NATO in Search of
New Animosity
Mahboob A.
Khawaja, PhD.
Obama ‘s Phase Two on the ‘War on Terror’
NATO was at a
standstill until the Wales-UK gathering hurriedly spelled out NATO’s futuristic
intent for new animosities to claim relevance and operational opportunism. The
focal issue of NATO’s role and mission to cope with change and adaptability to
a different future is denied logical discourse. Undoubtedly, NATO’s involvement
in Afghanistan and covert
operations in Iraq
failed to achieve any favorable metaphor in Western public opinions. At Wales, NATO demonstrated
powerful images of the US F35 aircraft and the new Euro Jet displayed
impressively at the setting. The global warriors who used to dream of triumph
and glory over the poor and helpless nations are searching new insights to
perpetuate animosity and to strengthen NATO’s presence under false pretext. Did
President Obama learn any lessons from his predecessor’s mental and political
fault lines? On Wednesday September 10,
2014, President Obama spoke of “relentless effort” to destroy the newly formed
ISIL in Iraq and Syria (“Obama
to launch airstrikes in Syria in “relentless effort” to destroy Islamic State
fighters.” The Associated Press and ABC News: 11/11/2014) and sending 500
troops and ordered additional airstrikes in Iraq
and Syria:
"We will hunt down
terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. This is a core
principle of my presidency: If you threaten America, you will find no safe
haven.” Obama added that “We will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq,” the
president assured the American people. “Anytime we take military action, there
are risks involved, especially to the servicemen and women who carry out these
missions,” he acknowledged, adding that this effort “will not involve American
combat troops fighting on foreign soil.”
There are no known direct or indirect connections
between the US, Britain and the
ISIL operations. Like the dead Al-Quaida group, the ISIL group does not have
the capacity or any strategic feasibility to ever threaten the security of the US or Britain. The ISIL and the continued Iraqi war paradigm
provide a readily workable scenario to enlarge the Western offensive in the Arab
Middle East. The U.S.
has been pressing the EU allies, and the Middle East Arab leaders to help with
efforts to degrade the ISIL terror group. Interestingly enough, speaking on the
anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, President Obama's strategy is an
explicit admission that years of American-led wars on terror have not stopped
the terror threat emanating from the Middle East
region. Obama asserted that “any
time we take military action, there are risks involved, especially to the
servicemen and women who carry out these missions. But I want the American
people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will not involve
American combat troops fighting on foreign soil," he added.
After more than
fifty years of weary silence, NATO’s bureaucratic construct was viewed as being
undemocratic apparatus within the Western democratic norms of governance.
President Obama and British PM David Cameroon appear to be the leading coercive
and persuasive force to extend the NATO’ role in futuristic conflicts not yet sorted
out by the military minds. Prior to the last week NATO meeting of the 28
nations at Wales, David
Cameroon declared high alert in UK
as if the ISIL was standing at the British doorstep. President Obama claims his
strategy in Syria is modeled
after those long-running U.S.
counterterrorism campaigns. But it is different in many ways, starting with the
fact that since 9/11, it marks the first time that an American President has
authorized the bombing of terror group targets in another nation without
seeking permission from the Congress or at least notifying it ahead of time as
required by the Constitution. Despite having powerful weapons and airstrikes,
Obama will get unwanted surprises in dealing with the ISIL future and ending
conflicts in Iraq.
Political deceptions and lies are building-up a
momentum of extreme tensions and diversion even within the EU corridors and
American leaders. Perhaps, Germany
and France
see things differently. There is Ukraine crisis of alleged Russian
involvement wanting urgent collaborative action against President Putin’s
individualistic imagination of the Russian Empire. President Obama or the EU
leaders know their limits and will never dare to think of making any threat of
war against Russia.
They understand the ultimate consequences. But the Arab world is ruled by
mindless dummies and puppet kings and dictators placed by the US and European colonialists - all readily
available for any direction determined by the US administration. Arab people live
in a matrix of political lies. Most Arab rulers are known cowards and liars. None
of the contemporary Arab rulers enjoy respect and legitimacy in public
perceptions. The secretive police apparatus working across the Arab societies
make people not to think of political change and new creative imagination for
the future. After the perpetuated insanity of the Two World Wars, geography and
history are no longer disputed objects of the European Nationalism but the US
and Britain still embark on the old clichés of being left-over Empires.
