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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Indo-UK Cricketism: India is Guilty of sport crimes




The cricket monkeys from England are the chief guests of their Indian sponsors at Diwali festivities as par t of  their India tour and they celebrated the cocktail celebration after the end of 5 ODIs  fixed in favor of India. Indian foreign  and sports ministries can claim a clean seep victory  for their joint diplomacy just like the NATO joint terror operations in Islamic world, consuming the corpses of murdered Muslims and  drinking the blood oozing out of the  dead bodies of the  fallen Islamic heroes defending their nations from  fascist attacks of western criminals.

India plans every thing in advance, keeping in view the important Hindu dates. So, India had planned well in advance to celebrate Diwali by somehow winning the ODI series and the Cameron boys have  supported the Indian cause of cricketism to showcase their  power to sustain the illegal occupation of Jammu Kashmir by brute force with draconian laws to the state terrorism lawful. . .   

 England, as it gets slowly revealed now in India, is an ordinary team at par with all other mediocre ones thriving  by mutual agreements and  appeasements.  In fact England was a weak team a couple of years ago, but it with the, possibly paid, assistance, got the assistance of its former colonies like Australia, Bangladesh, South Africa and some other African nations  that still worship the white bosses and of course India to look larger than original size and even reached  the top occupying almost all formats of cricket. In fact, further, India while in England, magnified the profile of England team to 100 percent and beyond any doubt.

The practice of give and take policy of cricketism in 100 plus/50 plus/200 plus,etc, is as old as the history of cricket invented by the British rulers for their colony servants in now known as the Commonwealth.  Each team chooses  its favorites in rotation to offer special runs for special purposes.  That is not considered by ICC as "fixing".

After the retirement of  R. Dravid, who had been one of the most favorites of  England for  offering big scores, the English boys seem to have opted, rather adopted Indian skipper Dhoni for special rewards in quick runs. English monkeys offer too many runs to him after removing all other "fantastic" Indian batboys easily.

What is the secret about this mysterious liking of Indian skipper by the English knotties? Is it because he is also the  skipper of Chenni team  that lost in the recent CT20 or a top cricketer of IPL who might have some say some say in the selection  of foreign cricketers for IPL to play for Indian corporate blackmoney holders?

England cruelty offered a doctorate in Law for Dhoni for letting an English batman get one more run. So much worth for a doctorate in terrocracies!

In fact English team that not long ago thrashed Indians in England to zero and claimed the top ranking in all possible formats now in India tries to show or shows up its real hollowness.  It appears either India played for England in their country or England is as bad as India or Australia or South Africa or Zimbabwe or Bangladesh or Pakistan but ONLY by match-fixings each team agrees fro 100 PLUS/50 PLUS OR even 200 PLUS/300 PLUS etc, generally shared by skippers, unless some particular cricketers need the "records" for some rewards or awards from the terrocratic regimes. .

Why the England team has some Indians (Hindus) as well? Does it mean they are short of cricketers and have to import Indians to play for England?  India does not include any foreigners in its team- except in IPL or CT20 to boost Indian fake image. .

Indians in foreign teams play for India when match is fixed with India. Will the Indian cricketers in UK team play for mother India or father UK?

Why English boys offer too many runs towards the end knowing well that India would not bowl leniently towards England. Is it not a match-fixing? If it is not, what else?

Are Pakistani cricketers involved or engaged in these Indo-England official match-fixings?How much money they were paid by UK and India?

The ICC must answer these few questions in consultation with India so that innocent looking Indians are not punished.

There are some more serious questions too, but they would be posed once answers for these questions are made by the ICC.

Meanwhile ICC must investigate the match-fixings by the teams, countries, mafias, corporate sponsors, etc.

But there is no need for any panic because the corporates would not easily let the cricketers down and the match-fixing cannot be stopped by the regimes themselves because they are also directly involved though outwardly every thing looks private.

All are international frauds and gangs but supported by the  elected regimes.

World today is full of mafias and state gangs. NATO gangs, UNSC gangs, nuclearism gangs, oil gang, arms gang, liquor gangs, cricketism gangs.  

The list is endless!

Indian crimes are also endless!

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