"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
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Military Operation       


The inevitable has struck and the Muzakraats which were doomed to meet the fate they have met have come to a halt and the govt. has ordered to launch the Military operation in the NWA. The Interior Minister in his press conference gave elaborate details of the govt.’s intentions to resolve the matter through negotiations but the terrorists seem to have asked for it due to the continuation of their extreme acts of violence and totally unacceptable demands and preconditions for the ‘cease fire’.  


Now, what is strange is that, though the decision to launch the military operations could purely be that of the elected govt. alone yet, the Minister looked evasive and apologetic when he said, “Pakistan security forces are undertaking strike in FATA in ‘self defence’, which is a right the govt. cannot take way from the armed forces”.  Hold on, Sir, what is this ‘self defence right’  of the armed forces that the govt. cannot take way?  Are the armed forces undertaking the operation on their own for some vendetta of  their own ?!  Or, are they doing so for the sake of the country and the nation that they are sworn to defend?!  Why is the minister being apologetic to the Talibaans?  Is he trying to convey to the terrorists that though the govt. doesn’t want the operation yet it cannot stop the armed forces from undertaking it on their own? Strange indeed very strange!!  The govt. must act boldly! and say unambiguously that IT HAS ORDERED its armed forces to take the military action and restore peace in the area.  Another thing, now that the operation has started the civil authorities would be well advised to refrain from interfering in it or telling the armed forces as to what to do and how to do.  Where to strike and where not to strike, etc. They should just allocate the task and order the forces to accomplish it in the shortest possible time and with the minimum possible collateral damage.  And the armed forces should – as we call it in the services – bloody well do it.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

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