
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 22/May/2019  

The Evil Empire by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 22/May/2019 Views:1224 Replies:0 
While there is a prevalent belief among the Americans that the US almost always wages war for noble purposes and in defense of freedom, global public opinion and facts paint a very different picture. Most countries surveyed in a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll identified the US as the greatest threat to world peace, and a 2017 Pew Research poll foundthat a record number of people in 30 surveyed nations viewe Click here to read Full Article
خوابوں کی تعبیر ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 22/May/2019 Views:750 Replies:0 
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پی ایم ایل این والوں کی انوکھی منطق ۔ محمد اعطم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 22/May/2019 Views:851 Replies:0 
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خیر و برکت ۔ پروفیسر محمد عبداللہ بھٹی
Posted By: M.Abdullah1 On: 22/May/2019 Views:722 Replies:0 
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رسول اکرم ﷺ کے پسندیدہ مشروبات ۔ علامہ پیر محمد تبسم
Posted By: PeerTabassum On: 22/May/2019 Views:804 Replies:0 
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