
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/30/2018 12:00:00 AM  

Islamic Democracy for Pakistan By Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:1742 Replies:0 
Democracy has become a buzz word among politicians, elites, and intellectuals in Pakistan. They forget that it was democracy which brought down the Greek Civilization after it divided the country into 42 sub-states. History tells us that ever since, it has been crumbling cultures, customs and civilizations by using one or more of its following four forces; * Pharaonic; when the elected leaders ph Click here to read Full Article
طالبان کی شرائط پر مزاکرات ؟ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:961 Replies:0 
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آزادی کی قیمت ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:947 Replies:0 
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پاکستان میں کرپٹ حکمرانوں اور سیستدانوں کامقام۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:889 Replies:0 
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خطیب شہر ہے برہم میرے سوالوں سے ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:950 Replies:0 
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اردو کا نفاذ،پاکستان کی ترقی کا راز ۔ محمد شاہد محمود
Posted By: Shahid75 On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:1370 Replies:0 
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مقبوضہ کشمیر پربھارتی لشکرکشی کے اکہتر سال ۔ محمدشاہدمحمود
Posted By: Shahid75 On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:1047 Replies:0 
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مرجع خلائق، مولاناقاضی محمدسرور ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:952 Replies:0 
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پانی کا کوئی نعم البدل نہیں ۔ حافظ ابن یوسف
Posted By: HYuosaf On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:1127 Replies:0 
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ہیود و نصاری،سورہ المائدہ اور مسلم دنیا۔حافظ ابن یوسف
Posted By: HYuosaf On: 30/Oct/2018 Views:1146 Replies:0 
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