
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 5/30/2012 12:00:00 AM  

Want to know what’s really perverse & terrible?
Posted By: chaudry On: 30/May/2012 Views:3410 Replies:0 
Hillary Clinton has the audacity to talk about the “perverse and terrible” lengths that terrorists go to, while the US government sends drones to murder a mother & her two daughters as they slept.It’s taken the Americans twenty years to realise that they are responsible for creating the situation in Afghanistan. Click here to read Full Article
Destiny of Kashmiris! A Sovereign Kashmir: Random Thoughts - 161 by DR.A BDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 30/May/2012 Views:1223 Replies:0 
India continues to be arrogant towards Kashmiri Muslims, illegally occupying its neighbor Jammu Kashmir. With ease India could forcefully put down all freedom movements - popular, spontaneous and indigenous!A free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir would yield a decisive vote in favor of independence for Kashmiris. India fears exactly that! India uses the pro-India elements, including the Hindus to o Click here to read Full Article
تمنا ہو ایسی ہو ۔ رانا بلال
Posted By: RanaBilal On: 30/May/2012 Views:1476 Replies:0 
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بجلی کےکھمبوں کےپاس فوٹو بنوالو ۔ سلیم احمدعثمانی
Posted By: SaleemU On: 30/May/2012 Views:1653 Replies:0 
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زوال کا علاج ۔ یرید احمد نعمانی
Posted By: ureed On: 30/May/2012 Views:1973 Replies:0 
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حکمران چین کی بانسری بجانے کی بجائے ۔ ۔ ۔ محمداعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 30/May/2012 Views:1241 Replies:0 
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News And PICs Ulema Convention Islamabad 29-05-2012
Posted By: ajnasir On: 30/May/2012 Views:1868 Replies:0 
News And PICs Ulema Convention Islamabad 29-05-2012 Click here to read Full Article
News 130-05-2012 By Imtiaz Ali Shakir
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 30/May/2012 Views:1280 Replies:0 
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حاملہ عورت کو پرسکون اورخوش رہناچاہیے ۔ امتیازعلی
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 30/May/2012 Views:1259 Replies:0 
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عملی زندگی اورلاحہ عمل ۔ حسین الرحمٰن
Posted By: Haseen On: 30/May/2012 Views:1945 Replies:0 
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گجرات میں اردو عوام ۔ ایاز محمود
Posted By: Ayaz_Mehmood On: 30/May/2012 Views:1396 Replies:0 
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Narowal News 30-05-2012
Posted By: MuhammadYaqoob On: 30/May/2012 Views:1186 Replies:0 
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Jup News 29-05-2012
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 30/May/2012 Views:1120 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 29-05-2012
Posted By: KhuramS On: 30/May/2012 Views:1601 Replies:0 
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Gujranwala News 29-05-2012
Posted By: GuranwalaOffice On: 30/May/2012 Views:1798 Replies:0 
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To say al-Qaeda is a fantasy is outlandish by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 30/May/2012 Views:1663 Replies:0 
Strangely enough, some are of the view that al-Qaeda is a fantasy created by the US and is not in existence. This is simply outlandish. Al-Qaeda was founded by Palestinian revolutionary Abdullah Azzam in 1980s and Saudi national Osama bin Laden (OBL) became one of its members. This outfit took active part in Afghan Jihad against the Soviet forces. OBL came in the good books of CIA during the Afgha Click here to read Full Article
بابے دی بیٹھک (243) ۔ ڈاکٹر واحد بخش بھٹی
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 30/May/2012 Views:1255 Replies:0 
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طوائف اور تماشبین ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 30/May/2012 Views:1483 Replies:0 
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