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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
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A Report from the Flood Affected Area

October 5th, 2010

Admiral Fasih Bukhari (Retd) former CNS & President PESA (Pakistan Ex Servicemen Association) not to be confused with PESS [Pakistan Ex Servicemen Society headed by General Faiz Ali Chishti (Retd)], who just got back after a couple of days relief work in Swat and Malakand area with Brig. Mahmud, Capt. Babur, technicians,and support staff, writes:

Affected knew the itinerary and were waiting road side to welcome and thank our people, (specially Brig. Mahmud who has inspired all of us into greater action. He has been there almost continuously!). Many said they did not need further help with food and household goods, and asked that relief goods be given to more deserving communities. Their honesty and gratitude was touching.

Medical supplies and household goods, that Brig, Mahmud had collected and packed, were distributed; and another water purification plant handed over for installation.

Interaction with community leaders and Army led to an appraisal of further needs. The task is now to:

---help with economic revival e.g. marketing cottage produce (woolen shawls and clothing) at best rates in major cities. We identified exit point in Islampur, near Mingora. Will identify retail outlets in Pindi/Islbd. Need suggestions for outlets in other cities.

---find jobs for still a few outstanding applicants, in Pindi/Islbd/Kchi/Lhr

---agriculture revival through our partnership and support to Pakistan Agricultural Research Council and University of Malakand, where PESA/PARC have been allowed to set up and man a Temporary co-ordination office.

---financial support for 37 Division (Pak army) plan to set up 57 small village hydel power stations (mostly within 2 to 5 lac range each)

---more water purification plants (3 X 40,000 gallons/day already donated including one for 1000 girls orphanage/school at Saidu).

Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Association is mobilized specially in the north and is undertaking whatever work that we can do or support financially. We are asking for help. Material support can be sent to Brig. Mahmud (0300-5234824). We have our account in which we are receiving all donations. The details are:-


Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Association 

Askari Bank Limited 

Askari Plaza, The Mall, Rawalpindi 

Account No:-  0001-11-012-3906-7


All are requested to widely disseminate this PESA call for help.

We were happy to see the results and commitment of the Army. Earlier they had helped airlift affected people and deliver our supplies to inaccessible areas. They have re-built bridges (some still in progress) and are supporting all relief agencies in whatever way they can.


Accessibility has greatly improved. There were no visible signs of Taliban, or support for Taliban. PESA support for the IDPs of the SWAT/Malakand area and our work with the Army on the ground since then, and after the floods, is paying off in terms of winning hearts and minds. We need to continue supporting the long term rehabilitation effort.

I must mention here that the people were praising Al Khidmat Foundation for their very commendable work in the area; specially for providing food and relief from day one.


I am getting calls from two communities in Dubair and Khandiar (Kohistan) for clean water and rehabilitation of homes. Just haven\'t got enough manpower on the ground (specially in that area), or money. If there is another group already in that area, who can help, readers are requested to please inform me (0312-2364725) or Brig. Mahmud. (0300-5234824).

Awaiting update from south Punjab. Capt. Babur is going down there this week.

We have not been able to get Ex Servicemen in Karachi/lower Sind to mobilize sufficiently. Would appreciate volunteers coming forward from amongst readers in that area.


Fasih Bokhari



Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

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