"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Yousafzai
Full Name: Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
User since: 20/Apr/2008
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Kashmir needs clarity of vision

            I had written an article “KASHMIR ISSUE” OR HEADACHE OF THE

PEOPLE OF SUB-CONTINENT” on Monday, 27 October 2008, today once again try to put forward some of the ideas hovering in my mind.

            The founder of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah simply said that “Kashmir is our jugular vein”. Apparently, it is a single sentence but in reality it had unique message to the people of Pakistan. This sentence was uttered by such a personality whose body had been destroyed partly in struggling for having a separate nation for the Muslims and partly by his disease but mentally he was sharp and far-sighted. He was much advance from the people of his age and that is why narrow-minded Lord Mountbatten used derogatory remarks by saying that “Mr. Jinnah is suffering from Megalomania in its worst form”.  But today the words of Quaid have unveiled the reality in shape of the construction of Dams by India in the region of Kashmir. All the rivers except river Kabul come from the side of Kashmir. So far we were helping the Kashmiri people in their struggle but the construction of Dams have changed the ground realities. Actually, India is trying to block our jugular vein and if India was allowed to construct these dams on the river which give us life then hypocritical diplomacy would be of no use to both the nations.

            So far the matter of Kashmir was not handled seriously but was discussed an issue on experimental basis. Some proposals from our side, some answers and counter proposals from the Indian side and in this way 6 decades passed. Actually, we have been in the habit of searching helping hands. We tested purpose everyone but no one considered us eligible for any help. We confined this issue only to the extent of speaking and writing.

            It is the contradictory character of the big powers of the World that they solve their issue by guns while put the issue of others to bilateral discussions. Our Policy Makers have never effectively linked our support to U.S or UNO to the Kashmir issue. We graciously supported everyone in hope of Dollars not in hope of solving the problem of Kashmir because we have never considered it a problem in that sense which it demanded.

            The people of Pakistan need to be apprised of this fact that Kashmir issue “may” become an issue of our life and death in future. I know that we have many problems both inside and at the frontiers but home-work on this issue is also necessary. We need water for multi-purposes and India is silently cutting our jugular vein by depriving us of water and by violating the agreements which are between the two Countries.

            We will have to rise not for the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people but for our own existence. The worst sufferer would not be a common of Pakistan in future because he is already disappointed but the big landlords, industrialists and the rich people of Pakistan who are busy in multiplication of their wealth day and night.

            It seems to me that our leaders not clear in their course of action because sometimes they declare this issue an International issue and discuss it in the UNO but the next time they declare it a bilateral issue and thus have puzzled those who wish to solve it.

            The concept of “Peaceful Negotiations” is applied where you consider a person, a nation or a Country more powerful than you. You speak the language of “Brute Force” when you consider that the opposing party is of no value. Why not the language of “Brute Force” is applied despite this fact that India is also a Nuclear Power?

            General Musharraf’s policy on Kashmir is criticised on the reason that it virtually denied their right of self-determination. I do not know what was in his mind but he was a shrewd person. He showed not only to the Pakistani and Kashmiri people but also to the World that India is not in the mood of solving this problem regardless of the concessions being given. People say in politics there cannot be 2 plus 2 is equal to 4 but when look to the superpowers of the World they achieve everything on guns then for what purpose we have erected this superstructure of defence system when our neighbour is putting foot on our jugular vein?

            I want that every problem be solved like the slogan “Now or never”. Meetings and talking is essential but when they become fruitless then actual possession by force is the final option regardless of the loss to both nations. When dog becomes mad his only cure is the bullet of a gun.


Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai.

Dated: Friday, 05 February 2010.
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