
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 1/2/2018 12:00:00 AM  

Donald Trump’s threatening tweet by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:1341 Replies:0 
Pakistan was made an ally by USA in September 2001 to fight its war on terror as a frontline State but was treacherously subjected to biggest ever covert war to destabilize, de-Islamize and denuclearize it. For the success of covert operations launched by RAW-NDS combine backed by CIA, MI-6, Mossad and BND from Afghan and Iran soils in FATA and Baluchistan from 2003 onwards, Pakistan was subjected Click here to read Full Article
US-Russia cooperation in Syria! by Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:2108 Replies:0 
All UN veto members have a common plan and they move accordingly. USA and Russia, the two very important super powers, have always cooperated in regional problems even during the Cold War era. Cooperation and confrontation have been the hallmark of Russo-US relations. Russia has once again accused the USA of training terrorists in Syria, this time at a military base in the south of the war-torn c Click here to read Full Article
Benazir Murder by Col.Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:965 Replies:0 
A blame game for the ‘murder’ of Benazir Bhutto has erupted between Bilawal and Musharraf where Bilawal holds Musharraf as the murderer and Musharraf throws the blame squarely on the shoulders of Zardari. If Musharraf was the killer why was he not tried for it by the Zardari 5 year government? There is tons and tons of evidence available which if sifted even cursorily could easily pin point the r Click here to read Full Article
جمہوری فاشزم یا حقیقی آزادی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:894 Replies:0 
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لاہور دل میں تو قصور آنکھوں میں بسا ہے ۔ حسیب اعجاز
Posted By: H.Talha On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:997 Replies:0 
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عمران ناٹ آئٹ،جہانگیر آؤٹ ۔ میر افسر امان
Posted By: mirafsaraman On: 2/Jan/2018 Views:917 Replies:0 
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