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15000 Indian soldiers to Kabul: Anti-ISI Campaign unleashed

| New YORK | RUPEE NEWS | July 28th, 2008 | Moin Ansari | Rupee News through reliable sources was the first to expose the facts of about the Indian military base (disguised as an Embassy) in Kabul run by Brigadier Mehta . Rupee News was also the first to report the facts about India using the Kabul bombing as an excuse to move troops to Kabul. Now several Pakistan Army Generals have publicly confirmed the Rupee News story and have shed light on the fact that India is now moving one Mountain Division to Kabul, ostensibly to protect the Indian embassy personnnel.

15,000 solders defeine 15,000 more targets.

Air Marshal [retired] Ayaz Khan, a distinguished defence analyst, Maj-Gen [retd] Jamshed Ayaz, former head of ISI analysis wing and president of the Institute of Regional Studies, Major General [retd] Zahirul Islam Abbasi, former commander of the northern forces, and Colonel [retd] Ghulam Sarwar Chima have all confirmed Rupee News stories as published.

India intelligence: "'the aim of RAW is to keep internal disturbances flaring up and the ISI preoccupied so that Pakistan can lend no worthwhile resistance to Indian designs in the region."

Our breaking news stories about RAW has inspired thousands of readers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, US and the world over to throng to our site. Anatomy of Indian Intelligence Services and Alliances. Rupee News also has had several dozen articles on RAW and their design from 1968 to the present time. India admits to supporting LTTE terrorists in Sri Lanka! Pakistan to continue to help Lanka crush the Tamil Tigers. Rupee News has exposed RAW activities in Pakistan and through our other South Asian columnists in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. What is amazing in 2008 that even Bangladeshis have clearly recognized the role of RAW in the events of 1971 and beyond. Pakistan, Nepal, China, and Bangaladesh are RAW's enemies. Dr. Munshi has written a great book titled "The Indian Doctrine" in which he eloquently spells out the nefarious machinations of RAW against Pakistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries. Understanding Nehru's India Doctrine

Lanka Letter: RAW THE RASCAL by Prem Raj in Columbo.

Rupee News has also exposed the internal attempts to neutralize the ISI which was defined by the Pakistan Army brass as a thorn in the side of the Indian intelligence agencies. Appeasing the USA: Failed coup against the ISI. There is a huge conspiracy against all organs of the Pakistani defense establishment. The Pakistani Army has been instructed to totally convert itself into an anti-insurgency force and remove itself from its primary responsibility"“defending itself from India. General Kiyani refused to do so.

Rupee News also exposed the assassins of the Benazir Bhutto in an article written one day after the actual murder took place. THE CIA connection"¦ BENAZIR BHUTTO'S ASSASSINATION WAS PRE-PLANNED: THE"¦

Speakers Talk on India, Afghan Propaganda Against Pakistan, Intelligence Agency By: iStockAnalyst Wednesday, July 30, 2008 12:55 AM

Text of report from Jang forum hosted by Raja Javed Ali Bhatti on 27 July in Jang Office, Rawalpindi headlined "ISI a thorn in eyes of Pakistan's enemies: Jang Forum Participants" published by Pakistani newspaper Jang on 28 July
Rawalpindi: The Jangforum participants recently have said that India will dispatch one mountain division of its Army to Afghanistan with the support of Karzai under the pretext of the Kabul bomb blast.

"The Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI] is a thorn in the eyes of enemies of Pakistan. The Research and Analysis Wing [RAW] of India has separate anti-Pakistan designs, and the strategy of the Indian intelligence against Pakistan has come to the light now. The United States, however, has vindicated ISI from the charge of Kabul suicide attack."

These views were expressed by the participants of the Jang forum on the topic "Afghan, and Indian Propaganda Campaign against Pakistan and the ISI."

Air Marshal [retired] Ayaz Khan, a distinguished defence analyst, Maj-Gen [retd] Jamshed Ayaz, former head of ISI analysis wing and president of the Institute of Regional Studies, Major General [retd] Zahirul Islam Abbasi, former commander of the northern forces, and Colonel [retd] Ghulam Sarwar Chima, and some of the former federal ministers were among the participants of the Jang forum.

Air Marshal [retd] Ayaz Khan said that after suicide bomb attack outside the Indian Embassy in Kabul, a forceful diplomatic campaign against the ISI, Pakistan, and Pakistan Army has been launched; Moreover, India has said that about 2,000 Indian soldiers will be deployed for the security of the Indian Embassy in Kabul at the recommendation of the Indian Army headquarters. In this way, one brigade of the Indian Army will be dispatched to provide security to the Indian Consulates and Indian construction companies working on a large scale in Afghanistan. The first two brigades will be from the same mountain division. It is clear that it is the Indian plan to deploy 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan with the support of Afghan President Hamed Karzai under the pretext of suicide attack outside the Indian Embassy in Kabul.

