of hidden agendas, state terrorism, genocides of Muslims in Kashmir, pretensions of victims syndromes and it knows how deal with a given situation by using media outfits and paid agents spread across India and abroad. In applying the norms of strategic partnerships, Indians insist that the both USA and Israel play for India in matches meaning they should somehow influence the opponent teams to let India win both the toss and matches with greats like Sachins and Sehwag getting “fantastic sores” for the media controlled by Indo-allies to blast the special news in bold letters. India uses the trained IAS & IFS fellows posted in foreign missions do the 420 jobs of pressuring the foreign governments and thei4 agencies to do the Indian victories in cricket etc. India does its job quite neatly and where necessary pressure and coercion are employed.



When the whole day is available for sport, why the cricketers of IPL prefer only nights/evenings to play mathces? No clues. One can easily observe how much of mutual coordination is arranged between the teams. When the Indian team could play “arranged” matches as per a pre-determined schema, there is no problem in India by Indian teams to do the same neatly even by sung the paid cricketers form the nations around. Even USA is being coerced by India to enter into 20/20 to further strengthen the strategic partnerships. It seems knowing the operations of the rogue states like Israel and USA-allies to pursue their hidden agendas, India can also do anything for the same reason.


Obviously, the question posed in the title gives an affirmative answer and Indians themselves will testify that India can do anything to get what it wants whether in cricket or any other racket. Methods and techniques not a problem for India and India s want Indian cricket team to win no matter who makes that happen. USA , UK and Israel can happily help Indians to appease the Hindus mentality in victories for cash and arms partnership bonds.



Is not CIA-Mossad also assisting Indian cricketism, apart form the similar Indian variety outfits?   


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a state terror & fraud.
South Asia

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