"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 594
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                          L E C H

Looses not only Poland but world to be honest

Excelled he even on death if I’m not dishonest

Carried he love message at death to be honest

Human love flew him and he died to be honest

                    K A C Z Y N S K I

Knotted is every one how did he expire so soon

All cant help sobbing in night morning or noon

Clouds thunder in respect for him born 46 June

Zealous he proved for others even if was strewn

Yoke he fitted on corrupt turned them in cocoon

Nationalist he was recognized by both wise/loon

Succeeded he though born without silver spoon

Kindled he hopes in others to be rightly attune

Iqbal pens from Kuwait that Lech is over moon


With my honest and solemn prayers

Sincere Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Former Pakistani diplomat / Kuwait

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