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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Indian Occupation: Demilitarize Jammu Kashmir and Surrender Sovereignty to Kashmiris!

A Sovereign Kashmir: Random Thoughts- 130
Dr. Abdul Ruff


India's terror advantage in continued occupation of Jammu Kashmir stems from the presence of an "elected" puppet government in JK which is not allowed to wage a freedom struggle or join the JK main stream movement, of course by New Delhi (or nuclear Delhi) bosses. Instead of leading the freedom struggle, these pro-India people depend entire on the so-called "separatists" for leading the banner of sovereignty struggle. This peculiar, rather hypocritical situation created by pro-India elements has been used extensively by New Delhi to pursue its own agenda in the UN and world at large and has made success, notwithstanding a favorable world opinion in support of the JK freedom struggle.



Whenever a foreign dignitary visits New Delhi, Indian leaders shamelessly force them to support Indian cause in notorious UNSC and brute occupation of JK. Indians bluff that Kashmiris are Indians and they don’t want to go to Pakistan. Indians do not even know that occupied JK is not in Pakistan. When US Obama visited Delhi last month, the Indian regime had presented before him Hindu leaders from Jammu and select pro-India Kashmiri leaders to prove that Kashmiris are with India and they support the promotion of Indian occupation and genocides. In fact Indian strategists and highly paid lobbyists around the world could manipulate election of Asian countries to elect a terror Indian to quench its fanatic desires for the notorious UNSC. Indian claims for a UNSC seat is on the basis of its successful occupation of Jammu Kashmir plus massacres there as well as Gujarat. India employs GST techniques to bully world powers that have occupied Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan to advance it self-serving UNSC goals.  


India also uses Israeli terror goods in Kashmir. A key failure of both Palestine and Kashmir freedom struggles for sovereign states to defend themselves from the terror attacks and massacres of the Indo-Israeli terror occupiers is a deliberate disunity among the people themselves. While the Fatah group is pro-West, the struggle of the Hamas faction to get rid of Zionist occupation and holocaust operation is not really gaining momentum since Israelis have upper hand because they occupy, because they have solid weapons, because they have created blockades around Palestine, denying even the minimum life to the Palestinians, because the both Fatah and Hamas have not realized their folly in continued animosity even in the face of continued Zionist massacres.    


Similarly, some freedom groups led by Hurryiet continue to struggle for freedom while the pro-Indian elements are offering Indian occupiers enough scope for illegal occupation and genocides of patriotic Kashmiris by holding bogus polls by unleashing military tactics. Both Palestinians and Kashmiris are being controlled by forces that do not want to let the Kashmiris and Palestinians establish their independent nations and live freely like human beings w with dignity. Fatah and pro-India groups are guilty of deceptive politics, as much as Israeli and Indians are guilty of massacres of Muslims. Can so many freedom groups with their own minor agendas succeed in forcing power regimes to surrender sovereignty?  


Bulks of Indians are made to believe through vicious media campaigns that Jammu Kashmir was a part of Pakistan which India had invaded in 1947, skillfully annexed and brutally occupied, killing Muslims there in a sustained manner. Now the Indian paid terrorists in secular-democracy uniform kill the Pakistanis, and not exactly Kashmiris. This false hood is similar to US killing Afghans, Pakistanis and Iraqis as “terrorists”. When Kashmiris from the other side of divided Jammu Kashmir come to India occupied JK, India intelligence and their media blast the news that “Pakistani terrorists” have sneaked into "Indian Kashmir". This is indeed ridiculous and false. India was almost sure that Pakistan would retain the part of JK it got from the war and let India continue to occupy JK. Whose lands and who shares and occupies brutally?


India is also keen to escape any possible punishment for the massacres and destructions in JK. After annexing Jammu Kashmir, Indian leaders changed the nomenclature of the nation by making it Jammu and Kashmir. That was a political gimmick played by Indian with support form British masters. So long as Kashmiris accept the Indian notion Jammu and Kashmir, they also accept the fact that there was never a united Jammu Kashmir. All Pakistani and pro-Pakistani people in JK seem to accept the division by calling J&K, instead of JK.   


