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اسلامیان عالم،آلام ۔ سلطان محمود شاہین
Posted By: SultanM On: 30/May/2010 Views:2610 Replies:0 
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رہے نام اللہ کا ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 30/May/2010 Views:2034 Replies:0 
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Pakistan launches its own version of Facebook By Syed M Aslam
Posted By: Ink_Drops On: 30/May/2010 Views:2587 Replies:0 
Six enterprising Pakistani IT professionals have launched Pakistan’s very own, and the first, social networking ‘for the Muslims by the Muslims’ website that would welcome peoples of all religions. According to the coordinator of the freshly launched site, Salman Ahmed, the decision to launch the site was driven by Fcaebook’s decision to hold a cartoon competition of blasphemous Click here to read Full Article
Farah deeba(mpa)fake a degree proof by Shahida Parveen
Posted By: Shahida On: 30/May/2010 Views:7428 Replies:1 
pakistan is fake democracy this time. if should want neat and clean pakistan.must require wellreputed parliament members.member punjab assembley farah deeba(m.p.a) on fake ba degree ,this is very bad sitution and bad reportation for pakistan muslim league.(n) bcz pakistan muslim lague(n) is big party and storng party in pakistan,pmln leader ship Click here to read Full Article
Darkht Laga loo Agya Ab "Value Added Tax (VAT)"
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 30/May/2010 Views:3648 Replies:0 
Darkht Laga loo Agya Ab "Value Added Tax (VAT)" Click here to read Full Article
قادیانی عبادت گاہوں پر حملے ۔ عبدالجبار ناصر
Posted By: ajnasir On: 30/May/2010 Views:2193 Replies:0 
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کالم نویسی،چربہ سازی،ٹمپلیٹ کااستعمال۔الطاف گوھر
Posted By: Altaf_Gohar On: 30/May/2010 Views:2392 Replies:0 
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ارمی نائیس غیر منصفانہ جنگی اصول ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 30/May/2010 Views:2044 Replies:0 
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Venus’ saadat
Posted By: saadat On: 30/May/2010 Views:2671 Replies:0 
Venus’ revenge hath begot vile designed, abhorrent plot.Phoebus oggles, Leucothoe’s cleave. In mother’s garb, his bosoms heave. Click here to read Full Article
Politicians should change their mentality towards Teachers. by Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
Posted By: Yousafzai On: 30/May/2010 Views:2289 Replies:0 
Teachers are not an opposing party to the Government either in the Parliament or in any Provincial Assembly that they should be burdened with all the evils being created so far. Sindh Education Minister declared the teachers guilty for the ‘destroyed education’. Click here to read Full Article
کیا یہ حب رسولٌ ہے ۔ عرفان صدیقی
Posted By: Irfan_Siddiqui On: 30/May/2010 Views:4044 Replies:0 
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یہ اسی کا صلہ ہے ۔ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Jang On: 30/May/2010 Views:2025 Replies:0 
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