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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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NATO attack on Mecca - is it far away?


Obviously, the western terrocracies have been deriving sadistic pleasure by exclusively terrorizing Arabs by terror attacks by NATO terror syndicate led by USA-UK twins. These rogue states are using the holy sites in Mecca and Medina to bully the Arabs - especially Saudi Arabia- through the indirect threat of terror attacks on them. America has been on "revenge" rampage over the fake Sept-11 gimmicks that killed people and destroyed a building by multiple missiles.  The Neocon nuts who had cunningly schemed about Sept-11 to perfectly launch terror attack on Afghanistan and other Muslim nations as per the possibly the largest conspiracy since the end of Cold war know the Arabs are deeply worried about their holy places that could be attacked by the enemies of Islam n some fictitious pretexts in the present era of space weapons and nuclear crosswords. 

US imperialists by keeping an innocent looking double-speak and a black American imperialist leader at the helm of global affairs, are pursuing profits in energy rich Mideast. It seems president Obama, who has successfully pursued Bushdom agenda of white western corporate world of controlling Islamic oil resources by terrorizing them and also selling them huge piles of weapons manufactured by US capitalists endlessly, would not direct the Pentagon and NATO rightly now to terror attack Mecca on the deficit of democracy in Saudi kingdom and possibly would prefer to export some more democracy to Riyadh in military boots.

It looks as if the CIA, earlier led by the oil agent turned politician, Bush Sr who later was made the US president on  the  basis of his conspiratorial skills only to produce his own son as another US president by "democratic" means, does not want to create the impression that USA is targeting Mecca or pursuing it with zeal right now by using the first ever black president Obama.

Maybe, CIA and USA does not want to give the world the impression that USA is anti-Islam and can wait for some more years to attack and destroy Mecca with help from post paid CIA agents among Muslims. 

Meanwhile, through continuous terrorization gimmicks, Muslims would be forced to become dehumanized and breathe heavily for leases of life from the occupying western "democrats" in terror uniforms and drones invented by Mossad-CIA specialists. 

Post-Obama cannot be predicted exactly and that could be more devastating than the Bush-Obama era which has been assigned by the CIA the heinous task of destabilizing the Mideast region, looting their energy resources with help from loyal rebel terrorists in every Muslim nation and threatening Saudi Arabia only indirectly so that it buys western "costly" weapons in exchange for "cheap" oil.

Bush and Obama have erected solid foundations in Mideast, destabilizing the nations one by one an occupying all of them and expansion of military bases all over the world to eventually control global resources.

CIA now tactfully uses its Muslim agents in Mideast to keep assuring Saudi capitalists like Abdullahs and these agents use the media to oppose any suggestion of Pentagon/NATO attacking Mecca, while at the same time preparing for the eventual onslaught on Mecca when i the situation is fully ripe and in their favor.

Like the Sept-11 terror gimmicks ignited by CIA to threaten Muslim nations and invade them one by one on the pretext of the made ready Sept-11 and strength of its terror prowess as well as support from other UNSC rogues.

The future leaders would invent some more threats to ultimately terror attack Saudi Arabia and.... .

All those Muslims who were enthusiastic about the possible "fall" of Libyan President Col. Qaddafi, a CIA's dictator who refuse to budge and surrender Libyan resources to the enemies and, thus earned good will of the Western fascist criminals in democracy suits, are already annoyed with the UK-France open oil agenda in Libya. However, since NATO loot  in Libya does not affect them in nay way  directly, they just keep mum and want to loot and destruction to continue. 

It is unfortunate that Muslims having lost their faith in Islam and taken refugee in imported liquor an cigars, have also lost their thinking capacity. Bulks of Muslims are like tube lights, unable to think about the impending danger to Islamic world and themselves if not to Islam. Maybe, they are already fused bulbs but just being used by CIA to showcase the false end of Islam and fake death of Muslim mankind in real terms. These Muslim nuts that exist only for themselves as parasitic people living on others' labor have proven to be the stupids and bloody fools. Both educated and illiterates, though they would never admit it openly!


USA simply uses the opposition parties in Muslim world as mere tools to achieve the CIA objectives of destabilization and slaughter of Muslims and once that is achieved the "tool" is also destroyed. Upon successful engineering of "uprisings" in Mideast, the Americans are engaged in diplomatic maneuverings with regimes in Tunisia, Egypt that have come to power with the express purpose of thwarting the revolutionary movements that led to the downfall of Zine el Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak. In Libya Col. Qaddafi is growing powerful. 

Rebel terrorists in Libya stand for hypocritical elements among Muslims in every Muslim nation and they are as much dangerous to Islam and Muslims as the western enemy in democracy suits, smiling mischievously!

Apart from military terror bases around the world, USA has also created big chuck of Muslim networks to operate for capitalism and US imperialism in Arab and Muslim world. 


Western terrocracies have been playing Sunni sentiments of Saudi and Arab League against Iran and other Shiite nations while pretending to be taking side with Sunnis- but for what? Do the American favor Sunni against Shiites for nothing? Obviously that is done to keep the divide intact to enable the NATO fascist syndicate to invade Muslim nations both Sunnis and Shiites - one by one. The whole western idea is to make Shiite nations feel besieged and Sunni nations led by Saudi Arabia threatened.


The US-French  attempt to  woo Saudi Arabia for cheap oil by saying the they now target Syria, ostensibly to  remove the Shiite regime of a Sunni state while  their silence over any such humanitarian measure  with regard to Bahrain where a Sunni rules  a Shiite nation might make Riyadh satisfied with US help. But poor but well-fed Abdullahs and Sheikhs fail to think that USA does not have any special love for Mecca and it has hidden agenda against Saudi Arabia as well. 



Now already CIA and NATO have made Saudi Arabia look a prominent villain operating against Islam and Muslim nations in Mideast as well. It would be very easy for NATO  to pursue the plot  further with their Muslim agents to engineer troubles in Saudi Arabia   to let UNSC-NATO composite terror organizations to finally invade and  finish of the "task" in Mecca. Possibly the capitalist Arabs would still be on the side of the NATO!

With a badly destabilized sovereign Libya with Arab support, now the CIA aims very high while Arab League voluntarily plays western fiddles!



From what has been said here, one should not, however, deduce that Obama would not attack Mecca and Medina any time in the near future.  Obama is himself an unhappy man in spite of all territorial gains his terror military regime has managed under his stewardship by escalating illegal wars in Islamic world. Nor has the bogus victory in sovereign Libya offered him any solace. His popular ratings have been faltering for months now. The unemployment and poverty line in USA are crumbling under his heavy boots. In fact over 15 percent of Americans now live under poverty line. His failures on domestic front are more disastrous than on foreign front where he might have some place to feel himself good. There is possibility Obama would not get reelected to White House again and CIA-Pentagon-Neocon nuts would somehow use this to persuade Obama to let NATO attack Mecca on the pretexts the CIA would supply in due course. CIA believes that Americans  respect arrogant presidents who showcase US prowess by invading sovereign Muslim nations. And Obama in the  false hope of wining another presidency might press the danger button ...


But Saudi Arabia is indeed under the serious terror threat from western rogue states using democracy skins.

So, Arabs cannot in fact rule out the possibility of a NATO terror attack Mecca as well.  These western mad dogs and wild foxes can do anything any time!


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