"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Article for Publication

January 27th, 2008

Suicide Bombers & Shahadat


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)



There is no denying the fact that suicide is not permitted in Islam. Some even say that  the Namaz e Janaza of the person committing suicide cannot be held. The holy  Qura'n is very clear about the killing of the innocent persons and decrees  killing of one innocent person equal to the killing of the entire humanity.  Then, in spite of such clear injunctions, it is matter of great concern for us all, how is a breed of the suicide bombers being nurtured in the name of Islam?  Has it to do something with the concept of shahadat?  Apparently it looks so.


A friend travelling from Pindi to Peshawar by bus had this horrific tale to tell. A somewhat over clad young man of about seventeen on boarding the bus went to the driver and showing him something under his woollen shawl talked to him in a rather conspiratorial manner. He then sat next to my friend behind the driver seat and the bus rolled on. The young man remained quiet and uncommunicative mostly with eyes closed all along till the bus reached Peshawar.  Before alighting he again went to the driver, shook him by the hand and whispered something to him. The moment he got down the bus the driver shrieked hysterically and shouted to the passengers that the boy was wearing a suicide jacket and had instructed him to run the bus into any military vehicle that came their way. As they had not come across any such vehicle the boy had now felt sorry for the driver that how unlucky they both had been to have not been able to  embrace shahadat and go to Jannat where the Holy Prophet (SAW) himself had been waiting in person to embrace and welcome them!. 


Such naive young men are being prepared for such the  "˜shahadat' in a very well planned manner. Great care is taken in their initial selection and then they are brain washed in a professional psychological manner. Even given psychopathic drugs to help them accept and assimilate the beliefs readily. Recently a new dimension has been added to this indoctrination. That is; to convince them of their attaining the shahadat not only for themselves, but also for all those whom they will kill in the process. For, they will all be also shaheed. What could be more rewarding for a young man that he will be able to open the gates of the paradise for others also. Such belief that he will be instrumental in securing shahadat for many others along with his own shahadat makes them still more resolute in their conviction. "How lucky would they all be "“ like the driver in this case "“ who will also be blessed with the shahadat through him?", could be a great motivating thought process for anyone.


This kind of indoctrination is not new in the annals of our (Islamic) history. Hiring of the paid assassins had been an old trade. However, Hassan bin Sabah in the later part of the 11th century, introduced it as an organised institution. But first a little about Hasan-i Sabah.  There is a popular legend about the three classmates of Neshapur University of olden Iran. In a spirit of healthy competition each of them "“ Hassan i-Sabah, Omer Khyam and Nizam al"“Mulk resolved to outdo the other two in his achievements in life. There was also a pact amongst the three: whoever was the favoured of fortune would, in turn, help the other two. Nizam al-Mulk rose to a position of prominence in the court of the Turks who then ruled those areas. He got Omar Khayyám, who had by them also made a name in mathematics, poetry and astrology, appointed as court poet and mathematician. Hassan too was granted an office of the Intelligence Chief in the court but soon began eyeing and aiming at the post  held by Nizam al-Mulk. Getting a whiff of Hassan's ambition, Nizam al-Mulk engineered his banishment from the state. During the days of his extradition once the boat he was travelling in got caught in a severe sea storm. Everyone including the sailors feared of their lives, except Hassan who calmly and composedly assured all that he had received the divine revelation that no harm would come to the them. As luck would have it his gamble worked and the storm subsided after a while. As the boat ran ashore safely and no sooner the passenger alighted, they all were at Hassan's feet revering him to be the most divine person. Soon he had a great following of the faithful whom he indoctrinated in a particular mystic philosophy. He bought the fort of Alamut (Castle of Death), a mountain fortress located in central Elburz mountains, south of the Caspian Sea, Iran, from where he controlled his terrorising operations against  the state and the rich. He would demand gold and silver from the rich and noble and anyone not obliging was put to death. His highly indoctrinated killer followers would leave a dagger inscribed with the court of arm  of Hassan in the chest of the victim as a signature mark of Hassan bin Sabah's doing. From this point on his community and its branches spread throughout Iran and Syria and came to be called Hashashins - an Islamic mystery cult. The English word assassin is derived from Hashashins or Assassins.


The legends abound as to the tactics used to induct members into his quasi-religious political organization. A future assassin was subjected to rites very similar to those of other mystery cults in which the subject was made to believe that he was in imminent danger of death. But the twist of the assassins was that they drugged the person to simulate a "dying" to later have them awaken in a garden flowing with wine and served a sumptuous feast by virgins. The supplicant was then convinced he was in Heaven and that Sabbah was a representative of the divinity and that all of his orders should be followed, even to death.


Other accounts of the indoctrination attest that the future assassins were brought to Alamut at a young age and, while they matured, inhabited the aforementioned paradisiacal gardens and were kept drugged with hashish; while Hassan occupied the gardens as a divine emissary. At a certain point of the initiation the drug was withdrawn from them, and they were removed from the gardens and flung into a dungeon. There they were informed that, if they wished to return to the paradise they had so recently enjoyed it would be at Sabbah's discretion, and that they must, therefore, follow his directions exactly, up to and including murder and self-sacrifice.  (source Wikipedia)


That was the modes operandi ten centuries ago. The world has advanced much since then.  Now is the age of audio/video teaching aids, mobile and radio communications, explosives and remote detonations, psychopathic drugs and tranquilizers to keep the naive perpetrator remarkably calm, cool and fearlessness under the extreme trying conditions. As a final product he is groomed into a young pious, devout and determined man with a mission, who has no ambiguity of any kind about his being a shaheed after his death and go straight to Jannat. Similarly he knows that all those killed in the blast will also be called and remembered as shuhada by all those mourning their demise. When shahadat is all around, so abundantly and that easily, what can stop him for attaining it?