It will have very serious consequences. The Karzai government in Kabul has aired a hoax against Kashmiri mujahidin that they are involved in the bomb attack in the Indian Embassy in Kabul. The real purpose of this charge is to give a legal cover to the entry of the Indian forces into Afghanistan. However, the Indian Government itself has not blamed Pakistan for this act. This blame will have serious and extraordinarily negative impacts in the future. Everybody knows that Kashmiri mujahidin and Kashmiris are facing Indian oppression in Kashmir. They, in fact, have no legality or capability to commit such an act of terror in Kabul. So far as Pakistan is concerned, the newly elected and public mandated democratic government has not become stable yet. It wants to have peace inside the country and in the neighbouring countries as well.

Air Marshal [retd] Ayaz Ahmad Khan said that ISI has frustrated the designs of foreign forces, agencies, and agents in respect of the security and survival of Pakistan. This institution has rendered an extraordinary service for the defence, survival, and security of Pakistan since its creation. This is the reason that it is a "thorn in the eye" for those who are anti-Pakistan and are working against the security of this country. The ISI has kept a strict watch over all those countries that have made military, political, or espionage plans against Pakistan; and on all the intelligence agencies of the world, be it the CIA or Indian RAW or military intelligence, Afghanistan's Khad, Israel's Mossad, or Russian intelligence. Because of this role and performance of the ISI against anti- Pakistan forces or agencies, a well-planned propaganda campaign is launched in the entire world against this agency. The job of ISI is to keep watch on Indian military preparations, movement of the Indian Army in Kashmir, increase in the deployment of the Indian Army in Afghanistan, and on espionage, terrorist, and subversive activities under the cover of Indian consulates.

Through these activities, the Indian Embassy and consulates are providing weapons and funds to other organizations in Pakistani tribal areas. The ISI has kept Pakistan Government well informed about these activities. So far as the suicide attack outside the Indian Embassy in Kabul is concerned, I am sure that the Pakistan Government or the Pakistan Embassy in Kabul, and the ISI were totally unaware of it. If any Pakistani agency was aware that the terrorists were planning an attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul, these agencies, particularly the ISI and the Pakistani ambassador in Kabul, would have informed their headquarters and the Pakistan Government about this. However, the sorry affair is that Afghan President Hamed Karzai and the Indian Government have launched an immediate and well-orchestrated propaganda campaign against the ISI and Pakistan Army. Only an enemy can blame in such a way. Pakistanis are enraged over the charges and statements by Karzai. The Pakistan Government and people of Pakistan have taken a serious notice of this negative attitude and charges.

Maj-Gen [retd] Jamshaid Ayaz said that RAW has separate anti- Pakistan designs. However, after the attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul, Afghan President Karzai even left India far behind in blaming Pakistan without conducting any investigation or getting any confirmation. He said that it was the ISI behind the suicide attack. India also blamed the ISI for suicide attack outside Indian Embassy in Kabul without any investigation. Even the Indian national security advisor talked about "teaching a lesson" to Pakistan in a very aggressive manner. It is as though one does something oneself and blames others. There is an Indian hand or an agent of RAW behind every terrorism or subversive act in Pakistan, be it in Baluchistan, Swat, or in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas [FATA].

Maj-Gen [ret] Zahirul Islam Abbasi said that the Indian intelligence strategy against Pakistan has come in the fore. India has not accepted the existence of Pakistan yet. Its way to spread its clout in Central Asia is blocked by Pakistan. India also wants control in Afghanistan. From there, the intelligence operations are being launched in tribal and Baluch areas, and there is a hidden hand of RAW behind many of the blasts and subversive activities in Pakistan.

Col [retd] Ghulam Sarwar Chima said that the United States has itself clarified that the ISI is not involved in the suicide attack outside the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan. However, Karzaiblames us. The Indian Government and its intelligence agency RAW is busy in carrying out the training and subversive activities against Pakistan from Afghanistan for the last five years with the collaboration of the Karzai government. The Pakistani Government, Army, and the ISI consider a peaceful and stable Afghanistan vital for Pakistani interests. Hence, blaming Pakistan can mean only the completion of an unfinished Indian agenda.

Originally published by Jang, Rawalpindi in Urdu, 28 Jul 08, pp 3, 6.

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