
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 24/Apr/2007  

Politicise - not to politicise : Syed Sayef Hussain
Posted By: sayef On: 24/Apr/2007 Views:1982 Replies:0 
To me, every thing that affects the nation and general public as a whole is political. Click here to read Full Article
Altaf ,Farooq Sattar all hate Punjabi, Pathan ,sindhi. see their Past
Posted By: Noman On: 24/Apr/2007 Views:7442 Replies:9 
MQM,s first-ever public meeting at Karachi,s Nishtar park on August 8, 1986 , was marked by heavy aerial firing from the; pistols and rifles which the party activists were carrying on them. Click here to read Full Article
MQM Kay 11 Sharam Naak Sawaloon Kay Jawabaat **HACKED BUT RESTORED**
Posted By: abdullahmaviya On: 24/Apr/2007 Views:19931 Replies:11 
Allah Kay Baghi Click here to read Full Article

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