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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Germany's anger over Zionist illegal settlement expansionism







Germany today stands for EU and is a part of UNSC extra veto regime (P5*plus) and its opposition to Israel has made things too difficult for an essentially fascist Israel. 


It is a fact that Israel has over  extended the so-called holocaust climes, on the one had,  by  committing  genocide in Palestine, under its brute control,  and on the , by seeking  financial and military aid  from the Western Terrocracies, especially USA and Germany,  for decades now, making an illegally formed Israel to become the most developed nation in Mideast and threatening the Arab nations and Iran  with its illegally gotten nukes


Turkey’s rejection Zionist alliance against the genuine interests of Palestinians for the first time in its history of mischievous existence in Mideast made Israel unpopular and isolated globally.  Even an apology  and  compensation  from Israel for its attack on the  aid ship from Turkey, killing may  peace activists  going to Gaza Strip,   has not  made any real improvement in the  terror ties.


People of Turkey hate Israel now.


Realizing its own mistakes for decades in supporting Israel by shielding its crimes against humanity, Washington has now pushed for a credible Mideast peace in favor of a Palestine state to come into existence,

Under tremendous pressure from international community, Israel  is feeling increasingly isolated and it  began  working  for peace deal with  besieged Palestinians, though in its own terms.



Today, most of Western countries have  second thoughts about free and unconditional aid and other help  for  Tel Aviv owing  to  its  continued  illegal settlement  expansionism inside Palestine and Israel  rejection of  western  please to end the   illegal  colony  constructions

The settlements’ issue has put itself against the West. However, since already Israel has developed into a big terrocracy with nukes and other arms, it really has no reason to respect or salute the western donors.



Germany which has pumped huge aid to Israel,  is now annoyed by the Zionist arrogance and unilateralism.  During his visit to Israel in January, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had dreadful firsthand experience of what Zionism really means. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman -- with whom Steinmeier already had a tepid relationship -- read out what is called a laundry list of complaints to his colleague from Berlin. Simply put, Israel is angry over German conditions for aid and the Germans are behaving as one would expect from a close partner. the Germans are behaving as one would expect from a close partner. Israel is annoyed Germany is imposing unacceptable conditions.


Relations between Germany,  the big founding stone of EU,  and Israel, a triclomatic ally and historical burden, have been cold and difficult during Chancellor Angela Merkel's three terms in office. Recent years have seen several instances of tension between Germany and Israel. Merkel and hawkish Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu have even shouted at each other on the telephone while discussing Israeli policies toward Palestinians.


The German-Israel conflict has deteriorated to the point that some are questioning the special relationship status between the two countries. According to Israeli government sources, "special relationship" means that, when in doubt, Germany must side with Israel. That, though, is far from reality at the moment.



The disconnect began with Germany’s refusal to support US-Israeli cause against Palestine. Israelis are still deeply unhappy with Germany's abstention in a vote before the UN General Assembly in December 2012 to grant the Palestinians the status of a "non-member observer state”, which cleared way for full membership in due course. Leaders in Tel Aviv had believed Germany would vote against it. 


Berlin's vote was particularly important because Israel had long seen Germany as a guarantee that the EU would not be unanimously opposed to Israeli interests.


Martin Schulz, the German president of the European Parliament, before the Israeli Knesset, criticized the unequal distribution of drinking water between Israelis and Palestinians, asking "How it can be that an Israeli is allowed to use 70 liters of water per day, but a Palestinian only 17?". Several members of parliament left the plenary hall in protest because they can’t stand any criticism of their fascist policies targeting Palestine..


The EU and Israel recently agreed that European money for research subsidies cannot flow into the occupied areas. But the Israeli side doesn't want to accept this as the decision represents a "significant escalation in European measures against the settlements."


Israel wants assurance that Germany will resist the next time the Palestinians submit a membership application to an international body. Lieberman said Berlin often hides behind European Union positions rather than presenting its own views. 


Israel’s “Holocaust” gimmicks continue to work. As Israel makes some vague headway in peace deal with Palestine, Merkel seems anxious to defuse the tensions. To demonstrate how important relations are, she has called on all of her ministers to travel to Israel next week.



Yet, Markel’s Germany believes that Israeli's settlement policy represents a decisive barrier to the Mideast peace process, affecting global peace. It's also something the Chancellor and her foreign minister don't shy away from saying in public, much to the Israeli's chagrin.



Berlin views the Netanyahu government as being both incapable and unwilling when it comes to pushing forward in the peace process with the Palestinians, while the Israelis feel abandoned by the Germans.

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