The people of Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine are the victims of injustice and betrayal in clear violation of international law. As long as injustice and betrayal are sustained, violence will be justified and just as sustained. The movement in Kashmir is reviled in India and the West as ‘Islamist and terrorist’. They have to be able to show and demonstrate that it is a movement against ‘Injustice, Betrayal, and Violation of International law’. Resistance is a lawful response to any one let alone all three. Resistance in Kashmir is not only legitimate; it is the duty of every Pakistani – whether living in Kashmir or Pakistan.


India tries all terror tricks to silence the Kashmiris urge for sovereignty, but the struggle has become popular now. Occupier India can call the freedom fighters as separatists and terrorists, but persecuted Kashmiris in Kashmir are denied the right even to protest and speak about Indian atrocities. Nor can they come to Indian talk about their plight under Indian brutality for decades and martyrdom of over 100, 000 innocent Kashmiris for freeing their nation from Indian terror yoke.


Whenever Kashmiri leaders come to Delhi on invitation to speak about their pathetic plight in JK, India arranges hardline gangs and agents to disrupt the meetings and terrorize the people gather there to listen. Recently Kashmir freedom leader and all Parties Hurryiet Conference (APHC) Chairmen, S. Ali Shah Geelani and his compatriots who visited New Delhi were shamelessly manhandled by paid Indians. On demand from the courts, Delhi police known for its anti-Muslim frame of mind, like any other provincial police, denying justice to the genuine complaints of Muslims, have field a “sedition” case against Kashmir freedom leader Geelani and several Indians, but whom did he seduce in New Delhi on October 21 when he directly addressed the genocides cum sovereignty issue to the Indians, also terrorized by Indian regime, to seek solidarity for the struggle the Kashmiris have been waging at a very high human cost?  Was the victim badly affected or hit by Geelani’s “sedition”?  Has Geelani and his Indian supporters try to seduce the "innocent" looking Indian terror strategists?


India spreads false terror reports linking JK with what is in fact Indian state terrorism, and harping on Kashmiri terrorism, India cannot just permit the persecuted Kashmiris to talk inside India about Indian terrorism and genocides. The filing of the FIR came following a directive from a local court on a petition filed by a person associated with Hindutva-hardline BJP Party, S. Paondit on October 28 at Tilak Marg police station.  Meanwhile, on November 27, 2010 Geelani has flayed the occupation authorities for imposing curfew and restrictions in Srinagar city of Occupied State of Jammu Kashmir to prevent people from Eidgah march to construct a memorial of Kashmiri martyrs. Geelani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that memorials of martyrs would be constructed everywhere at any cost. “We are indebted to martyrs who laid down their lives and it is our obligation to construct their memorials and neither can we neither cancel it nor defer it. We are discussing ways and methods for their construction,” he said.

Although it pretends alarming aversion to “third party mediation” in Kashmir and Indo-Pak issues, India does want third party mediation if that justifies Indian occupation, genocides and promotes only Indian cause and criticizes Pakistan and Kashmiris fighting for sovereignty form occupying India. A state department cable published by WikiLeaks reveals that Indian leaders have requested Turkey for assistance in dealing with Pakistan, according to a Turkish diplomat quoted in. Seeking Turkey's help would be an unusual move by India as it has always balked at a third party involvement in solving its problems with Pakistan, which are hinged on Kashmir. Turkish president Abdullah Gul was in India for a five-day state visit in February. 


India has the power to kill Kashmiris, terrorize them and also to book fake cases against those who fight for freedom from Indian yoke. The puppet government employed by India in Srinagar has not yet filed any case against the occupying Indian terrorists charging them with continued massacres of Muslims there- why?


Like Palestinians, Kashmiris are also under virtual terror siege from militarized Indian occupiers. India maintains silence on the question of surrendering sovereignty to Kashmiris by peaceful means even after murdering over 100,000 innocent Kashmiri people. Kashmiris should consider the Indian proposal for granting autonomy to JK as the first stage of Kashmiri needs, debate the issue in popular forums and take appropriate actions without delay. A self-promoting "front-runner" for the terrorist UNSC to pursue its hidden agendas in the region and elsewhere and a prominent hooker cum bluffer, India can always go back on its word later, if the issue is delayed. United, the Kashmiris stand! Divided, they might face cruder terror-genocide operations from an innocent looking, arrogant India. 


One has no idea if pro-India Kashmiri leaders have been promised freedom any time soon. Look at the way the Zionist leaders keep shifting their position in order only to prolong their occupation and genocides. Time might not wait!

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