"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
User since: 22/Jan/2008
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Yousuf Raza Gailani "“ Surely this is not Charlie Wilson's war

In history of Pakistan many puppet Prime Ministers and Presidents have ruled over Pakistan, if I will write their names everybody will laugh that what status they had and how dictators and overseas lords used them for their interests. Leaving previous stories let us talk about new puppet PM of Pakistan. In lick spitting culture of PPP, and by courtesy of superstitious and illiterate voters, he successfully gained MP's seat. He was the only person who had been used as scapegoat when Benazir was negotiating with ISI chief about safe return of looted money and trying to make deals, at that time he was in prison. After writing a book telling fake family history and by hiding facts that how his ancestors were shoe bearers of British Raj, it is his great misunderstanding that he has become a scholar.

What is his status at home and who is using his strings is no more secret, but his foolish attitude let him down forever in the eyes of entire western media and scholars of other nations. Who arranged his US visit and how it completely failed could be seen by views of companion journalists, appetite of urgent money and to play with US dollars not only let down Govt. of Pakistan but also made possible for enemies to laugh on us. From Nazir Naji to Azeem Mian and Shaheen Sehbai every one is in shocking state. The only achievement is $ 42 million in next nine months for bread and butter (of Zardari & Co) at the cost of blood of Pakistani peoples. Now not only Pushtoon's will be slaughtered but drones have started to violate Baluchistan also.

Most funny statement of Yousuf Raza Gailani is "this is not Charlie Wilson's war", I think he has seen movie, first thing is that Senator Charlie Wilson was not an ordinary character, he struggled to continuously flow of funds to Pakistan, and that money was used to create Taliban, who finally kicked out Russia from Afghanistan. Whatever US interests were at that time, but General Zia ul Haq did not allow anyone to touch any Pakistani, at that time citizens of Pakistan were not treated as situation today at foreign air ports. He did not kidnap any opponents like Mush, neither had he sold blood of any Pakistani like Mush and now Zardari Co is selling very cheap. He kicked 400 million dollar aid, but later billions were given to Pakistan. Dignity and pride of entire nation took precedence at that time. By naming Charlie Wilson in funny phrases clearly show that how rapidly Mush and Gailani type peoples change their religion for the sake of money.

Benazir's war had no grounds, she was corrupt and her aim was to receive clear slip from courts to utilize that looted money. The only main reason she moved to Pakistan that  everybody knows word "deal",  she took oath on Ralph Peters book "War of blood and faith", it was her war to pay back in reply to one billion dollars looted money. All fascists in Pakistan army and other wild beasts who are already working on neo-cons theories, had they left any room? Presenting new theory of "Benazir's war", or in other words "Ralph Peters theories of "War of Blood and Faith" has no room in already polluted and blood soaked environment.

Wall Street Journal jumped in to defend Najam Sethi

An article is published in Wall Street Journal "Editor Wields Pen in Pakistan" dated July 25, 2008 by Peter Wonacott painting a strange picture of Najam Sethi (for full article click on the link below).

He says as describe in above column that due to fear he already has sent his both children overseas; moreover Pakistani authorities have advised him to leave the country. To communicate true status of activities of Najam Sethi and his so called position against Taliban that has put him in risky situation. First of all why hue and cry of Najam Sethi has taken place in US media, its main reasons is that only that person would be find place in US media, who blindly backs US policies (right or wrong). It is not too old that US administration was in support of same Taliban, which are considered to be enemy today. Moreover there are no manageable "ideological" strict policy lines of US which could provide guidelines to its followers; who believe on new "social contract" as their religion. US policies are ever changing, keeping in mind interests of corporations or their friend Israel. When US was against Russia, Vietnam or Korea then citizens of those state were considered as enemy of US. During Soviet occupation/Taliban rule majority of communists moved to western countries, exodus of Afghan "Khalq" and "Parcham" party activists and PPP's workers who took asylum in western countries is on record. In current situation its target is Muslim countries at large and particularly Taliban, so anybody who is against Taliban irrespective how trustworthy is that person, and what aims and ideology that has always took precedence over current political ventures of USA.

