"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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"Lesson from Mubahila ,how to deal with miniorites",  OR

"Panjtanpak(Ahlul-Bait<a.s> sacrifces for Victory of Islam".


Islam is complete code of Life shown all aspects in Holy Quran by how to deal with minorites like Christians.First deal with them bylogic and good behaviour and if they attacked on you then do your Defence and resistance.The event of Mubahila in the history of Islam is very best example for dealing with miniorites. 

The Prophet’s(savw) illustrious life was drawing to an end. Subsequent to the Farewell Hajj, in the presence of a significant crowd, Imam Ali, was declared the vicegerent/Wali of the Prophet, and the true religion of Islam was perfected, with an accomplishment of completion, sealed with the announcement of the Wilayat of Ali ibne Abu Talib.


The Prophet had invited leaders from across the globe, towards the religion of Islam, with one of his invitations reaching the Christians residing in Najran. On receiving this invitation, in order to determine whether the claim of Prophethood was one of truth or if it was engulfed in falsehood, sixty representatives of Najran, arrived in Madina. 

In the presence of the Prophet, they were informed of three messages by the Seal of the Prophets. They were:


•The Oneness of God, as testified by Muslims in the Kalima

•The Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammed(savw)

•The belief that Prophet Esa was the servant of God, and His messenger, opposed to the belief that Jesus was the son of God.  “Surely the likeness of Esa is with Allah as the likeness of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he was.” (3:59),

This verse explains that the likeness of Esa with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. Therefore, as the Christian church argues, if Esa was a son of God because he was born without a father, Adam deserved more to be God or son of God as he came into being without a father and a mother.

Despite this sound proof, the Christians stubbornly refused to believe that Jesus was not the son of God. Therefore, the Holy Prophet(savw), invited them to participate in the event of Mubahila, to invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars. The Christians readily agreed.

The purpose of Mubahila was not to present the virtues of the Ahlulbayt(a.s), but to show the Christians the matters regarding religion which had led them away from the truth. Yet the actions of the Prophet, bringing Bibi Fatima, Imam Ali, Imam Hassan and Hussain, was to demonstrate to  history that in matters of Tawhid, Nabuwwat, and the Quran, one should turn towards the Panjatan for guidance, and to consolidate  the meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran. Yet, in the events following the Prophet’s demise, the people turned away from the hidden message of Mubahila, and by doing so, rejected the actions of the Holy Prophet(savw).



Yet the Prophet’s action in Mubahila was an order of Allah  explained clearly in Holy Quran stated as,“call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves” (3:61). This was a evident declaration that in the matter of Prophethood and the Quran, Muslims have need of the authority of the ‘Five Pure Ones’(Known as Panjtanpak(a.s), to clarify the meaning of the Holy Quran for those who did not comprehend. A few months after this event, the demise of the Holy Prophet occurred. On 24th of Zilhajj, it became manifest that in the absence of the Prophet, in matters of religion, the people should turn towards none other than the Panjatan.



This verse refers to the well-known event of mubahilah mentioned in every book of history, traditions and tafsir written by Muslim scholars.The Holy Prophet was sending invitations to all to accept the true religion of Allah. Tribe after tribe, region after region, were coming into the fold of Islam. One such invitation was sent to the Christians of Najran, a town in Yemen, in the 9th year of Hijra. A deputation of 60 scholars came to discuss the matter with the Holy Prophet. Abdul Masih, the chief monk, asked him as to who was the father of Esa, thinking that the Holy Prophet would accept (God as the father of Esa. Verse 59 of this surah was revealed and presented to the Christians as a reply but they did not listen to reason. Then the above verse Mubahila was revealed to call them to a spiritual contest by invoking the curse of Allah on the liars mubahilah. The Christians agreed to this contest.



Early next morning, the 24th of the month of Dhilhijjah, the Holy Prophet sent Hazrat Salman  e Farsi to the selected site, outside the city area, to set up a shelter for those whom he would take with him, as his sons, women and selves. A large number of companions assembled in the masjid, making themselves available for the selection. On the opposite side of the field, selected for the contest, the Christians, with their selected men, women and children appeared on the scene.



At the appointed hour, a huge crowd, standing in wait, saw the Holy Prophet coming in, Imam Hussain(a.s) in his arms, Imam Hassan(a.s) holding his index finger, walking beside him, Bibi Fatimah Zahra(a.s), close to his heels and Imam Ali(a.s) just behind her-as his sons, women, and selves.

The Holy Prophet raised his hands to the heaven and said:

"O my Lord! These are the people of my house (Panjtanpak/Ahlul-Bait,a.s)".

