"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Orya
Full Name: Orya Maqbool Jaan
User since: 5/Oct/2007
No Of voices: 484
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 Reply:   I am not agree with you DrJKE
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (7/Jun/2010)

He has been in FATA as well. he has done too many programs on FATA as well. of course there is more he can do but you cant just discard all his efforts. he got a chance to go Gaza and he availed that we should appreciate his efforts the same way we appreciate Mohd Bin Qasim. i am not making him Mohd Bin Qasim but both responded to far lands and risked their lives. if Gaza would have been European or non-Islamic country i may be, would have been with you, but as he tried to do something for Muslim, so we should praise it.
 Reply:   why talat husain does not go to fata
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (6/Jun/2010)

Talat husain went with a "freedom flotilla" to israel,due to this many columnists like orya maqbool jaan have made him a hero .but i want to ask a question which is below orya maqbool mostly writes good articles .but in his praise for talat husain orya maqbool has forgotten some simple facts these munafiq journalists like talat husain readily go hundreds of miles away to israeli waters in so called freedom flotillas in a useless exrecise(israel,s treatment can only be by the way of islamic jihad ,not with these so called "flotillas") , but these munafiqeen like talat husain never help their own pakistani muslim brothers of fata who are being mercilessly killed by pakistani american slave army . why talat husain does not take a "freedom flotilla" to fata where in just one raid pakistani army murdered 100 quran memorising teenaged students of madrasa.and this massacre is continuous from orakzai agency to waziristan and from hungu and kohaat and beyond hundreds of rose like small daughters of muslims have become disabled or fatherless due to pakistani armys aggression on fata and nwfp why these so called muslims forget the atrocities in our own country of pakistan,first we should stop atrocities here than we should go for isarel! according to islam a muslim should first help his neighbours in distress than after helping them than go to other countries
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