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User Name: sayef
Full Name: Syed Sayef Hussain
User since: 14/Apr/2007
No Of voices: 39
Syed Sayef Hussain's Favorite Voices
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Controversial judges' ad-hoc appointments
Posted By: sayef Created On: 21/Feb/2011 Views: 2512 Replies: 0 
The reappointment, or extension, of Justice Khalil-ur-Rehman Ramday and Justice Rehmat Hussain Jaffery as ad-hoc judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan has generated a very hot and antagonistic debate in the media and in the legal fraternity. Click here to read Full Article

Letter to Dr. Danish of ARY News
Posted By: sayef On: 19/Oct/2010 Views:3536 Replies:0 
Your programmes (Sawal Yeh Hai) are mostly sickening. Particularly most sickening was today’s programme in which Mr. Munir A Malik and Dr. Farough Nasim appeared to face your most noisome questions on Supreme Court’s action and judgment regarding the news of withdrawal of executive order regarding restoration of Judiciary. Click here to read Full Article
Letter to Ms. Nasim Zehra of Dunya TV
Posted By: sayef On: 19/Oct/2010 Views:3011 Replies:0 
I was completely taken aback by your views on Supreme Court’s action (which according to many of you was “over reaction”) on the news of Government’s “rumoured” plan to revoke the so-called “executive order” of restoration of Judiciary, you expressed in some of news items of your TV channel, and also in your own programme later in that day. Your stand on this issue on that particular day reeks of Click here to read Full Article
Fashion nonsense! by Sayef Hussain
Posted By: sayef On: 11/May/2010 Views:2854 Replies:0 
Everyday through different TV channels, and also through some dedicated channels, we get heavy dose of fashions clothes. These fashions clothes have everything possible under the sun, on the body of women, but the main purpose of the clothes. Click here to read Full Article
Renaming of Srahad and position of Punjab! by Sayef Hussain
Posted By: sayef On: 1/Apr/2010 Views:3315 Replies:2 
Cartoons are supposedly to laugh it off the rough edges of daily life, particularly the political edges of a nation's individual life created due to caricatural acts of politicians.But when a cartoon gives a derisive, divisive and mischievous political undertone other than anything else, it deserves some bashing instead of laughing it off. Click here to read Full Article
Implement National Housing Policy 2001
Posted By: sayef On: 20/Mar/2010 Views:3158 Replies:0 
There are said to be shortage of about 0.3 million units of houses per year in Pakistan in absolute term. If factors relating to annual population growth and replacement of already dilapidated houses are taken into consideration, then yearly shortage would come to as high as 1.2 million units. This is huge by any count, and the situation can be seen as disastrous in socio-economic contest. Click here to read Full Article
The Man from Another World
Posted By: sayef On: 23/Feb/2010 Views:2799 Replies:0 
I am greatly moved by the speech of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, delivered in Judicial Academy, Lahore on Saturday 20th February, carried live by almost all news TV channels of Pakistan. The CJP appeared most convincing and most committed to his responsibilities and the responsibilities of the entire judicial setup. He did not sound like the state function Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: sayef On: 12/Feb/2010 Views:3339 Replies:0 
A grim report prepared by the Russian Northern Fleet for Prime Minister Putin is stating today that the catastrophic earthquake that has devastated the Island of Haiti was the ‘clear result’ of a United States Navy test of one of its ‘earthquake weapons’ planned to be used by the Americans upon the Persian Nation of Iran but had gone ‘horribly wrong’. Click here to read Full Article
Interesting reading & Statistic
Posted By: sayef On: 12/Jan/2009 Views:4200 Replies:0 
With this type of statistics, can we ever dream of overcoming India in any field, let alone the question of conventional and unconventional weaponry? Click here to read Full Article
Undue deifying of Benazir by Pakistan's electronic media
Posted By: sayef On: 26/Dec/2008 Views:3156 Replies:2 
These days our media, particularly the electronic media, seems to be over stretched, and some what overstressed, on the issues related to the person and politics of Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto, on the oc Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan is a sick nation?
Posted By: sayef On: 16/Dec/2008 Views:2461 Replies:0 
According to Turkish TV comments, related with Urdu transcript by Talat Hussain in his programme in Aaj TV on 16-12-2008, our exalted President H.E. Asif Ali Zardari has said in an interview with Fren Click here to read Full Article

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