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Indian Media Mischief? : An Actress Challenges!
- By Abdul Ruff Colachal




Good news first. South Asian tennis ace Sania Mirza  is back in action firing her first salvo soon after her engagement affecting a positive omen for her married life with blessed Tennis innings. Competing in only her second Challenger event, Sania Mirza clinched the USD 50,000 ITF title in Lexington, USA after an upset win over top seed Julie Coin. Sania Mirza celebrated her engagement to childhood friend Sohrab Mirza by winning the $50,000 Lexington Challenger ITF women's tennis event in Kentucky on 27 July.


The 22-year-old Hyderabadi girl, who was returning to the courts after her betrothal earlier this month, made light of top seed Julie Coin of France for a 7-6 (5), 6-4 victory in the summit clash. Before engagement she said she needs her own person, apart from mom and dad to share happiness especially when she wins. Sania get over-excited when she wins a mixed-double tournament.  "My biggest strength is that no one can read my forehand"¦ I can hit it anywhere," Sania said after her win.


The win saw Sania move up three places to 80 in the WTA Tour rankings. However, she dropped 10 spots to 49th in the doubles chart. Earllier, last week, barely a few days after her engagement, tennis ace Sania Mirza has returned to the courts, but this time in the company of her fiance Sohrab Mirza. Sania for the first time turned out for practice at the LB Stadium along with her childhood friend Sohrab with whom she got engaged on July 10 before departing for the US on July 16. "We have tried to spend as much time as possible. This is where (stadium) I am most of the time, so he (Sohrab Mirza) decided to join me and he is also getting interested in tennis."



Hopefully her future husband is also accompanying her. That is it, Sania, keep going up!  South Asia's Tennis sensation Sania Mirza avoids controversies of all kinds, but occasionally she is dragged in.  Sania would do well by keeping herself only Women singles and doubles. Mixed double in Tennis she should skip hereafter after all she has her own choice from Hyderabad as fiancé and life partner. Sania Mirza should avoid scandals. Best Wishes for happy their married life.



Oh... scandals..... Sex scandals are not rare on international scene. Among others, the law makers and law breakers get involved in this and they get caught only when someone spots the secret "contacts" out and reports to the media. Bureaucrats do it in a discreet manner.  Indian leaders like M.K. Gandhi and J. Nehru were alleged to have had illicit affairs with ladies of their liking, but that is just human weakness. US present Bill Clinton almost lost his job on his alleged affair with her beautiful secretary: was her name Lewinsky? (Hope, Mrs. Clinton would not read this and if at all, she does, then just ignore this).


In "democratic" India secret torture points and love affairs are common. Scandal has not spared the Chief Minister of militarized Kashmir which is under Indian terror occupation. Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today offered to resign from the post after a senior PDP leader made a serious allegation that he was involved in last year's sex scandal But I want to resign till I am cleared of this false allegation. I cannot work till I am proved innocent. It is a blot on my character. The whole drama began when PDP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister Muzaffar Beig leveled the allegation that Abduallah was involved in the infamous Srinagar sex scandal. He claimed he had a list of people involved in the scandal in which Abdullah's name figured against no 102.
Media mischief is not uncommon in India especially playing with the life of film personalities. Many in the filmdom have accused of immoral affairs, but generally the heroes and heroines avoid getting into controversies for fear of spoiling their "images". In the film industry, you cannot usually say friendship and actresses in the same breath.  Trishah, an actress in South Indian films is annoyed over media over-blasting over his personal life and spread rumors about her.  So when there were rumors that Trishah had snapped all ties with Ramya (reportedly over a Telugu film with Ramya's husband, director Krishna Vamsi), Trisha came all out to rubbish these rumours. But as there are exceptions to the rule, like Trishah and Ramya Krishnan, who share a good rapport and are close friends.  Actually the two were spotted at the recently-held Sidney Sladen's Fashion Show in Chennai, getting along very well. They even walked the ramp for the designer. Great going girls! Wherever young Tamil actress Trishah goes, controversies seem to follow her like a shadow. The print media here was abuzz with news that Trishah, who had gone to a hotel in the city with her friends, had entered into an 'unsavoury' argument with former-India cricketer Badani. Outspoken Trishah has, however, issued a stern denial about the incident and said that certain 'vested interests' have been spreading rumours about her with an aim to malign her image. 'I won't keep mum from now onwards. Whosoever writes or says anything bad about me, I won't mind taking them to court. While it was true that I had been to a star-hotel with my friends, neither did any cricketer come there nor did I enter into a verbal duel with him,' says Trisha. The cricketer, on the other hand, was not available for a comment on the alleged incident. Do the Indian media hide some other "more important" item in the scandal?

It is said in media circles, scandals keep the people engaged lively. Then any one has any objections?


- By Abdul Ruff Colachal
India, 28 July 2009

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