
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 9/Jan/2009  

No sane Pakistani will name himself
Posted By: Haque On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:1841 Replies:0 
Most Pakistanis were long time ago Hindus and hence there is strong Hindu influence in the society. Unfortuantley according to Hindu religion the human beings are divided into various races. Brhamins Click here to read Full Article
انکار ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:3736 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
I learned a lesson once again - never throw shoes at a person carrying gun
Posted By: Qudsia On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:2404 Replies:0 
US President George W. Bush tells us that the US understands Israel's right to defend itself. I think no one disagrees with the principle that every people and nation have the right of self-defence.Bu Click here to read Full Article
Zardari's New System by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:1997 Replies:0 
In his system, anti-Pakistan political parties - Zardari PP, MQM and ANP - would rule in perpetuity, the independence of judiciary and neutrality of public servants abolished, and the armed forces rep Click here to read Full Article
PM's action takes Zardari by surprise, Haqqani, Haroon rush to Pakistan
Posted By: Noman On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:2223 Replies:1 
Yousuf Gilani sacked his National Security Adviser (NSA) without consulting Zardari and a surprised Presidency was informed about informed about it after the decision was taken late Wednesday night, o Click here to read Full Article
White phosphorus added to Israeli fire - Very scary images
Posted By: Noman On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:2279 Replies:0 
Weak heart person should not watch these images. Click here to read Full Article
Lebanon straightens up Israel?
Posted By: abdulruff On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:1769 Replies:0 
It was not immediately clear whether Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas, against whom Israel fought a 2006 war or the Palestinians, fired the rockets into Israel (so as to end Israeli terrism in Gaza) in Click here to read Full Article
Disarm Fascist Israel!
Posted By: abdulruff On: 9/Jan/2009 Views:1798 Replies:0 
West inspired and controlled contemporary world has carefully generated a lot of their media agents to defame Islam, propagate Israeli fascism, terrorism and genocide strategies and criticise and oppo Click here to read Full Article

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