NATO’s Cult is a Disconnect to ISIL and the US
Culture of Islamophobia
discussion table, war is a ready made magic pill to the entire ill conceived
paradigm. But Ross Caputi (“Unthinkable Thoughts in the Debate About ISIS in
Iraq.” Common Dreams: 6/15/2014) is a war veteran of the US Iraqi occupation and produced the documentary film Fear Not the Path of Truth, and an anti
war activist, points out that: “entirely absent is the perspective of Iraqis and the issues that are
important to them: accountability, independence, and resistance. Moreover, the
real complexities of this issue have been lost in a number of the Western
media’s favorite binaries: terrorism vs. counterterrorism, good vs. evil, and
insurgency vs. stability…..It was noted in the New York Times that ISIS had collaborated
with several local militias in Mosul,…. that ISIS
is just one faction in a larger popular rebellion against the government of
Nouri al Maliki.” American masses do not favor the
bombing of Iraq
and fight against the ISIL. Felicia Gustin
Reasons Why U.S. Strikes on Iraq (Again) Are a Terrible Idea.” Common Dreams: 9/10/2014) is associated
with War Times and is a long-time activist in international solidarity, peace,
racial justice and labor movements and works at SpeakOut, offers logical
reasoning against the US
It’s important to understand that the current
crisis in Iraq is rooted in
the destruction of Iraqi society brought on by the U.S. invasion and occupation. By
exacerbating differences between Sunnis and Shiites,
U.S. policies pushed Iraq away from
a secular government and society. 1. Bombs will make the situation
worse. You can’t help people caught in a civil war by dropping bombs
on them or using drones. Sending in arms or troops will only deepen the major
social, ethnic, religious and political divisions in Iraq and the wider region. A
military response on the part of Washington
will surely escalate the conflict, with innocent civilians caught in the
crossfire…2. More war is no way to honor U.S. soldiers…. 3. Iraq
needs reconciliation and reconstruction, not reintervention and the rebooting
of war.
NATO is capable to capitalize on a readily
available bank of Islamophobia scenarios manufactured by some of the well known
American proponents. The US
political culture is resourceful for further belligerency and extension of the
bogus war on terror against the Muslim world. Stephen. Lendman (“America’s
War on Islam.” 4/23/2013),
is a Chicago-based international peace activist, man of conscience and author
of Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity (2013), spells out how America’s
institutionalized animosity towards Islam generates hatred and fear mongering
against Islam and Muslims: In 2008, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) headlined
"The Dirty Dozen - Who's who among America's leading Islamophobes."
“Author Robert
Spencer was called a prominent Islam-basher. He publishes the "notoriously
Islamophobic website" "Jihad Watch”….. Daniel Pipes founded the
Middle East Forum think tank. Media scoundrels mischaracterize him as an
Islamic "scholar." He defends racially profiling Arab Americans. He
calls their presence a "true danger" for Jews……. Pat Robertson
calls Islam violent and irrational. It's "not a religion," he says.
It's a "worldwide political movement." It's "meant to subjugate
all people under Islamic law." It's a "bloody, brutal type of
religion…… as well as Rep. Peter King (R. NY)…. King chairs the House Homeland Security
Committee. He's also an Intelligence Committee member. He wants more
surveillance. "It keeps us ahead of the terrorists who are constantly
trying to kill us," he said.
Today America is
infested with crime and violence within its own homeland. If America cannot deal with its own domestic
problems of racial sectarian violence, killings of the innocent school children
and minority blacks as it happened in early August at Ferguson, gun controls and natural disasters
and fear-mongering politics, how could it be helpful to others in global
political domains? What went wrong with America? Why
the 300 million informed and conscientious citizens of America remained locked-in to
entertain the official lies? William
Manson (“Deadly
Theatre of the Absurd.” Dissident Voice: 8/17/2013) the author of The
Psychodynamics of Culture explains the crux of the problem: “It is not that the average U.S.
