Dear Pakistani
Asslam O Alaikum

I ( know you are too much surprised at the moment as you don't know, what are you doing or what I want from you. So, surprise time is over.

My dear Country Fellow, after spending so many value able years in Pakistan , as a Pakistani, I didn't achieve any thing, no Nation Pride, no Religion Pride and  no Self Respect and unfortunately I am not the only one who is feeling this, there are millions , I believe, and for the confirmation of my faith in each individual Pakistani I decided to launch the Platform, where we all can come together and close to each other and can decide collectively what we want and how we want.

I have too many ideas and I am sure every one among us has a lot as well, so here we all will put our ideas and ambitions together and will see what is practical and will decide how we should go for it.

With the co-operation of all of you we will make our country a best place to live and as we didn't get it by birth , we will achieve it inshahAllah.

what I am doing is, I am visiting honest and helpful Government servants who want to help the needy but as we can't differentiate between good ones and black sheep, so we all will come here and will register our complaints/Suggestions/Problems here.

I will forward your problems/Complaints/Suggestions with full privacy to all other members and we all members will see what we can do.

Dear countrymen at the moment I just need from you is to come forward and join hands with us ," a single drop can do a lot"

Take care

Allah hafiz & Asslam O Alaikum

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