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User Name: Infomashriqi
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Works of Allama Mashriqi’s Grandson, Nasim Yousaf



Pakistan and India’s history is distorted, as it has been dictated by the ruling class. Allama Mashriqi’s grandson (Nasim Yousaf), a historian and scholar, has committed himself to correcting the history of the Indian sub-continent. Mr. Yousaf has written extensively on Mashriqi and has presented his papers at scholarly conferences in the USA. His piece entitled India's Partition in the Face of Opposition: An Unveiled Perspective (published in the Harvard Asia Quarterly [Spring 2009]) challenged the traditionally held belief that the partition of British India was inevitable; it exposed a complex picture of the partition episode. Furthermore, his book Hidden Facts Behind British India’s Freedom: A Scholarly Look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-e-Azam’s Political Conflict also revealed many previously unknown truths regarding partition. And his most recent book Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek…, underscored Mashriqi’s fight against the British Raj and his decisive role in bringing freedom. Mr. Yousaf continues his work to enlighten the public about Allama Mashriqi and his Khaksar Movement. In his forthcoming book, Mahatma Gandhi & My Grandfather, Allama Mashriqi, he will focus on the role of Mashriqi and Gandhi in the freedom movement, their political differences, and the true driving force behind the liberation of British India in 1947.


Below are some of Mr. Yousaf's works:


Research Paper Published in Harvard Asia Quarterly (Spring 2009, Vol. XII, No. 2):


India’s Partition in the Face of Opposition: An Unveiled Perspective


Research Paper Presented at New York Conference on Asian Studies at Cornell University, 2009:


Pakistan and India: The Case for Unification


 Research Piece Presented at New York Conference on Asian Studies, 2007:


Freedom of British India through the Lens of the Khaskar Movement (abbreviated version)

A slide show (Powerpoint) on Khaksar military activities was also presented at the said conference.


 Articles on Allama Mashriqi:


1) Allama Mashriqi & Mahatma Gandhi

2) Allama Mashriqi — A Giant Among Men

3) Allama Mashriqi the Great - A Hero of All Times

4) Allama Mashriqi Maliciously Implicated in Murder Case

5) The Historic Lahore Murder - March 19, 1940

6) Man At War With His Own Species

7) Behind the 1940-41 Ban on the Khaksar Tehrik

8) Allama Mashraqi and the Unity of Mankind

9) Allama Mashriqi Desired to Erase Sectarianism

10) 41st Death Anniversary - In memory of Allama Mashriqi (The Statesman, Peshawar (Pakistan), dated

     August 28, 2004)

11) The Khaksar Martyrs of March 19, 1940




1) Tribute to Khaksar Leader Hameeduddin Ahmed Al-Mashriqi

2) A Distorted History (Letter)

3) Why Democracy Failed in Pakistan (this piece was circulated among the participants of the Tufts & Harvard Universities Conference, held in 2007).

4) In Memory of Dr. Inayatullah (co-founder of Council of Social Sciences,Pakistan)


The above articles are available at:


Published Books on Allama Mashriqi:


1) Government of British India on Allama Mashraqi and Khaksar Tehreek (Movement): A Select Chronology; A descriptive timeline of the correspondence of the Secretary of State, Viceroy of India, Provincial Governors, and high officials, intelligence reports, and other events (Focal Period: 1930s and 40s)


2) Hidden Facts Behind British India’s Freedom: A Scholarly Look into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-e-Azam’s Political Conflict


3) Allama Mashriqi & Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan: Two Legends of Pakistan


4) Pakistan's Birth & Allama Mashraqi: Chronology & Statements, Period 1947-1963


5) Pakistan's Freedom & Allama Mashriqi: Statements, Letters, Chronology of Khaksar Tehrik (Movement), Period Mashriqi's birth to 1947


 Web sites dedicated to Allama Mashriqi:










Author’s Works on Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan (Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and World Renowned Social Scientist)



 Articles on Dr. Khan:


1) Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan — An Inspirational Social Scientist

2) Remembering Dr Akhtar Hameed Khan

3) Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan’s Vision of Development through Self-Reliance

4) Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan - The Pioneer of Microcredit

5) 7th Death Anniversary – A Tribute to Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan

6) Hameedah Begum – The Woman Behind the Great Dr. A.H. Khan (coming soon)


The above articles are available at:


 Published Books on Dr. Khan:


Allama Mashriqi & Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan: Two Legends of Pakistan





Author’s Works on International Trade


 Published Books on Import & Export:


1) Import & Export of Apparel & Textiles:

     Part I: Export to the US

     Part II: Import From Pakistan


2) Import & Export of Hand Knotted Oriental Rugs:

    Part I: Export to U.S.A.

    Part II: Import from Pakistan


 3)  Export Housewares, Gifts & Decorative Accessories to the United States of America


 4) Importing Gifts, Housewares & Decorative Accessories from Hong Kong

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