"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
No Of voices: 834
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June 23rd, 2008


Jiala Jamhuriat


Liaqat Bagh to be renamed BB Bagh, Murree Road to be renamed BB Road, 27 December to be declared official holiday on BB's death anniversary, Lahore to be turned into Larkana, Presidency to be taken over by a PPP worker,  PM commuting death  sentences to life imprisonment as BB's birthday gift to the nation (read murderers) of course without any authority, Co Chairperson "“ not even an MNA - being given full protocol and allowed use of bullet proof SUV with coloured glasses (who says it violates the law?), Tarbela Dam abandoned at the whims of someone without being discussed in the Parliament,  PM announcing publicly without any hesitation to restore the judges immediately on receipt of orders from Zardari (what a PM?), PM performing Umera with 80 plus in attendance "“ of course at your and my expense, BB death probe by UN "“ at what colossal costs and with what outcome - any body's guess, et al.


What is all this? Is it the democracy or the government of a person, for a person, by a person? Where is the Parliament, which unlike the previous ones is claimed to be not a rubber stamp house? Are these acts democratic in nature and spirit? Or, is the present democracy yet another facet of the maadar pidar azaad Jiala jamhuriat?  Jo jee mein aye karo, yahaan kaun poochhaney wala hai ?!!




Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

30, Westridge-1

Rawalpindi 46000

Tel: (051) 546 3344

Cell: 0333 518 7929

 Reply:   Just Imagine what this Bhutto
Replied by(invite2truth) Replied on (29/Jun/2008)

Just imagine what this Family has given to Pakistan (0 to 100%)

We should sincerely pray to ALLAH (SWT) to rid us of these corrupt & insincere politicians

 Reply:   Bhutto's Private State of Paki
Replied by(josh) Replied on (27/Jun/2008)
the jiyalays of jumhoriat.............

i am afraid next time we send some later to pakistan

we have to right something like this

benazir house ,

beanzir street,

near benzair chowk,

benazir road off the benazir intersection,

benazir city , jiyala jamhori benazir bhutto.

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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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