The chief monk looked up and down at the faces of the Pure Five (PanjatanePak,a.s), from whom emanated a radiant and brilliant glow; and this sight filled him with awe and anguish. He cried out aloud:

"By Jesus(a.s)! I see the faces that if they turn upward to the heavens and pray, the mountains shall move. Believers in Jesus of Nazareth, I tell you the truth. Should you fail to come to some agreement with Muhammad(savw), he, along with the godly souls with him, shall wipe out your existence for ever, should they invoke the curse of God on you."

The Christians saw the wisdom of their chief and readily agreed to arrive at a settlement. As there is no compulsion in religion (Baqarah 256), the Holy Prophet(savw) gave them complete freedom to practise their faith. He(savw) also agreed to protect their lives and possessions; and for this service the Christians consented to pay a nominal fee (Jizya) on which christian monk volunteerly agreed. It was an extraordinary manifestation of the glory of Islam; therefore, the followers of Muhammad(savw) and PanjtanPak(a.s)celebrate this unique blessings of Allah (bestowed on the Ahl ul Bayt(a.s)) as a "thanksgiving" occasion of great joy and comfort.

Many Muslim scholars, commentators,historian and traditionists whom the ummah acclaim with one voice, have given the details of this event with following conclusions:

>To deal with minorities like Christians by using LOGIC.

> The seriousness of the occasion demanded absolute purity, physical as well as spiritual, to take part in the fateful event.

> Only the best of Allah's creations (the Ahl ul Bayt(a.s) were selected by the Holy Prophet under Allah's guidance.

> It, beyond all doubts, established the purity, the truthfulness and the sublime holiness of the Ahl ul Bayt(a.s).

> It also unquestionably confirmed as to who were the members of the family of the Holy Prophet(savw) according to Holy Quran.

(References:- Mahmud bin Umar Zamakhshari in al Khashshaf; Fakhr al Din al Razi in Tafsir Kabir; Jalal al Din al Suyuti in Tafsir Durr al Manthur; Tafsir Baydawi; Tafsir Nafsi; Tafsir Ibna Kathir; Sahih al Muslim and Sahih al Tirmidhi.)

A very large number of Muslims (and also nonmuslims) witnessed the contest and came to know that Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Hussain were the "Ahlul Bayt(a.s" addressed in verse 33 of al Ahzab, known as ayah al tat-hir or the verse of purification.

After the departure of the Holy Prophet, within a year, the symbolic event of mubahilah was ignored by his followers. The house of Fatimah(s.a) was set on fire. A well-known companion kicked the door of her house which fell on her. The injury caused by the falling door finally mayrtred her even by neglecting Quran and Holy Prophet(savw) sayings as,

"Fatimah(s.s) is my flesh and blood, whoso causes suffering to her in fact causes suffering to Me(savw). He who has pained me in fact has pained Allah; and, indeed, he is a disbeliever", said the Holy Prophet in the light of verse 57 of al Ahzab.

The mentioned Enemity against Ahlul Bait/PanjtanPak(a.s) in upcoming years devolped by martyring Imam Ali(a.s) Imam Hassan(a.s) and after that in 61 Hijri just after 51years of departure of Holy Prophet(savw) also martyred Imam Hussain(a.s) along with his friends and relativesin the desert of Karbala, by the army of Yazid bin Mu-awiyah, and the ladies and the children of the house of the Holy Prophet were held captive, taken from town to town, tortured and harassed. The body of the martyred Imam was left unburied for several days. The perpetrators of this tyranny and injustice were those who had seen with their own eyes Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain going to the contest with the Holy Prophet as his sons on the day of mubahila.

These facts and tough realities explained in History give us lesson to follow Ahlul Bait/PanjtanPak(a.s) and the Upcoming Global Saviour Hazrat Imam Mahdi(a.s),accepted to all sects of Islam from Ahlul Bait/PanjtanPak(a.s).Any one who want to study Upcoming Global Saviour Hazrat Imam Mahdi(a.s),can contact the below 40-Intl Langugaes International website

About this global Awaited Global Saviour Imam Mahdi(a.s), Allama Iqbal also informed by saying,


Dunya ko hai uos Mahdi e Barhaq ki zarorat

Ho Jis ki Nigah Zalazal e Aalam-e-Afkar

By translting in simple English Poetry we can say,



Let's pray Almighty Allah to be prepare us for the  Upcoming Global Saviour Hazrat Imam Mahdi(a.s),Revolution by following true path of Islam and Panjtanpak(a.s), Ameen.


Written Compiled & Contributed By.:- S  H  Bangash


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(References:- Mahmud bin Umar Zamakhshari in al Khashshaf; Fakhr al Din al Razi in Tafsir Kabir; Jalal al Din al Suyuti in Tafsir Durr al Manthur; Tafsir Baydawi; Tafsir Nafsi; Tafsir Ibna Kathir; Sahih al Muslim and Sahih al Tirmidhi.) .


Written Compiled & Contributed By.:- S  H  Bangash

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