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UK media raises question about Altaf running Karachi affairs

By M. Ziauddin

LONDON, May 14: The British media is wondering why Mr Altaf Hussain, a British citizen is being allowed by the UK government to run Karachi affairs, and that too through violent means.

"He has no plans to return to Pakistan," said Daily Telegraph on Monday in a piece titled 'Running Karachi from London'.

When the newspaper asked why Mr Hussain was not deported to Pakistan before he was granted citizenship, a British diplomat said: "He has not committed a crime on British soil."

The newspaper said supporters of Mr Hussain, 53, whose Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) is allied to President (General) Pervez Musharraf's government, were accused of playing a bloody part in clashes with opposition supporters.

"The man in-charge of Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, was at his usual command-and- control post at the weekend: a sofa in north London.

"As his fiefdom descended into brutal violence, with the deaths of at least 40 people reported amid the worst political bloodshed Pakistan has witnessed in years, Altaf Hussain directed his followers by telephone from a safe place, more than 5,000 miles away.

"His headquarters, or 'international secretariat' , is not in the Pakistani port city but housed in a red-brick office block opposite a supermarket on Edgeware High Street," the newspaper report continued. The newspaper quoted him as saying that he had called for peace.

"But as tens of thousands of his followers sat cross-legged in reverential silence as they listened to their leader's telephonic address relayed by loudspeakers, in another street armed MQM activists fired directly into the crowds of opposition protesters.

"Mr Hussain has lived in Britain since arriving in 1992 for a 'kidney operation'. He has since become a British citizen, while his party governs five cities and the populous Sindh province.

"Mr Hussain, who spent part of Sunday speaking on the telephone to Gen Musharraf, warned Pakistan's leader not to make any deals with exiled leaders, such as his rival Miss Bhutto, that would see the military ruler resign from the army," it added

"The situation in South Asia does not allow (General) Musharraf to take off his uniform, for without it he will have no power at all. Because of activities ... in Afghanistan as well as our own country, the Taliban (influence) is growing very strong," Mr Hussain told the Daily Telegraph.

"He is doing his level best to fight these groups. (General) Musharraf is a very brave man. Only he can prevent the Talibanisation of Pakistan," asserted Altaf in the interview.

"Unlike former prime ministers Nawaz Sharif and Miss Bhutto, Mr Hussain is an exile whose party has consolidated its grip. But Karachi remains tense.

"His political addresses by telephone have been known to last up to four hours, while a Western diplomat in Pakistan described the MQM as 'something out of Chicago "“ nobody leaves the party'.

"While Mr Hussain promotes the party as a 'secular' cause and courts the middle-class vote, his supporters are known to extort a goonda tax from Karachi businesses.

"Mr Hussain, who once drove a taxi in Chicago for a living, micro-manages the MQM with acute attention to detail.

In the same newspaper another report titled 'Violence as Musharraf's power fades' said in the (Karachi) city's Jinnah Hospital yesterday, Adil Bashir, 23, was recovering from three bullet wounds after narrowly escaping a street execution.

"He said he had not taken part in the rally but was rounded up by armed, teenage MQM activists along with four others. He alleged that he and others were lined up against a wall before being sprayed with automatic gunfire. He and one other survived.

"The actions of the MQM may have been not so much a sign of support for the eight-year rule of Gen Musharraf, but a demonstration of its own power in what could be the first round of a new turf war in Karachi.

"Gen Musharraf's options are becoming more and more limited as he struggles to have himself re-elected and to continue as army chief.

"His bargaining position for striking a possible power-sharing deal with the PPP leader, Benazir Bhutto, appears to be growing weaker."
 Reply:   Violence as Musharraf's power
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (15/May/2007)
Pakistan's president, Gen Pervez Musharraf, was facing a political crisis last night after violence claimed the lives of at least 40 people when pro-government militants opened fire on an op
Tuesday 15 May 2007

Violence as Musharraf's power fades

By Isambard Wilkinson in Karachi
Last Updated: 1:45am BST 15/05/2007

Pakistan's president, Gen Pervez Musharraf, was facing a political crisis last night after violence claimed the lives of at least 40 people when pro-government militants opened fire on an opposition rally at the weekend.