citizen is incapable of critical thinking, but that there is little incentive
to exercise it. Everywhere she turns, she feels boxed-in, blocked from the free
exercise of her principles and values. From the perspective of the
authoritarian “managers” of mass society, it is “most efficient” for 300
million people to exhibit merely “one” mind—credulous, tranquilized,
acquiescent—shaped by mass media and government “mis-information……We can put
aside the absurd disproportionality and illogic of the U.S. “War on
‘Terror’”–as well as the now-familiar questions regarding the (successful) UN
inspections, NIE reports on (lack of) WMDs, etc., etc. Yet any thinking U.S. citizens could still have easily perceived
the grotesque illogic, hypocrisy, and fear-mongering of the whole criminal
enterprise…..Of course, Bush at al. shamelessly used the “Big Lie” technique,
insinuating that the “mushroom cloud” could occur in the U.S. itself.
Reinventing Animosities against All
NATO’s forceful
re-emergence signals a new age of obsessed confrontations to re-invent the
theory of the Clash of the Civilizations against Islam. Across the Arabian
Peninsula, wars have fractured the human resolve for new thinking
and political change. Neo-colonial Arab leaders are worst than being useless.
The Arab League is do nothing set-up and just a name on paper. The well paid
oil enriched puppets hurriedly assembled last week in Cairo to support the Obama’s intervention
against the ISIL. They have no sense of time and history how their actions will
harm the future of the Arab world and more so the freedom of Palestine. Thinking hubs of the Arab
societies are fast becoming refugees in their own homes. The raging conflicts
in Iraq, Syria, Yemen,
Libya and Egypt speak on
their own. The absolute authoritarian rulers are free to use forbidden chemical
weapons and victimize the masses without any consequences. Bashar al Assad has
done it several times. The internal strife within the Arab countries are the
best possible opportunities for the US and its allies to converge for further
deaths and destruction of the Arab people under the false pretext of War on
Terrorism. Glenn Greenwald (“The
'War on Terror' - by Design - Can Never End. The Guardian: 1/4/2013”), shares a foresight in time and place to
make us think hard about the future:
There's no question that this
"war" will continue indefinitely. There is no question that US
actions are the cause of that, the gasoline that fuels the fire. The only
question - and it's becoming less of a question for me all the time - is
whether this endless war is the intended result of US actions or just an
unwanted miscalculation. Why would anyone in the US government or its owners have
any interest in putting an end to this sham bonanza of power and profit called
"the war on terror"? ….They're preparing for more endless war; their
actions are fueling that war; and they continue to reap untold benefits from
its continuation.
NATO is run by
the wrong people, glued to wrong thinking and doing the wrong things without
any rational sense of time, people’s interest and history. President Obama speaking
today on the Iraq War and strategy to confront ISIL, failed to see the
interests of the global community to a peaceful approach to conflict management
through dialogue and non-rhetoric belligerent statements. He called the Saudi
King Abdullah to enlist support against ISIL as if the dying king has any
credibility to stand on moral principles and face the Arab populace. America and Britain
are responsible for the Iraq
mess of sectarian divided madness, failed governance and broken dreams of
political unity. It can not be sorted out by foreign intruders and warmongers. Craig
Murray (“NATO-an
idea Whose Time has Gone.” 9/06/2014), former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Rector
of the University of Dundee, UK, foresees the body as obsolete to emerging
strategic thinking and needs of the
Western alliance:
It is also the case that the situation in countries
where NATO has been most active in killing people, including Iraq, Libya,
Afghanistan and Pakistan, has
deteriorated. It has deteriorated politically, economically, militarily and
socially. The notion that NATO member states could bomb the world into good was
only ever believed by crazed and fanatical people like Tony Blair and Jim
Murphy of the Henry Jackson Society. It really should not have needed empirical
investigation to prove it was wrong, but it has been tried, and has been proved
wrong….NATO’s attempt to be global arbiter and enforcer has been disastrous at
all levels. Its plan to redeem itself by bombing the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria is a further sign of madness.
Except of course that it will guarantee some blowback against Western targets,
and that will “justify” further bombings, and yet more profit for the arms
manufacturers. On that level, it is very clever and cynical. NATO provides
power to the elite and money to the wealthy.
