following article by the renowned political scientist and writer, Professor
James Petras, on the privatization of oil and electricity industries, is also
relevant to the successive waves of such privatizations in Pakistan during the
past thirty years, under various governments and leaders. It is also
relevant to my recent article posted on this site.
On Nawaz Sharif, IMF loan, and new privatizations: Pushing
Pakistan deeper into the quagmire. By Fazal Rahman, Ph.D. October 8, 2013
seems that the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Nawaz Sharif, always
gets into the frenzy of privatizations, whenever he is elected to a political
office. He is also being supported in this frenzy by the sheeple around
him, many of whom he has placed in his cabinet and other high level positions. Such
policies have already caused incalculable damages to the Pakistani economy,
society, and sovereignty. The current wave of privatizations will inevitably
multiply these damages.
Rahman, Ph.D.
Mexico: The Political Cost of Privatization of Oil and Electricity
Professor James Petras 09.08.2013
Introduction: The privatization of Mexico’s
state petroleum and electrical enterprises has profound negative political consequences, both internally
and in terms of its foreign policy.

Most critical scholars and journalists have focused on the
negative economic consequences of privatization
and denationalization, drawing attention to the loss of revenues, profits, employment and control over national
resources (“dependency”). In defense of public ownership, numerous experts,
journalists and academics refute the charge of “inefficiency” by demonstrating
that PEMEX ,the state owned petroleum company has lower
costs of production per barrel than most private MNC and by
pointing to the greater capacity to grow if the public enterprise was allowed
to reinvest a
greater percentage of their profits in new techniques and operations, instead
of being raided to compensate for a regressive income tax system.
While the economic arguments against privatization
and denationalization of PEMEX and the electrical system are formidable,
there is, in addition, powerful political,
geo-political ad geo-economic reasons.
The Political Implications of Privatization
and Denationalization
The Mexican government’s decision to “privatize” the public oil
and electrical industry means, effectively to ‘denationalize’ them, as the
state is in negotiation with the foreign multi-national corporations lined up
to submit their bids.
Most of the major US oil multi-nationals are the most likely
beneficiaries of the sell-off. As a result, major US oil corporations with
powerful links to the US state will play a major role in shaping Mexico’s
policy to its primary export sector in favor of Washington’s global strategic
It is important to remember, that multi-national corporations
(MNC) are not only economic units but political actors. MNC have played a
strategic political role in numerous contexts, always to the detriment of the
“host country”. Numerous historical examples illustrate this fact. In 1961 when
Cuba decided to import Soviet oil to counter US export restrictions, Texaco
acting under orders from the White House refused to refine it and Havana was
forced to nationalize the refineries. In recent times Venezuela increased the
royalty payments of the oil companies to finance social programs. Several US
MNCs refused to co-operate, in line with Washington’s plans to destabilize the
Chavez government. They were nationalized. Similarly in Argentina, Repsol, the
Spanish petrol MNC refused to fulfill its investment obligations in order to
pressure the Kirchner government to modify it policies and was nationalized.
The Spanish government intervened and set in motion an international judicial
During the early 1950s in Iran, British Petroleum and major US
petroleum companies worked with the CIA in successfully overthrowing the
elected Mosaddegh government to prevent nationalization and to secure lucrative
concessions. Mexico’s history is replete with examples of US military and
diplomatic interventions in Mexican politics in order to secure control and
favorable concessions for oil companies prior to Lázaro Cárdena’s
nationalization. Throughout history US policy toward Mexico was ‘made’ by the
US mining and oil companies in Mexico.
Multi-national corporations combine economic interests with
political leverage based on their links with political leaders inside of Mexico
and the United States. Once an ‘economic opening’ is established, the MNC, can
extend and deepen their penetration of the economy to related economic sectors
and can use their political power to secure subsidies and tax exemptions at the
expense of the Mexican treasury.
MNC have a two way relation with the US imperial state: they exert
pressure on Washington to intervene in any dispute with the Mexican state; and
the imperial state can use the strategic position of the petroleum MNC to
secure political co-operation from the Mexican state to oppose nationalists in
OPEC, Venezuela and the Middle East.
MNC became deeply involved in the internal politics of a country,
aligning themselves with the most reactionary, anti-labor, anti-national
classes. In Colombia ,MNC use their economic resources to finance the electoral
campaigns of right-wing politicians, parties and paramilitary groups. MNC are
frequently involved in laundering illicit profits, paying bribes and corrupting
politicians. In other words, the privatization and denationalization of
strategic industries converts sovereign nations into semi-colonies, with
reduced political influence in regional associations and the international
Foreign owned MNC sharply reduce the political options of states
in deciding marketing,and undermine invitations to become members of national
and regional integration organizations like ALBA.. US petroleum corporations
are integrated through a productive chain with their global subsidiaries in an
imperial economy.In contrast in Mexico they function as economic enclaves ,
limiting backward and forward linkages with other sectors ,while subordinating
satellite industries.
The denationalization of strategic sectors of the Mexican economy
increases national vulnerability to imperial pressures, isolates Mexico from
regional alliances and creates a class of collaborator politicians whose
primary loyalty is to the MNC – not to the citizens of the country.
Within the current world disorder, Washington is continually
engaged in wars in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia.
Ownership of the Mexican petroleum industry serves as a US strategic
reserve in the face
of boycotts and war-induced shortages. In any global conflict, Mexico, as a
strategic supplier of petrol to Washington, will become an object or target of
numerous US adversaries. The political costs to Mexico of denationalization of
strategic economic sectors (like oil and electricity) in the context of growing
political links to a highly militarized state, like the US, are high and have no
commensurate benefits.
Mexico effectively surrenders its political independence, isolates
itself from its Latin American neighbors, fragments its national economy and
deepens the colonial character of its state and economy.