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Communal Politics in India: Fate of Muslims

Who Controls Fanatic India? (Part- 42)





Another republic day for Indian fanatics to celebrate and for the hapless Muslims to suffer! All over the country, Indian strategic agents in uniform or civil, target Muslims and terrorize them some of them are taken into custody just for customary sadistic pleasure.  Muslims continue to be on the run. The situation in occupied Jammu Kashmir is even worse.


Paid Indian state terrorist in secular uniforms have caused enormous difficulties for Muslims, in occupied Jammu Kashmir. The civilians are suffering immensely in view of tight security-terror arrangements. Indian police and paramilitary personnel subject bikers, passenger vehicles and private vehicles to thorough frisking across Indian Held Kashmir for the last two weeks. Even pedestrians are not spared in pretending to be checking the special weapons. In order to silence the Kashmiris protesting against military atrocities, the Central Reserve Police Force and police personnel had been deployed in large numbers in all major towns including Kupwara, Handwara, Baramulla, Sopore and Bandipora. In addition at some places in these towns regular Army men have been stationed. Terrorization of occupied JK is now complete.


Hinduism, like Islam for a few Muslim leaders, is the key political tool to power. Majority of Hindu politicians who play communal politics to appease the voters probably do not consider Hinduism worthy of any attention; they consider the religions nonsensical and opium to garner Hindu votes and just use their religion for their person profits. The attitude they show towards Islam and that is the core problem in India badly affecting Muslims and Mosques. None needs any crash course to know Hindu India is a terror state and its hates In Muslim dominated areas it is easy to instigate troubles by the Hindu extremists by attacking mosques and Islamic symbols. Hindus know the provocative tactics to make Muslims revolt even without any serious cause and they don’t open their mouth even when there is serious danger affecting their religion and lives. Muslims and Islam therefore seek strategic partnership with Israel and USA-UK.


Congress party always sends out an important signal to Hindus that this party is extra-Hindutva in practice- more Hindutva than the registered Hindu extremist parties. Both Congress and BJP have members in RSS and this link is disastrous for Muslims and nation. It is joint strategy that saw the fall of the historic Babri mosque. With Congress-Hindutva nexus and Cong-BJP closeness on policies, the Congress party continues to pursue its pro-Hindutva policies and the treacherous anti-Islamic objectives in India with assistance from police, military, intelligence, judiciary and media outfits. The way Congress ruled state of Andhra has once again witnessed a ‘communal riot’ with Hindu mobs carrying long batons/sticks and attacking unarmed Muslims in the old city of Hyderabad, the scourge of communal riot once again raising its ugly head, cannot be called a sudden conflagration. The fact that both intelligence and police failed and let the riot spread out, points to the possibility that political consideration prevailed in this law and order situation. Rather they all pursue their pet Hindutva and anti-Muslim agendas as one junk whole. 



Knowing the hidden Hindutva agenda of Indian state, jeopardizing the genuine Muslim interests, some more fanatic elements among Hindus want to create tensions in societies by using both politics and stereo nuisance for that. Public nuisance and societal menace being created deliberately by extreme but foolish Hindus in streets as part of celebrations of their temple structures. They impose sound nuisance on the entire streets by employing loud stereo speakers on others. They even place such loud speakers in localities where Muslims live and play all sorts of things to create the social evil. The mad Hindus, very few everywhere, impose their will on the Muslims thinking that they represent the regime and police, bureaucrats, and politicians are solidly behind them. They know it is illegal to play loud noise for whatever reason day and night and create disturbances in the society, but still they do it to show to India is their country and they can do whatever they want. No police and no courts, although there rules banning loud noise. “If you Muslims have any objections to Hindu domination, mosque attacks and hidden terrorism projects and surveillances activities, they should "go to Pakistan"- the standard Hindutva rhetoric towards Muslims for vote bank politics. If polls are banned in such fanatic countries perhaps such misbehaviors would subside and fade away slowly.  


India has voluntarily let itself cowed down by the most vocal and incendiary anti-Muslim propaganda by Hindutva Parivar plus Hindu Jehadi gang and should move decisively to reclaim its lost Muslim vote bank. Unfortunately, Indian judiciary has also been reduced to the mouthpiece of right extremist Hindu elements. Judges individually and collectively should uphold constitutional secularism and keep proactive vigilance against its erosion by relentless pressure from Hindutva elements.


National communal party BJP’s ‘Tiranga Yatra’ program on republic day by hoisting in occupied Jammu Kashmir a tri-color national flag which is also the  flag of the ruling Congress party with a different logo is a attempt  to disrupt peace in that nation and make the life of ill-fated Kashmiris more difficult and complicated.  BJP and its Jehadi gang  had hoisted a the same type of flag even on the grand Babri Mosque, maybe symbolizing the destruction of Islam, Indian Muslims, Congress party and Indian nation. Such forceful flag hoisting is self-destructive and extremely dangerous as it could cause carnage of innocent civilians in the name of extremist nationalism. This is also pseudo-patriotism in extreme format.


Can any one who is involved in the demolition of a historic mosque be a patriot? Can such pseudo-patriotism be promoted? It has been a sheer habit in Hindustan for the Hindutva outfits, on the strength of central regime, to issue unsolicited certificates to and fatwas for Muslims and Islam as to who is a patriot and who is not; who is a true Indian and who is not and get away with them. Indian judiciary is fast asleep when it comes to the issue of insult and injury to Muslims. They insult Muslims in public meetings for the sake of votes form Hindus who other wise prefer medium Hindutva Congress party.  

India has cleverly fooled the world over its claimed secular credentials, while the entire rank and file of its governing infrastructure as well as army, internal security and intelligence agencies were meticulously cleaned of Muslim presence even while the government, the opposition and media kept harping about India’s secular creed as legislated in the Indian constitution, forgotten by all leaders. .


Communal politics has come to say in the secular terrocracy, almost permanently haring the  genuine aspirations of genuine Muslims. India mother strenuously promotes role of religion in politics for advancing wrong purposes. So much so Muslims fearlessly use Mosques to indirectly promote their party interests- mainly the Congress party at national level. Why?  Another major flaw in Indian approach to Kashmir is the excessive murders in the heavily militarized Kashmir valley. Why do Indian state terrorists target only Muslims, while carefully protecting Hindus in the JK?  India kills only Muslims. Pakistan also kills only Muslims.


 Reply:   Communal Politics in India: Fate of Muslims
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (11/Feb/2011)

Thanks for letting us know all this but fate of Mohajirs and Kashmiris is a lot better in India than in Pakistan because ... .
* ... their standard of living is higher there.
* ... their Literacy Rate is higher there.
* ... the one's, who do not listen to ISI and remain peaceful, have no problems like their Urdu Speaking brothers, Balochis, Sindhis, Non Moslims, PushToons, Saraikis etc have in Pakistan.
* ... India has never declared any of her Moslims Traitors like all Pakistanis except Punjabis have been declared by Pakistan at one time or the other.
* ... more Pakistani Minorities have left Pakistan than Minorities in India and this is why India has 2nd largest population of Moslims in the world.
* ... more even Punjabis of Pakistan have been leaving Pakistan since country is ruled by Wolves.
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