"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: mtyamin
Full Name: C M T Yamin
User since: 19/Apr/2007
No Of voices: 3
Naksh Farayadi 2
Views:2947 Replies:0
Views:4975 Replies:1
Naksh Farayadi
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Naseeb aazmanay kay din aaa rahay hain
Kareeb un kay aaanay kay din aaa rahay hain
Jo dil say kaha hai, jo dil say suna hai
Sab un ko suna nay kay din aaa rahay hain
Abhi say dil o jaan sir e rahh rakh do
Kay lutnay lutanay kay din aaa rahay hain
Tapaknay lagi in nigahon say masti
Nigahen churanay kay din aaa rahay hain
Saba phir humain poochti phir rahi hai
Chaman ko sajanay kay din aaa rahay hain
Chalo Faiz phir say kahin dil lagain
Suna hai thikanay kay din aaa rahay hain
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