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User Name: Unpolluted
Full Name: Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
User since: 12/May/2011
No Of voices: 23
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Pakistan in October 2012: A nation hallucinated with the bait of Malala Yousufzai’s shooting by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted Created On: 20/Oct/2012 Views: 2485 Replies: 0 
Pakistanis are being flooded with “news”, “information”, articles, commentaries, blogs, and various forms of propaganda about the shooting of a 15 years old young woman from Swat, Malala Yousufzai (previously she was said to be 14 years old, but some more recent information indicates that she is 15). It has been alleged that she was shot on the orders of Tehrik-e-Taliban of Pakistan (TTP). So, Click here to read Full Article

Malala’s shooting tragedy by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 15/Oct/2012 Views:2287 Replies:0 
The news of recent shooting of a young girl, Malala Yousafzai, in Swat, Pakistan, has spread like wildfire, all over the world, fueled by the wind machines of the Western media, which have found a new opportunity for the explosion of their chauvinistic, omissive, and hypocritical political, moral, and cultural revulsions and condescensions. The feelings of shock and rage are being stirred in peop Click here to read Full Article
A comment on PTI and Imran Khan’s fund-raising dinner in New York by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 6/Oct/2012 Views:2702 Replies:0 
The following email was sent by the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice, PTI) to large number of Pakistanis in the US. They are making huge general and empty claims of planning to change the political and social structure of Pakistan, without specifying what these changes would be and how these would be brought about. Like most other candidates and politicians, Imran Khan is a rich man Click here to read Full Article
Deeper context and causes of the Muslim demonstrations against the anti-Islamic Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 27/Sep/2012 Views:2538 Replies:0 
Muslim reactions to the recent defaming and slandering film against Muslims, Islam, and Prophet Muhammad have complex nature and causes and need to be examined and understood in their proper socio-historical context. The US and Western news media, politicians, academics, and intellectuals have, by and large, failed to do that, and instead, have engaged in the application of techniques of fragment Click here to read Full Article
Some thoughts on Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and his Tehrik Tahaffuze Pakistan by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 19/Sep/2012 Views:1891 Replies:0 
The achievements of Dr. A. Q. Khan in the development of nuclear technology and nuclear deterrence in Pakistan have been of unmatchable service to the country and its people. In his various articles, he has identified some of the major debilitating and disastrous problems that have developed there, more critically, honestly, and courageously than most others. However, he has mostly stayed on the Click here to read Full Article
Multidimensional and complex nature and effects of imperialism on democracy, society, nature, and human nature by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 7/Aug/2012 Views:2524 Replies:0 
“At the same pace that mankind masters nature, man seems to become enslaved to other men or to his own infamy. Even the pure light of science seems unable to shine but on the dark background of ignorance. All our invention and progress seem to result in endowing material forces with intellectual life, and in stultifying human life into a material force.” Karl Marx. Selected Works, Vol. 1, p. 5 Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan: A rapidly failing state. What will it take to stop and reverse the disaster? by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 16/Feb/2012 Views:3076 Replies:0 
This is a brief review of the current all-round crisis in Pakistan, the worst in the country’s history. It is the compounded form of all the previous accumulated politico-economic problems, issues, and crises, since its independence in 1947 that were, and are, both the result of the objective structure of the feudal-capitalist-dependent politico-economic system, as well as of the wrong, incompete Click here to read Full Article
The real purposes and meanings of Admiral Michael Mullen’s recent statement about ISI and Haqqani group by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 30/Sep/2011 Views:3672 Replies:0 
Much is being made of the recent statement of Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, about the links between Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) and the Haqqani resistance organization in Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as support of the former for latter’s recent attacks on US military and other personnel. Extreme conclusions are being deduced and Click here to read Full Article
Gadhafi, Libya, counter-revolution, and the imperialist pack of hyenas by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 7/Jun/2011 Views:4214 Replies:0 
The invasion and destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, by the forces of imperialism, have been thoroughly analyzed, documented, and publicized by numerous authors, including this one (1). Numerous publications have also already appeared on the recent uprisings in the Middle East and their connections to imperialism, including this author’s (2), in Click here to read Full Article
US and NATO imperialism in South Asia: the developing Pakistan quagmire by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 27/May/2011 Views:3410 Replies:0 
In this article, the real nature of the main issue and main forces in the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan is identified and explained. The main issue is, of course, the invasion of Pakhtoon areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan by the US and NATO imperialists and their client and puppet forces, while the main forces are imperialists and their local clients, Pakistan and Afghanistan governments and th Click here to read Full Article
Imperialism and the historical context of the developing 2011 Egyptian Bourgeois Democratic Revolution by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Posted By: Unpolluted On: 23/May/2011 Views:3629 Replies:0 
The 1952 Bourgeois Democratic Revolution was launched by the Free Officers Movement of the armed forces against the corrupt and repressive monarchy of King Farouk, under whom Egypt had become the most important lever of control and domination of the Middle East by Western imperialism in general and US imperialism in particular, as well as Zionism. The success of that revolution ended the century Click here to read Full Article

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Osama Bin Laden: unasked and unanswered questions about the claims of his killing by the US military by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:5110 Replies:4
Gadhafi, Libya, counter-revolution, and the imperialist pack of hyenas by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:4214 Replies:0
The real purposes and meanings of Admiral Michael Mullen’s recent statement about ISI and Haqqani group by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:3672 Replies:0
Russia and China: After Afghanistan, Iraq,Yugoslavia, Libya, Iran, and Syria, where will the retreat end? by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:3666 Replies:0
Imperialism and the historical context of the developing 2011 Egyptian Bourgeois Democratic Revolution by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:3629 Replies:0
US and NATO imperialism in South Asia: the developing Pakistan quagmire by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:3410 Replies:0
Pakistan: A rapidly failing state. What will it take to stop and reverse the disaster? by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:3076 Replies:0
A comment on PTI and Imran Khan’s fund-raising dinner in New York by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:2702 Replies:0
Deeper context and causes of the Muslim demonstrations against the anti-Islamic Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:2538 Replies:0
Multidimensional and complex nature and effects of imperialism on democracy, society, nature, and human nature by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:2524 Replies:0
Pakistan in October 2012: A nation hallucinated with the bait of Malala Yousufzai’s shooting by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:2485 Replies:0
Attack on School in Peshawar by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D.
Views:2481 Replies:0

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