"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Hussain_Khan_Tokyo
Full Name: Hussain Khan, Tokyo
User since: 20/Mar/2008
No Of voices: 35
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Dear brothers and friends,
lst instalment of my Urdu article on Quaide-Azam' s concept of Pakistan has been published in a Karachi daily, Jasarat, on June 12, 2010 and can be read by clicking on the following links.
A brief survey of Pakistan's descent into Secularism has been made in the first installment.  Instead of continuing Islamization of our country initiated by the late President Zia-ul-Haq about 30 years ago in 1979, Musharraf reversed this trend. He initiated a counter trend of secularization of Pakistan.  He scrapped Islamic Hudood Laws of President Zia, which were promulgated in 1979.  There was no public cry or protest against them during the 29 years of their implementation.  Westernized women who wanted freedom for adultery by mutual consent had demanded to scrap such restrictions of Shariah, which was prohibiting them from their craving and appetite for unrestricted free sex as usually practised in secular Western societies.  To furter eradicate all traces of Islamization, he murdered thousands of innocent Lal Mosque students for their crime of demanding Shariah in Pakistan. He wanted to give an exemplary punishment to these students so that no one in future dare to demand Shariah.
Under the auspices of Islam-hating American government, Peoples Party, which is proud of its declared Secularism, consolidated this trend of Secularization.  For this purpose, it flouted the peace Agreement between ANP provincial government and Maulana Sufi Mohammad to implement Shariah and enforce Islamic system of Justice in Malakand division and Swat.  This Agreement had stopped all so-called terrorism by Taliban and had brought peace and justice in the region.  But peace and justice is a commodity which is abhorred by our Secularist Junta.
But In line with the desire of our Secularist junta of intellectuals, writers and journalists, America ordered to its obedient servant and passive but Secular Zardari central government to treat this peace-initiating, justice-implementin g Agreement as a surrender to Taliban and demanded to kill all those peace and justice-loving citizens of Pakistan who wanted Shariah by declaring them as "Terrorists" .  Thus thousands of Mujahedeen in Malakand Division and followers of Maulana Sufi Mohammad and Maulana Fazlullah were killed in accordance with the American wishes to get more dollars from her and more interest-bearing loans from IMF.  A lot of this kind of money usually goes to line pockets of politicians like our world-renowned Mr. 10%.
A reference has also been made in this article about a book, "Secular Jinnah", by Salina Kareem published from London in 2005. Some details of this book's argument have been explained in this installment.  The writer has exposed the trickery and deceit of the late Justice Munir in his 1979 book, "From Jinnah to Zia".  It is a matter of shame that a person, who was once a Chief Justice of Pakistan, resorted to an outright lie and falsehood in his trumped up attempt to prove Jinnah a Secular person.
Justice Munir himself fabricated a lie and falsely ascribed it to Jinnah and quoted it in his book as if Jinnah had told it in a interview to a Reuter's correspondent, Donn Campbell, in New Delhi, which was published in the daily DAWN on May 22, 1947, i.e. before the birth of Pakistan.  For further details of Justice Munir's forgery, please wait for the publication of 2nd installment of this article on Jinnah's concept of Pakistan.
Hussain Khan, Tokyo


Dear brothers and friends,
2nd Instalment of my Urdu article on Quaide-Azam' s concept of Pakistan has been published in a Karachi daily Jasarat and can be read by clicking on the following links.
A brief survey of Pakistan's descent into Secularism was made in the first installment and a reference was made about a book, "Secular Jinnah", by Salina Kareem published from London in 2005. Further details of this book's argument have been explained in this installment.  The writer has exposed the trickery and deceit of the late Justice Munir in his 1979 book, "From Jinnah to Zia".  It is a matter of shame that a person, who was once a Chief Justice of Pakistan, resorted to an outright lie and falsehood in his trumped up attempt to prove Jinnah a Secular person. Justice Munir manufactured a saying in the name of Jinnah and quoted it in his book as if Jinnah had told it in a interview to Reuter's correspondent, Donn Campbell, in New Delhi, which was published in the daily DAWN on May 22, 1947, i.e. before the birth of Pakistan.
This baseless and fabricated quotation of Justice Munir has been quoted again and again by all secular intelletuals of Pakistan in their books and articles for last 25 years to prove Jinnah a person of Secular thinking. That interview is still now available in the 4th volume of Mr. Khurshid Ahmad Khan's 4-volume collection of all Jinnah's sayings. There is no existence of any such sentence ascribed to Jinnah by the liar Justice Munir.  The writer further claims that Jinnah has never used the word "Secular" in any of his sayings or statements. He has always spoken in very clear terms that Pakistan will be an Islamic state based on Islamic principles of democracy, justice, equality, freedom and tolerance etc. He has never spoken any where about making this state a Secular one, as claimed by our Secularist writers and journalists in English and Urdu media and in their television discussions.
Hussain Khan, Tokyo

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