"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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Dear Brothers and Sisters: Assalamo Alaikum 

The fake doctor Babar Awan has said that in order to get documents (related to Swiss banks where Zardari had kept millions of stolen dollars of poor people of Pakistan), they (Perhaps referring to the Supreme Court of Pakistan) will have to go over my dead body. I can sure this funny and phony doc doctor (fake PhD degree) and mediocre lawyer (In fact a Liar) that people of Pakistan will not mind going over his dead body. However since his dead body will be so putrefied due to his own massive frauds and corruption, in order to protect their feet they will perhaps go in a tractor or a trailer. 

PPP is aware of massive theft and corruption on poor peoples pockets and has decided to violate law and orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan. And yet it has guts to say that it is people's party. In fact it is a party which has mastered in fooling the poor people. 

Anwar Ul Haque
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