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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
No Of voices: 834
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National Security: by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz Created On: 3/Feb/2021 Views: 1945 Replies: 0 
Prime Minister Imran Khan held a meeting with the COAS Gen. Qamar Bajwa and DG ISI Gen. Faiz Hameed and discussed matters of National Security with them. Most probably the National Security involved could be that of an imminent false flag operation which India could stupidly launch against Pakistan to divert the international attention from the colossal human rights violations it is committing in Click here to read Full Article

A Request to Chief Justice of Pakistan: by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 28/Jan/2021 Views:2444 Replies:0 
Sir, your Lordship being the chief custodian of the law and the highest authority in the country to regulate the affairs of the bench and the bar, the following two instances, out of the umpteen, are brought to your kind notice for taking a Suomoto action against the performers: A day or two ago quite a many triumphant and jubilant black coats seemingly gone berserk were shown on TV firing sma Click here to read Full Article
A Weird Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 14/Jan/2021 Views:2190 Replies:0 
An uncanny, mostly unrestrained and a boisterous N Leaguer came up with an incredible logic on a TV talk show the other day when responding to a query if the SOPs against Corona were being observed in the PDM public meetings, said that people would rather prefer to die of Corona than of the stifling and suffocating rule of this government! What a Logic?! Oh poor awaam die you must one way or the Click here to read Full Article
Abid the Fugitive by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 22/Sep/2020 Views:1730 Replies:0 
It is now more than 10 days and 4 or 5 attempts that the police has failed to nab the alleged rapist and the fugitive Abid. Every time the police closes upon him in his reportedly new hideout he manages to melt away dogging them. I wonder why don’t the police take the sniffer dogs with them, cordon off the area, ap Click here to read Full Article
September 65 and the Nation by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 15/Sep/2020 Views:1899 Replies:0 
In early September 1965 clouds of war were gathering ominously but had not burst as yet. On 5th September a van stopped alongside my car at Elphinstone Street Karachi and its driver seeing me listening to the news on my car radio, eagerly asked, “Has Pakistan declared war?”. “No” I replied, but could see the disappointment writ large on his face. Early next morning the Indians started it but trea Click here to read Full Article
Investiture Ceremony by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 9/Sep/2020 Views:1723 Replies:0 
It was quite reassuring for an old soldier to see that in the Defence Day Awards investiture ceremony the recipients of the awards while receiving the award from the President were not jerking their faces towards the camera to get themselves foootooographed, an unfortunate practice which has crept in lately and seen in our almost all award and prize distribution ceremonies. The pe Click here to read Full Article
The Honourable Legislators by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 27/Aug/2020 Views:1628 Replies:0 
It is really distressing to watch some of the TV Talk Shows where the honourable members of the parliament shower each other with slanderous invectives like Chor, Daku, Lutera, Corrupt, Money Launderer, Tax Evader, Fraudulent, Dishonest, Deceitful and even Traitor so profusely that it leaves the poor viewer askance as to how do they swallow it all?! Why don’t these men of honour sue the assailan Click here to read Full Article
Independence Day or Birth Day by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 16/Aug/2020 Views:1425 Replies:0 
We have been celebrating 14th of August as the Independence Day for the past seven decades or so, which I think in the real essence is not very proper. There was no Pakistan before 14 August 1947 on which date it was created by partitioning the sub continent of India. It took its birth and came into being on this date as a free country. Agreed, India was ruled by the British and was liberated, bu Click here to read Full Article
Crescent Controversy-3 by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 8/Aug/2020 Views:1299 Replies:0 
Apropos my earlier letters of 22nd July and 2nd August asking to watch the full moon (14th of the moon) on 3rd August, quite a few friends have written to me that the moon tonight (3rd August) looked to be the full moon, that is; it was the 14th of ZulHajj. If it is so, then the new moon had appeared on the 2 Click here to read Full Article
Crescent Controversy-2 by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 8/Aug/2020 Views:1265 Replies:0 
In my letter Crescent Controversy of 22 July 2020 delving upon the controversy of Sighting the Moon by Science against Scriptures, I had suggested a simple solution to decide the issue by examining the 14th of the moon on the date it falls. If the full moon, which is always a perfect round disk and can Click here to read Full Article
LOC Violations by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 15/Jul/2020 Views:1120 Replies:0 
Every second day the Indian High Commissioner or his deputy is summoned by the Foreign Office to be served with a strong protest for firing across the LOC and killing innocent civilians on our side. The High Commissioner drives down to the Foreign office from his embassy in an impressive black limo flying Indian flag in full view of the public. As it happens too frequently, the car carrying the HC Click here to read Full Article

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