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User Name: iffi
Full Name: Afifa Fatima
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 11
Afifa Fatima's Favorite Voices
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Beautiful Mehndi Designs I
Views:10477 Replies:0
Shaista Wahidi is Sick . Must See This Video
Views:8536 Replies:3
Beautiful Mehndi Designs II
Views:5703 Replies:0
look at the presentation
Views:4245 Replies:0
Story of a person converted to Islam
Views:4142 Replies:0
Pakistan·s Musharaf Blackmailed by US?
Views:4113 Replies:0
Will America Assassinate General Musharraf?
Views:3953 Replies:0
Nawaz Sharif is the best option in this current situation of Pakistan -Urdu
Views:3722 Replies:0
The Muslim malaise
Views:3637 Replies:0
Four islamic stories to refresh our belives
Views:3622 Replies:0
An American journalist criticizing the drone attacks on pakistan
Views:2572 Replies:0

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