"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: webmaster
Full Name: webmaster
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 154
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Dear All

We are very sorry and regretted that, due to our Ir-responsibility, we let the posts from Qadiyani to be publish on this site.
The user named noor-e-islam is spreading Qadiyani belief.
we are deleting all his posts and seeks forgiveness from Allah and you people.
Please be noted, that we will be more careful in the future regarding posts on topic of Islam, but mistakes can happen, so please, help us by identifying those mistakes.
Special thanks to Mr UN and Invite2truth for highlighting this blunder made by us.
May Allah forgive us.
Be carefull about these following links as noor-e-islam user is spreading those

Alternate Downloads including Islaamic_Sharia_Law.pdf from

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Your comments are welcome

Please Join Islamic Group to share our knowledge :::>>

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Allah hafiz
 Reply:   You are welcomescript src=htt
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (8/Jul/2008)

Asslam O Alaikum
Not at all, we are infact very much thankful to you and expect the same kind of activeness & support in the future.
 Reply:   Thanks a lot/
Replied by(UN) Replied on (7/Jul/2008)


Thanks a lot brother.

Sorry if i hurt you in any way.
 Reply:   Dear Invite2Truth, non-Muslims
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (7/Jul/2008)

Asslam O Alaikum
Dear Invite2Truth
I never said non-Muslims are not allowed to join the site, they are allowed to join the side and they are allowed to express their social/political views, but they are/will not allowed to spread their beliefs over here.
I hope this point is cleared.

Now to your second point, good people can be there everywhere, any religion can have good people and any society can have the good people. But best people according to our belief are Muslims.

Because how can any other person who is good and wise but not wise enough to see/find the real religion.
So, this is my belief that according to Allah (S.W.T) best people among us are practicing Muslims.

I hope i have answered to your questions.
 Reply:   Dear Webmaster Pls Clarify Why
Replied by(invite2truth) Replied on (7/Jul/2008)

First let me thank you for deleting the post of noor-e-Islam; I don't know what is their "Aqeeda" but the post are really out of place and very controversial; anyway coming to your point that Non-Muslim Pakistani cannot join this site; I request your clarification;
Secondly I don't agree with you that only Muslims  are good human beings and that only they can make this world a better place; unfornately atleast at the present time this does't seems to be the case. Yes there was time when a Muslim person's character was such the Non-Muslims would embrace Islam just by interaction with real noble Muslims.

 Reply:   Dear UN, we are deleting all p
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (7/Jul/2008)

Thank you,
 Reply:   For UN and Invite2Truth from w
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (7/Jul/2008)
Dear UN
If you find any articles on this site from Qadiyani please let us know, we will immediately delete them, so waiting for your input.

Actually we are not in a position to check/validate every post from users, this we know is our mistake, but we seek help from our readers as well, like you, so please highlight any anti-Islamic user/post, and we inshahAllah will remove that immediately.

Waiting for your reply.

Dear Invite2Truth, this site is not for non-Muslims, this site is for Muslims and according to our belief only good Muslims can make Pakistan and world better.

But also keep one thing in your mind, we are not against non-Muslims, and will not allow this site to propagate hate about non-Muslims or any sect of Islam.

But if any Muslim need some clarification about some of its faith, we Will try to clear his misconception.

 Reply:   "UN" Thanks for Correcting. Th
Replied by(invite2truth) Replied on (6/Jul/2008)

This website should not post such articles, as this website is related to "Make Pakistan Better" and Pakistan is made up Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Qadianis and people of other religion and of course some "Athiest". Even Muslims of different "Firkays" should not try propogate their understanding of Islam on this web site.

There is generally a policy of anti-Islam forces to weaken the Muslims by dividing them. We should be careful of such evil designs.
I request the "webmaster" to take notice and take remedial action.

 Reply:   For Full Answer See the Links
Replied by(UN) Replied on (6/Jul/2008)

"But Allah raised him up (with his body and soul) unto Himself; and Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise." [an-Nisaa' 4:158]
For Full Answer See the Link:

 Reply:   Sahih Hadith/
Replied by(UN) Replied on (6/Jul/2008)

By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary [Jesus] will shortly descend amongst you people as a just ruler. (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Jesus son of Mary would then descend and their [Muslims'] commander will invite him to come and lead them in prayer, but he would say: No, some amongst you are commanders over some [amongst you]. This is the honor from God for this Ummah [nation]. (Sahih Muslim)

 Reply:   Why is this site allowing arti
Replied by(UN) Replied on (6/Jul/2008)

Why is this site allowing articles from Qadyanis.

I thought the site was a good and Islamic one. But in the current times nothing can be trusted.
Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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