"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Changing Indian politics: Kejriwal invites anti-corruption leaders to join Aam Aadmi team work







Basically India is not a bad country nor people want corruption but greedy politicians and their big business bosses have made India one of the most corrupt nations around.


The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) wants honest politicians and social activists across the country to join its fold and help the one year-old entity grow rapidly into a serious third political alternative in the country, senior leader Yogendra Yadav said.


AAP leader and senior Supreme court lawyer Prashant Bhushan as the emissary of the then Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal met former Kerala CM and top communist leader VS Achuthanandan at Thiruvanathapuram obviously with  the objective of requesting him to join the  Aam Aadmi team to serve the people. However, both did not disclose the details of their brief chat at the opposition leader Achuthanandan’s residence.  Prashant Bhushan said  Achuthanandan is  one of  most respected leaders who  oppose corruption and raised their voice against injustice.  Aam Aadmi considers  the straight forward  90-year-old is a leader of exceptional integrity. “We appeal to more such leaders to join the AAP”


On 19th February, Kejriwal  extended the same  invitation to number of other such  persons of integrity and one of them is the senior cabinet  minister of  Indian government AK Antony against whom  there is not corruption charges though he was also the CM of Kerala state thrice before he was inducted into central  ministry.


Only the persons of genuine integrity alone can save India form corrupt elements that eat  w away all  resources of the Indian  nation, freedom for which  was obtained from Britain upon a very long battle led by Mahatma Gandhi.



Today, unfortunately, the same Congress party promotes both rich and rampant corruption, letting the rich and manipulative corporative loot the nation and making the common people suffer.  .


Did MK Gandhi and thousands of patriotic Indians struggle for independence only to hand over resources to the wealthy powerful guys by privatization processes in the name of effecting efficiency?


Those who fought for freedom from  colonial yoke  are on the streets and those who  enjoyed then continue to enjoy. The governments are at their services for party funds. Shameful!


Then there is the Hindutva brand BJP and its anti-Muslim parties club, secretly collaborating with Congress by targeting Muslims so that they vote for Congress party.


BJP, claiming to be more patriotic than Congress party, also loot the national sources when they rule the nation and states. Illegal mining by Karnataka ministers of BJP  clearly exposes  the criminal mindset of these pseudo patriots and fanatic communalists who win elections by threatening the Hindus in attacking  the Muslims. .


Congress party, which is instrumental in the ghastly demolition of Babri mosque, Islamic heritage in UP, very tactfully also, employs Muslim leaders as chief vote bank agents for the party.


It is in the background of these ugly communal and corrupt practices that people founded Aam Aadmi Party to both protect them and their genuine interests from strong anti-humanity gangs. .


It is in this context that Aam Aadmi Party has appealed all truly pro- leaders to join and serve to save the nation form criminal gangs, further strengthen the popular anti-corruption movement as the genuine national forum. .


As Indians is soon going to  decide their future in the parliamentary poll for  next term,  a joint efforts  by all right thinking people and leaders can teach the  experienced  political corrupts and their proteges in industry  much needed lessons .  

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