"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ink_Drops
Full Name: Syed M. Aslam
User since: 17/Jul/2009
No Of voices: 61
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Pakistan launches its own version of Facebook

By Syed M Aslam

Six enterprising Pakistani IT professionals have launched Pakistan’s very own, and the first, social networking ‘for the Muslims by the Muslims’ website that would welcome peoples of all religions. According to the coordinator of the freshly launched site, Salman Ahmed, the decision to launch the site was driven by Fcaebook’s decision to hold a cartoon competition of blasphemous caricatures of Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) accuses Facebook of worst privacy abuse by users and biased policies that run against the very grain of the universally accepted norms of equality that disallows discussion on Holocaust but conveniently facilitates hurting the feelings and sentiments of over a billion and a quarter Muslims of the world.

The site,, launched by six all-male Pakistani IT professionals; Azhar Siddique Advocate, Arslan Chaudhary, Abbas, Imran, Mohsin and Salman says that despite thousands of complaints against the blasphemous contest the Facebook administration, which bans pages for much minor infraction of its terms of service, remained indifferent and did not delete or ban the said link or pages.

“They are not banning/deleting the link/pages because of hate propaganda and the fake slogans of freedom of expression….but they don’t have any idea how much love and respect Muslims have for our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) these silly attempts are only uniting us Muslims as one Ummah/Millat and is forcing us to reflect seriously on the subject on how to defend us against these attacks and we have decided to hit the Islam-haters where it hurts the most. There may be thousand and one things on which we can show tolerance but on such a delicate issue we cannot afford to show any latitude to anyone anywhere what so ever. We love Peace and Happiness but not at cost of our BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SALLALAH-O-ALIHI WASSALAM).

“They [Facebook] are generating 47%-50% of their revenue from Muslims and around 10%-12% alone from Pakistan. For those who want alternative of Facebook after its complete ban, we have designed this site which is equal to Facebook in its feature and efficiency where everyone from any religion can come without any hesitation of being insulted on the basis of religion and racism. We know very well how to deal with such websites. This site would be a warning for every website which would try to repeat such kind of actions. We believe that all of you will make it a most successful site and make www. a terrible example for all other website because if we don’t do this then we encouraging all other sites as well to do the same thing against Islam and Muslim Ummah/Millat.

”Let’s Prove to the world that if we can generate revenue for then we can also run our own website. Prove to the world that we are independent Muslims who don’t rely on such websites which insult our BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SALLALAH-O-ALIHI WASSALAM).

“ belongs to all of us who love PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SALLALAH-O-ALIHI WASSALAM) and it is the best alternative and a direct hit on interests of such websites and we firmly believe that whole team of Global IT Vision(Pvt) Ltd with this website will hit them very hard with the support of all Muslim Millat around the world.”

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