NATO and ISIL at Crossroads
NATO should have
reformed its Charter, mission and futuristic indoctrination to serve the
interests of the 21st century informed masses of the Western
democratic world. Its continuing role is perceived as burden on human
conscience of global citizens. Across the globe, thinking people are outraged
at the ISIL’s inhuman act of beheading the two American journalists. Even in war zones, journalists are respected
and protected. The US
mainstream media and some European observers allege ISIS, now ISIL as a
murderous and terrorist organization. Sophie Napkin (“Myth #1: ISIS is crazy and irrational”
Haqona-Islamic World: 8/24/2014) outlines a different perspective:
If you
want to understand the Islamic State, better known as ISIS,
the first thing you have to know about them is that they are not crazy.
Murderous adherents to a violent medieval ideology, sure. But not
insane…..Understanding that ISIS is at least
on some level rational is necessary to make any sense of the group’s behavior.
If all ISIS wanted to was kill infidels, why
would they ally themselves with ex-Saddam Sunni secularist militias?
If ISIS were totally crazy, how could they
build a self-sustaining revenue stream from oil and organized crime rackets?
Look at
the history of ISIS’s rise in Iraq
and Syria.
From the mid-2000s through today, ISIS and its predecessor group, al-Qaeda in Iraq,
have had one clear goal: to establish a caliphate governed by an extremist
interpretation of Islamic law. ISIS developed
strategies for accomplishing that goal — for instance, exploiting popular
discontent among non-extremist Sunni Iraqis with their Shia-dominated
government. Its tactics have evolved over the course of time in response to
military defeats (as in 2008 in Iraq)
and new opportunities (the Syrian civil war). As Yale political scientist Stathis Kalyvas (Washingtonpost: 7/7/2014) explains, in pure strategic terms, ISIS is acting similarly
to revolutionary militant groups around the world — not in an especially crazy
or uniquely “Islamist” way….This isn’t to minimize ISIS’
barbarity. They’ve launched genocidal campaigns against Iraq’s Yazidis and Christians.
They’ve slaughtered thousands of innocents, Shia and Sunni alike. But they
pursue these horrible ends deliberately and strategically. And that’s what
really makes them scary.
After the collapse of the former
NATO is lone to think of new animosities. There is no violence or threat of
terror by any Arab group against the Western world. There are no known animosities
between Russia
and the Capitalist world. Its lifelines need not be reinforced by the precious time
and resources of the Western masses and liberal democracy. The hoax of the ISIL
threat are similar to the hoax of the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destructions) used
by George W. Bush to invade Iraq
in 2003. The sole aim was to occupy Iraq’s oil and gas and to control
the other oil exporting Arab states. Many
extremist groups are fighting in the Iraq and Syrian theatre of internal
wars. ISIL is one of them making major gains. The Western leaders should focus
on conflict management and peacemaking in Iraq and not on further military entanglement.
Given the absence of ground intelligence, the US
air strikes in Iraq and Syria will cause
catastrophic casualties amongst the civilian population. This is not what the
entrenched people of Iraq
and Syria
hope and deserve. Every beginning has its end. America needs Navigational Change
and so does NATO in its search for peaceful transition to sustainable future-making. But most Western strategic thinkers and
political planners lack understanding of the convergent factors of life
articulating viable change when it is at the peak of its lifeline. George W.
Bush and all of his conspirators and liars, and Barrack Obama have consumed
precious time and opportunities for change but failed miserably on matters of
principles and practices to ensure the security of global humanity and
peacemaking. Aggression and war in one part of the globe gives tormenting pains
and affects all in the living Universe. One wonders, if there is a cure to a
cruel mindset? But absolute political
power cannot be justified as simple favorable perversion to torture, kill the
innocent mankind and destroy the universal harmony and natural habitats on
Earth. Ross Caputi (“Unthinkable
Thoughts in the Debate About ISIS in Iraq.” Common Dreams: 6/15/2014) contributes
a logical foresight for NATO and the US belligerency re-enacting war in
far fetched lands:
“These fractured communities within Iraq must decide their own future, without the
interference of Washington or Tehran. Most importantly for us, as
Americans, we must make an effort to analyze this issue outside of the paradigm
of US
political thought and try to see this issue through the eyes of those most
affected by it. We must respect their ideas and values, their politics and
culture, and their right to determine their own future, unimpeded by foreign
(Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja
specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen
interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and
author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and
Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert
Publishing Germany,
May 2012)