We, as a nation too, subscribe unwittingly to strengthen their such precepts by declaring every one who dies in such an attack a shaheed. A case in point is the recent BB's death, whose followers for political reasons insist upon her being called a shaheed.  God alone knows who is a shaheed and who is not, but we do add to the wrongly held conviction of the suicide bomber by calling every one shaheed that he killed. Should we, therefore, not confine the use of word shaheed and shahadat only for those who lay their life in the way of Allah (SWT) only?  This could make the suicidal bombers have a second thought about his mission "“ who knows.

  • End

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

30, Westridge-1

Rawalpindi 46000

Tel: (051546 3344)

 Reply:   Fatwas in Favor of Suicide Bom
Replied by(TheVoice) Replied on (28/Jan/2008)

Everyone, here are some Fatwas against Militancy, Suicide Bombings, and Radical Thinking given by the Grand Muftis of Islam and Masjid Al-Haram, not by Some Taliban or Al-Qaeda Terrorist that Noman follows.

 Reply:   You will be wondering by knowi
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (28/Jan/2008)

there are many fatwas in favor suicide attacks.
Can you please tell me If Australia can visit srilanka then why not Pakistan, it is not because of terrorism it is because of impotency of our department and government. Do you know musharraf is the first on who arrested and handed over diplomat to US (Mulla Zaeef), do you know Musharraf is the one, who got into accord with Talibaan for release of 300 soldiers and betrayed. Do you know how many journalist had been killed and kidnapped in Musharraf era.
Why you are not asking about the fatwa regarding bombing Mosques, killing innocent families by bombardment.
MR NRQazi, if you really want peace then you should first try to kill the reason, you should first try to find out what are the reasons which makes a person suicide attackers.
I can bet you and Talibaan has issued statement many times, that if Musharraf's Army stop Acton against us and implement shariah in our area we will lay down our weapons. have you ever thought when solution is so simple then why the hell is not doing this.
Is sharia haram in Islam?
Why Musharraf didn't let NWFP assembly to implement hasba bill in NWFP.
Musharraf's anti Islamic policies are the only reason of such incident in Pakistan.
Just to remain in power he destroyed whole country.
Mulooon Musharraf Murda baad
 Reply:   Can Someone issue a FATWA ple
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (28/Jan/2008)

Dear Author
Thank you for enlightening us with these thoughts. I have always wondered why can't prominent Muslim clerics issue fatwas against suicidal killings, against killing of unarmed civilians, against kiling/ kidnapping of journalists, sportmen & diplomats...where is Islam is all this allowed. Can't we see that no one wants to visit pakistan even as a sportsman (case in point australian cricket team visit controversy)..what are we getting from this sad fame. Nobody is doing any service to cause of Islam or Pakistan. We don't have any technological skills / infrastructure and our only hope is that foreign specialists come over and do our projects of dams, roads, bridges etc. otherwise we ourselves are only capable of doing what happened to Northern bypass. So why can't all scholars of all religious schools of thought issue a unanimous fatwa against suicide killings and against killings of innocent civilians, journalists, sportemen, diplomats etc..
 Reply:   Suicide or Shahada b
Replied by(Shagufta) Replied on (27/Jan/2008)

The person who causes the death of any other human being is ofcourse a killer he cannot be called a shaheed, but i dont agree with your oppinion that a person who is killed without any reason being a muslim we believe that a person died due to some accident is also a shaheed ,this is something else that he gets the lower grade of shahadat. In case of Bibi Shaheed she was working for the nation like an army man but there was one difference and that was ,the army men fight as a duty and get salary then why they are called shaheed and get tamghey and allowances and undue privilliges for that duty. I think the term should be changed for them also.Because muslim's enemies also die Haram maut and Muslims will go in Jannat like Bibi. shagufta
 Reply:   A good article written but you
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (27/Jan/2008)
Please watch this video Mr Riaz, in which
George Galloway has spoken out in support of Lebanon, saying he believes Hizbollah is justified in attacking Israel. The Respect MP also lambasted media coverage of the war and said the UN resolution means nothing
similarly there are many westren writers who says suicide bombing by Palestine and Iraqi people is justified as well.
please note Here i am not justifying the suicide attacks on civilians or on innocents, but s may be you are aware that all renowned muslim scholars has issued fatwas that suicide attacking can be discussed as part of strategy in war.
Will you tell us in 1965, may Pakistani soldiers laid down under Indian tanks with bombs around them, was that shadat or suicide?
The discussion you have started is very vast, and intense.
We should look into motives as well.
The muslim Pakistani soldiers who bombed LAL Masjid, who killed innocent children in bajour etc are brain washed as well, what you say about that.
Please think, Saddam got hanged because he killed INNOCENT 150+ shias, who were involved in conspiracies against him. His hanging which means the act committed by him and those who implemented that was wrong, dont you think then the acts committing by our army are wrong as well.
Suicide bombing is like last resort, and to prevent this we should stop the reasoning which is spreading this.
Before 9/11 suicide bombing was only in Palestine and almost every muslim of the world and many non-Muslims were backing them as well.
But after 9/11 this act spreads to the world, so picture is quite clear, the way America acted (not reacted as there was nothing done by Muslims which needs such reaction by them as 9/11 was done by themselves) Muslims left were with no option.
Baitullh mehsud and talibaan has issued their statement many time that dont attack us, leave our land, which is by our constitution is the right of tribal areas, we will stop attacking you (Pak Army).
But instead f listening to them, we are still using our force.
Eve in your article it is clearly written the target was Army, not civilian.
Which means, who ever is doing this, thinks he is fighting war with army.
So we should kill the reason not people as people will keep on coming, previously it was so-called Osama then Zahravi then Mullah Omar and now Mehsood....

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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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