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Corona SOPs by Col. Syed Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 1/Jun/2020 Views:825 Replies:0 
Let’s face it, we are not a disciplined nation nor are we an educated one. On the contrary we are ignorant and badly misinformed mass of people believing in supra naturals, myths and mythologies, rituals and practices without knowing the rationale behind them. Unfortunately, our semi-literate clergy who has a great hold on our masses is at daggers draw with the modern, scientific and logical inter Click here to read Full Article
Change of demography in Kashmir by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 1/Jun/2020 Views:1073 Replies:0 
Indo-Pakistan unabated antagonism Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of the Partition in 1947 which was left behind by the British and it has bedeviled Indo-Pakistan relations. The two arch rivals went to war thrice over Kashmir and reached the brink of war several times even when both acquired nuclear capabilities. Armed Kashmiri uprising erupted in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) in summer of 1989 Click here to read Full Article

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