Running gun-battles erupted on the streets of Karachi, Pakistan's largest city, on Saturday when armed activists from the city's ruling party, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), a coalition ally of Gen Musharraf, blocked an anti-government rally.

Pro-government and opposition groups blamed each other yesterday for the worst political violence in Pakistan for years as at least three more people were killed and riots and looting spread.

Troop reinforcements were despatched to Karachi and the provincial governor ordered paramilitary forces to shoot any "miscreants" on sight.

It was the bloodiest episode in a two-month-long challenge by lawyers and opposition parties to an attempt by the military ruler to sack Pakistan's chief justice.


The MQM, on the orders of its leader Altaf Hussain, staged a "counter rally" to coincide with a visit to Karachi by the suspended chief justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, who has defied the president's demands for his resignation.

As several opposition rallies got under way, armed activists from the MQM opened fire on protesters.

Dead bodies were left where they fell for hours in Karachi's humid streets.

In the city's Jinnah Hospital yesterday, Adil Bashir, 23, was recovering from three bullet wounds after narrowly escaping a street execution.

He said he had not taken part in the rally but was rounded up by armed, teenage MQM activists along with four others. He alleged that he and others were lined up against a wall before being sprayed with automatic gunfire. He and one other survived.

Farhatullah Babar, a spokesman for the opposition Pakistan Peoples' Party, said: "We condemn this mayhem and we believe that the MQM could not have done it without the active support of General Pervez Musharraf."

The New York-based group Human Rights Watch accused the Pakistan government of "fomenting the violence".

The actions of the MQM may have been not so much a sign of support for the eight-year rule Gen Musharraf, but a demonstration of its own power in what could be the first round of a new turf war in Karachi.

Gen Musharraf's options are becoming more and more limited as he struggles to have himself re-elected and to continue as army chief.

His bargaining position for striking a possible power-sharing deal with the PPP leader, Benazir Bhutto, appears to be growing weaker.
 Reply:   Nawaz Sharif and Benazir are a
Replied by(Ghost) Replied on (15/May/2007)
Altaf lacks visions and wisdom but is very good in inciting emotions. As compared to many leaders he may be more arrogant and egotist but much lesser evil for Karachi than the socalled Shari
Nawaz Sharif and Benazir are also running their parties and inciting agitation while remaining in exile and living like aristocrats on money coming from unknown sources.
Like most of our politicians Altaf lacks visions and wisdom but is very good in inciting emotions. As compared to many leaders he may be more arrogant and egotist but much lesser evil for Karachi than the socalled Sharifs and Mr. 10%. As a wise man said in politics it is extreme rarity to be honest and upright.
Since last 5 years Karachi had become peaceful city and many development projects were going on.
Durign Benazir's reign in Sindh the number of people killed in Karachi were more than 100 times and during Nawaz Sharif reign 50 times than those killed during MQM's Government. During past three years more than 1000 people have died in sectarian and other violence and curfew had to be imposed in some Northern areas of Pakistan.
Every political party in Pakistan including JI have squads of militant armed on the pretext of security. 
But opposition is making it look like something quite  unsual ignoring that pictures of armed PPP leader and militants of other parties caraying arms were beamed by live channels and published in media. More than 12 MQM workers were killed,
In the wake of the riots on 12th May more than 37 offices of MQM were burned in Interior Sindh and all other provinces and their workers beatne or they fled. What was the law enforcement of Punjab, NWFP and Baluchistan doing?
Why they could not protect them?. 
There seems to be a conspiracy to topple Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz by feeding them distorted information about ground realities. Let us hope we enjoy the same freedom of speech as we enjoy these days.
The possibility of a foreign hand in 12th May riots as well irresponsible attitude of militant factions in different political parties has disrupted the calm of Karachi 
Arif Khan

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