Najam Sethi's basic cause of confrontation with "Taliban"

Najam Sethi is well known "sectarian vigilante", if anybody is aware of mindset of Islamic sectarian divide that can easily follow aims and ambitions of Najam Sethi and peoples behind him. Being a yellow journalist he fabricates news items, spread hate and use his paper to target opposite Islamic sects. It is his paper which use phrase "Taliban" to distinguish particular large groups against his personal religious believes. Entire world has witnessed hate and killings in between both factions in Iraq. There is a long list of news items and fabricated stories which never proved to be true. He supported fascist dictator and helped him in his agenda to keep citizens of western countries in fear so that maximum amount of funds may keep flowing for maintaining their lavish life style. Majority of funds have gone in to pockets of greedy generals and hungry politicians, where as Najam Sethi type peoples also gained maximum benefits and political benefits. Launching of new Paper "Aaj Kal" is its true example.

What actually above group wants, if you may carefully listen above group usually says "we don't like Taliban brand of Islam", it means those are bashing specific sect of Islam and ready to follow "anti-Taliban type of Islam", it clearly signifies those are not secular or liberal as claim. Is there any American or Israeli brand of Islam other then Taliban type of Islam? If answer is no then why paper of Najam Sethi and group around him is imposing self created culture declaring it true Islam. Nobody has objection if their definition of Islam did not base on hate that is the main reason which make them controversial and suspicious. To gain political sympathies it is named as "secular" or "liberal" Islam. Majority of leaders representing political parties belongs to most conservative or extremist side of Islam, this is the reason so called "secular" Benazir Bhutto constructed a huge mausoleum from government funds which force poor local peoples to worship those dead, hungry and naked peoples of those feudal in the hope of better future or fear of their unlimited power have no choice to follow instructions, later when she joined dead; in first instance her widower took control of that mausoleum being source of political power.

Liberal Fascists: Renowned journalist Hamid Mir called them "Liberal fascists" (ref: daily Jang) It is true only in a sense as those claimed to be liberal, otherwise in facts those are "mentally slaves", narrow minded, full of hatred, racist, sectarian fanatics, sometimes represent "conservative nationalist" but in the same breath pose followers of "neo-cons". Other reason of notoriety is fascist mentality, pushing army against their opponents, so their ideology is a mixture of Hitler, Mussolini and Mush doctrine.  (Mush and peoples around him are fascist of 21st century), in this situation any media group which is receiving benefits from Mush and using his media organ to propagate "Mush doctrine" is considered enemy of nation, and recent polls clearly show almost 83% peoples of Pakistan are against Mush and his doctrine.

Status of Najam Sethi:

Neither he is owner of Daily Times and Urdu language paper "Aaj Kal" nor is he any distinguished journalist in Pakistan. His employer Salman Taseer owned above papers, in 1970 he was communist and socialist, later converted to Sikh religion and married a Sikh Indian woman; a son who has adopted Sikh religion. He was chosen by Mush to utilize his media group as a tool to kill democratic forces in Pakistan. Now Mush appointed him as Governor of Punjab province, next day after joining new assignment he went to worship graves of Bhutto's, and to follow dictated policies of his owners, Najam Sethi utilized his skills to back tyrannical dictatorship and fascist army. His paper was used to kill democratic forces and all such movements which were engaged in implementation of rule of law.

He also protects of a small fanatic religious group which controls almost 80% industries in Punjab province. His father in law was a "Canteen contractor" in British era, with the courtesy and gratuity of British rulers his descendents are billionaire at this stage, family tree of some members of parliament also reach to "canteen contractor", distinguish among Abida Husain, Fakhar Imam, Faqeer family, Wazir Ali Industries, and Qizlibash families which are all descendents of shoe bearers of British empire. How to receive gratuity from rulers? And to use techniques and skills to put hand in others pocket is in their learnt genes. Najam Sethi who tries to speak in British accent as described in above article is a small service which such colonial mentality peoples want to pay back to British nation which picked them from the floor and put on roof top. Not only Najam Sethi but there are dozens of feudal, Pirs and land lords which are spiritually still living in colonial era, at least fifty years have passed that their lords have left Pakistan but their soul, hearts and minds are still slave.

Finally it is not war on terror, it is test of descendents of shoe bearers of British Raj, and a litmus test on previous colonies that either those are still ready to adopt neo-imperialists theories in first step; next step will be mass occupation of other countries. Mush, Zardari, Yousuf Gailani, Pakistani generals and fascist liberals are actors who are performing their act, when curtain will drop all jokers and villains will disappear.


International Professor

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